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Dynamo on Linux, Mac

Peter Boyer edited this page Apr 28, 2015 · 16 revisions

Dynamo's core can be built and run on OS X and Linux using the Mono runtime. Not all parts of Dynamo are cross-platform - notably Dynamo's WPF UI can not be run on OS X or Linux. @pboyer is the primary developer contact for cross-platform usage of Dynamo.

Getting started

Installing mono

Mono is required to build and run Dynamo on non-windows platforms. The current version of Mono we're using is Mono JIT compiler version 3.2.8. Newer versions should work as well.

Installing Mono on Ubuntu
# sudo apt-get install mono-complete
Installing Mono on OS X

Install homebrew from

# brew install mono

Building Dynamo

On any platform:

# xbuild /p:Configuration=Release src/Dynamo.Mono.sln

This builds Dynamo and delivers the dll's to {RepoRoot}/bin/AnyCPU/{Configuration}/. Omitting the /p:Configuration=Release flag will cause Dynamo to be built in Debug.

Making a simple project referencing DynamoCore

Once you've built Dynamo, make a file called Program.cs and put this inside:

using System;
using Dynamo.Models;

public class Program {
  public static void Main(){
    // create a default instance of Dynamo
    var model = DynamoModel.Start();

    // print the current version of Dynamo
    Console.WriteLine( model.Version );

From the command line:

# mcs -r:DynamoCore.dll Program.cs

With the Dynamo dll's in the same directory as Program.exe, use mono to run the executable:

# mono Program.exe
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