Gather account information from Twitter accounts.
## List of accounts to monitor.
accounts = [
## Twitter API consumer key.
# consumer_key = ""
## Twitter API consumer secret.
# consumer_secret = ""
## Twitter API access token.
# access_token = ""
## Twitter API access token secret.
# access_token_secret = ""
- twitter_account
- tags:
- id - The ID of the account
- screen_name - The screen name
- fields:
- favourites (int)
- followers (int)
- friends (int)
- statuses (int64)
- tags:
twitter_account,id=1967601206,screen_name=InfluxDB followers=16688i,friends=4235i,statuses=11209i,favourites=7542i 1575008500000000000
twitter_account,id=783214,screen_name=Twitter favourites=6353i,followers=56766065i,friends=102i,statuses=12423i 1575008500000000000