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SparkApplication API

The Kubernetes Operator for Apache Spark uses CustomResourceDefinitions named SparkApplication and ScheduledSparkApplication for specifying one-time Spark applications and Spark applications that are supposed to run on a standard cron schedule. Similarly to other kinds of Kubernetes resources, they consist of a specification in a Spec field and a Status field. The definitions are organized in the following structure. The v1beta2 version of the API definition is implemented here.

|__ ScheduledSparkApplicationSpec
    |__ SparkApplication
|__ ScheduledSparkApplicationStatus

|__ SparkApplicationSpec
    |__ DriverSpec
        |__ SparkPodSpec
    |__ ExecutorSpec
        |__ SparkPodSpec
    |__ Dependencies
    |__ MonitoringSpec
        |__ PrometheusSpec
|__ SparkApplicationStatus
    |__ DriverInfo    

API Definition


A SparkApplicationSpec has the following top-level fields:

Field Spark configuration property or spark-submit option Note
Type N/A The type of the Spark application. Valid values are Java, Scala, Python, and R.
PythonVersion spark.kubernetes.pyspark.pythonVersion This sets the major Python version of the docker image used to run the driver and executor containers. Can either be 2 or 3, default 2.
Mode --mode Spark deployment mode. Valid values are cluster and client.
Image spark.kubernetes.container.image Unified container image for the driver, executor, and init-container.
InitContainerImage spark.kubernetes.initContainer.image Custom init-container image.
ImagePullPolicy spark.kubernetes.container.image.pullPolicy Container image pull policy.
ImagePullSecrets spark.kubernetes.container.image.pullSecrets Container image pull secrets.
MainClass --class Main application class to run.
MainApplicationFile N/A Main application file, e.g., a bundled jar containing the main class and its dependencies.
Arguments N/A List of application arguments.
SparkConf N/A A map of extra Spark configuration properties.
HadoopConf N/A A map of Hadoop configuration properties. The operator will add the prefix spark.hadoop. to the properties when adding it through the --conf option.
SparkConfigMap N/A Name of a Kubernetes ConfigMap carrying Spark configuration files, e.g., The controller sets the environment variable SPARK_CONF_DIR to where the ConfigMap is mounted.
HadoopConfigMap N/A Name of a Kubernetes ConfigMap carrying Hadoop configuration files, e.g., core-site.xml. The controller sets the environment variable HADOOP_CONF_DIR to where the ConfigMap is mounted.
Volumes N/A List of Kubernetes volumes the driver and executors need collectively.
Driver N/A A DriverSpec field.
Executor N/A An ExecutorSpec field.
Deps N/A A Dependencies field.
RestartPolicy N/A The policy regarding if and in which conditions the controller should restart a terminated application.
NodeSelector spark.kubernetes.node.selector.[labelKey] Node selector of the driver pod and executor pods, with key labelKey and value as the label's value.
MemoryOverheadFactor spark.kubernetes.memoryOverheadFactor This sets the Memory Overhead Factor that will allocate memory to non-JVM memory. For JVM-based jobs this value will default to 0.10, for non-JVM jobs 0.40. Value of this field will be overridden by Spec.Driver.MemoryOverhead and Spec.Executor.MemoryOverhead if they are set.
Monitoring N/A This specifies how monitoring of the Spark application should be handled, e.g., how driver and executor metrics are to be exposed. Currently only exposing metrics to Prometheus is supported.


A DriverSpec embeds a SparkPodSpec and additionally has the following fields:

Field Spark configuration property or spark-submit option Note
PodName Name of the driver pod.
ServiceAccount spark.kubernetes.authenticate.driver.serviceAccountName Name of the Kubernetes service account to use for the driver pod.


Similarly to the DriverSpec, an ExecutorSpec also embeds a a SparkPodSpec and additionally has the following fields:

Field Spark configuration property or spark-submit option Note
Instances spark.executor.instances Number of executor instances to request for.
CoreRequest spark.kubernetes.executor.request.cores Physical CPU request for the executors.


A SparkPodSpec defines common attributes of a driver or executor pod, summarized in the following table.

Field Spark configuration property or spark-submit option Note
Cores spark.driver.cores or spark.executor.cores Number of CPU cores for the driver or executor pod.
CoreLimit spark.kubernetes.driver.limit.cores or spark.kubernetes.executor.limit.cores Hard limit on the number of CPU cores for the driver or executor pod.
Memory spark.driver.memory or spark.executor.memory Amount of memory to request for the driver or executor pod.
MemoryOverhead spark.driver.memoryOverhead or spark.executor.memoryOverhead Amount of off-heap memory to allocate for the driver or executor pod in cluster mode, in MiB unless otherwise specified.
Image spark.kubernetes.driver.container.image or spark.kubernetes.executor.container.image Custom container image for the driver or executor.
ConfigMaps N/A A map of Kubernetes ConfigMaps to mount into the driver or executor pod. Keys are ConfigMap names and values are mount paths.
Secrets spark.kubernetes.driver.secrets.[SecretName] or spark.kubernetes.executor.secrets.[SecretName] A map of Kubernetes secrets to mount into the driver or executor pod. Keys are secret names and values specify the mount paths and secret types.
EnvVars spark.kubernetes.driverEnv.[EnvironmentVariableName] or spark.executorEnv.[EnvironmentVariableName] A map of environment variables to add to the driver or executor pod. Keys are variable names and values are variable values.
EnvSecretKeyRefs spark.kubernetes.driver.secretKeyRef.[EnvironmentVariableName] or spark.kubernetes.executor.secretKeyRef.[EnvironmentVariableName] A map of environment variables to SecretKeyRefs. Keys are variable names and values are pairs of a secret name and a secret key.
Labels spark.kubernetes.driver.label.[LabelName] or spark.kubernetes.executor.label.[LabelName] A map of Kubernetes labels to add to the driver or executor pod. Keys are label names and values are label values.
Annotations spark.kubernetes.driver.annotation.[AnnotationName] or spark.kubernetes.executor.annotation.[AnnotationName] A map of Kubernetes annotations to add to the driver or executor pod. Keys are annotation names and values are annotation values.
VolumeMounts N/A List of Kubernetes volume mounts for volumes that should be mounted to the pod.
Tolerations N/A List of Kubernetes tolerations that should be applied to the pod.


A Dependencies specifies the various types of dependencies of a Spark application in a central place.

Field Spark configuration property or spark-submit option Note
Jars spark.jars or --jars List of jars the application depends on.
Files spark.files or --files List of files the application depends on.


A MonitoringSpec specifies how monitoring of the Spark application should be handled, e.g., how driver and executor metrics are to be exposed. Currently only exposing metrics to Prometheus is supported.

Field Spark configuration property or spark-submit option Note
ExposeDriverMetrics N/A This specifies if driver metrics should be exposed. Defaults to false.
ExposeExecutorMetrics N/A This specifies if executor metrics should be exposed. Defaults to false.
MetricsProperties N/A If specified, this contains the content of a custom that configures the Spark metrics system. Otherwise, the content of spark-docker/conf/ will be used.
PrometheusSpec N/A If specified, this configures how metrics are exposed to Prometheus.


A PrometheusSpec configures how metrics are exposed to Prometheus.

Field Spark configuration property or spark-submit option Note
JmxExporterJar N/A This specifies the path to the Prometheus JMX exporter jar.
Port N/A If specified, the value will be used in the Java agent configuration for the Prometheus JMX exporter. The Java agent gets bound to the specified port if specified or 8090 otherwise by default.
ConfigFile N/A This specifies the full path of the Prometheus configuration file in the Spark image. If specified, it will override the default configurations and take precedence over Configuration shown below.
Configuration N/A If specified, this contains the contents of a custom Prometheus configuration used by the Prometheus JMX exporter. Otherwise, the contents of spark-docker/conf/prometheus.yaml will be used, unless ConfigFile is specified.


A SparkApplicationStatus captures the status of a Spark application including the state of every executors.

Field Note
AppID A randomly generated ID used to group all Kubernetes resources of an application.
LastSubmissionAttemptTime Time for the last application submission attempt.
CompletionTime Time the application completes (if it does).
DriverInfo A DriverInfo field.
AppState Current state of the application.
ExecutorState A map of executor pod names to executor state.
ExecutionAttempts The number of attempts made for an application.
SubmissionAttempts The number of submission attempts made for an application.


A DriverInfo captures information about the driver pod and the Spark web UI running in the driver.

Field Note
WebUIServiceName Name of the service for the Spark web UI.
WebUIPort Port on which the Spark web UI runs on the Node.
WebUIAddress Address to access the web UI from within the cluster.
WebUIIngressName Name of the ingress for the Spark web UI.
WebUIIngressAddress Address to access the web UI via the Ingress.
PodName Name of the driver pod.


A ScheduledSparkApplicationSpec has the following top-level fields:

Field Optional Default Note
Schedule No N/A The cron schedule on which the application should run.
Template No N/A A template from which SparkApplication instances of scheduled runs of the application can be created.
Suspend Yes false A flag telling the controller to suspend subsequent runs of the application if set to true.
ConcurrencyPolicy Allow Yes the policy governing concurrent runs of the application. Valid values are Allow, Forbid, and Replace
SuccessfulRunHistoryLimit Yes 1 The number of past successful runs of the application to keep track of.
FailedRunHistoryLimit Yes 1 The number of past failed runs of the application to keep track of.


A ScheduledSparkApplicationStatus captures the status of a Spark application including the state of every executors.

Field Note
LastRun The time when the last run of the application started.
NextRun The time when the next run of the application is estimated to start.
PastSuccessfulRunNames The names of SparkApplication objects of past successful runs of the application. The maximum number of names to keep track of is controlled by SuccessfulRunHistoryLimit.
PastFailedRunNames The names of SparkApplication objects of past failed runs of the application. The maximum number of names to keep track of is controlled by FailedRunHistoryLimit.
ScheduleState The current scheduling state of the application. Valid values are FailedValidation and Scheduled.
Reason Human readable message on why the ScheduledSparkApplication is in the particular ScheduleState.