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ADR 006: Light Client Refactor


  • 2020-03-15: Initial draft
  • 2020-03-23: New decomposition
  • 2020-05-18: Concurrency
  • 2020-06-26: Handle Abstraction


The light client protocol provides a method for verifying application state without the execution of all preceding transactions. The protocol for the light client is described in English while the rust implementation is described in ADR-002. This ADR outlines the next iteration of the light client implementation in rust in which outlines the runtime and concurrency concerns.

The basis for this work comes from the learnings of the Reactor Experiments as well as the Blockchain Reactor Refactor. The key take aways from that work are:

  1. Separate concerns into independently verifiable (by humans as well as computers) components.
  2. Deterministic functions wherever possible
  3. Use events to index parameters of component function executions to maintain alignment between specs and implementations.


The LightClient will be refactored to coordinate interactions with multiple peers. Two abstractions will be introduced; Instance representing API for interacting with a single Peer and Supervisor, which provides an API for interacting with a set of peers known as a PeerList. The PeerList will have a single peer as the Primary and multiple Peers available as Secondaries.

Each LightClient Instance will be configured to perform the light client protocol against a single peer. The Instance will be decomposed into independently verifiable components for:

* IO: Fetching LightBlocks from the peer
* Verifier: Verifying a LightBlock based on a TrustedState
* Scheduler: Schedule the next block based on the last TrustedState
* Clock: Provide the current time

In addition, cryptographic operations are also decomposed into three "sub-components":

* Hasher: For hashing headers
* CommitValidator: For validating commit integrity
* VotingPowerCalculator: For tallying the voting power of a validator set in a commit and verifying signatures

Each component and operation will be represented as a trait allowing mock replacements to be used during integration testing.

The Supervisor will:

  • Manage the lifecycle of Instances
  • Coordinate the execution of the fork detection protocol
  • Publishing evidence to peers


The goal is to allow the light client to be accessible from multiple components running in different threads. One component will be the RPC server which will allow external parties to interact with an internal light client. Another immediate need is for the relayer to be able to fetch the latest trusted state verified by the light client in order to relay IBC messages.

What we need is a component facade which exposes an interface that provides synchronous interactions and can be mocked out during testing. That interface should be free of serialization concerns for the user. Under the hood, that facade should be facilitating interactions boundaries allowing components to operate freely and safely in distinct threads or runtime.

fn main() {
    let mut light_client = Supervisor::new();

    // Get a handle specifically for the relayer
    let relayer_light_client = light_client.handle();

    let relayer = Relayer::new(light_client);

    // Run (consume Supervisor);

For lack of better naming we call this abstraction "Handle". The Supervisor outlined above is executed by running in it's own thread. But before doing so, it spawns a Handle. The Handle is clonable and can be given to any component who wants safe, serialized access to the Supervisor.

The implementation is a simple abstraction which facilitates communication over channels. Events send across a channel include a callback. This callback abstraction allows the outer handle to expose a synchronous operation event if the delegation is inherently asynchronous. Delegating at this level opens the door to exposing synchronous interaction to thread pools and allowing components to handle their concurrency optimization internally without burdening the component user.

pub struct Handle {
    sender: channel::Sender<Event>,
impl Handle {
    pub fn verify_to_target(&mut self, height: Height) -> Result<Header, &'static str> {
        let (sender, receiver) = channel::bounded::<Event>(1);
        let callback = Callback::new(move |result| {
            let event = match result {
                Ok(header) => {
                Err(err) => {

        self.sender.send(Event::VerifyToTarget(height, callback)).unwrap();

        match receiver.recv().unwrap() {
            Event::Verified(header) => {
                return Ok(header);
            Event::FailedVerification() => {
                return Err("too bar");
            _ => {
                return Err("that was unexpected");


// Supervisor
pub struct Supervisor {
    sender: channel::Sender<Event>,
    receiver: channel::Receiver<Event>,

impl Supervisor {
    pub fn handle(&mut self) -> Handle {
        let sender = self.sender.clone();

        return Handle::new(sender);
    pub fn run(mut self) {
        thread::spawn(move || {
            loop {
                let event = self.receiver.recv().unwrap();
                match event {
                    Event::Terminate(sender) => {
                        println!("Terminating light client");
                    Event::VerifyToTarget(height, callback) => {
                        let outcome = self.verify_to_target(height);
                    _ => {
                        // NoOp?





  • Better Isolation of Concerns
  • Deterministic Testing of the composition of components.
  • Clear and easy to specify/verify concurrency model
  • Components control their concurrency and can be locally optimized for bottlenecks while still exposing synchronous interfaces.


