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Sasha Bogicevic edited this page Sep 6, 2024 · 662 revisions

This page records a log of the team’s work, thinking, discussions, pains, joys, events, and experiences that happen on a daily basis. It’s supposed to be a kind of Stream of consciousness that can later be searched, analyzed, reviewed in more formal retrospectives.


  • Log days in reverse chronological order, recent first
  • When stream is getting to big, such that github refuses to render do the following:
    • extract biggest logical section (half year or quarter) out of this into a correspondingly named or page
    • update links on top of this page to make it easier to navigate
    • try to fix all links in the wiki at least
    • notify the team
  • Move (and link) recurring sections to relevant dedicated pages, currently:
    • Graveyard for archiving part of Miro board, or actually anything else
    • Retrospectives for retrospective meetings' minutes

Latest entries

To reduce broken links, we started using half-yearly logbooks right away:

👉 Start here 👈

Monthly index

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