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Artifact Generator Demo

The Artifact Generator is a tool to generate deployable source-code artifacts for various programming languages, that provide convenient access to the terms from Linked Data vocabularies (and optionally the meta-data associated with those terms).

Here we'll demonstrate generating and using a vocabulary artifact with JavaScript, generated from a demo Pet Rock vocabulary.

Quick Setup

  • Run npm ci in this demo folder.
  • Run:
    npx @inrupt/artifact-generator generate --vocabListFile ./Vocab/sample-vocab-bundle.yml --noPrompt --force
  • Run node index.js and ...
  • should see a set of self-explanatory questions and answers output to the console.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

The easiest way to get started is with the Command-Line Interface (CLI), which will generate JavaScript using defaults.

  • We start with a local RDF vocabulary: PetRock.ttl.
  • Generate JavaScript artifact from this vocabulary:
    • Using the command-line options:
      • --noPrompt no interactive prompting (we're happy with defaults).
      • --clearOutputDirectory, or '-c' to clear out the target output directory (in case we ran the Quick Setup steps above). Generally we very rarely need to use this option, but here it's just to ensure we start these instructions with a clear output directory!).
      • --force, or '-f' to ensure re-generation with each example.
      • '--reportBestPracticeCompliance', or '--bp': for each vocabulary, add a report on its compliance to the Inrupt vocabulary Best Practice guidelines (added to the file's comment header)
npx @inrupt/artifact-generator generate --inputResources ./vocab/PetRock.ttl --noPrompt --force --clearOutputDirectory
  • See the generated code in ./Generated.
  • See our ./package.json - which depends on the local generated folder as my-generated-vocab.
  • Run node src/index.js.

Options for running the Artifact Generator

If we want more options for running the Artifact Generator (beyond using npx), see the Quick Start section of the main README.

YAML example

  • If you want generation for other, or multiple, programming languages, or non-default templates/options, you'll need a YAML configuration file.
  • Example YAML file ./Vocab/sample-vocab-bundle.yml:
    • Generates both Java and JavaScript artifacts.
    • Bundles a real remote vocab with our local Pet Rock vocab (in this case the W3C standard Time vocabulary that defines (as of mid-2022) 20 Classes and 61 Properties related to 'time').
    • We also show an example of using an Inrupt-defined extension resource to cherry-pick popular terms from the vocabulary (which contains (as of mid-2022) about 2,500 terms), and that also extends those chosen terms with translations of their labels and comments into multiple other languages (e.g., French, Spanish, German, etc.).
npx @inrupt/artifact-generator generate --vocabListFile ./Vocab/sample-vocab-bundle.yml --noPrompt --force
  • See the newly generated Java folder, and extra source-code files for the new remote vocab (W3C's Time), and our cherry-picked terms, as choosen by Inrupt.

Watcher mode

  • We can also run the Artifact Generator in a Watcher mode, using the watch command to trigger real-time regeneration of local vocab source-code files:
npx @inrupt/artifact-generator watch --vocabListFile ./Vocab/sample-vocab-bundle.yml --noPrompt --force
  • Change something, e.g., add how very expensive Pet Rocks have become!
  • The Watcher will automatically detect the vocabulary file change...
  • node src/index.js, or see real-time updates in your IDE!

Generate HTML documentation

If you have the open-source Java tool Widoco installed locally, we can use it here by simply adding the --runWidoco command line option to ask the Artifact Generator to automatically generate HTML documentation for each of the vocabularies we specified:

npx @inrupt/artifact-generator generate --inputResources ./vocab/PetRock.ttl --noPrompt --runWidoco --force

Browse to ./Generated/Widoco/PetRock/index-en.html to see the generated documentation for the Pet Rock vocbaulary (in both English and Spanish), and ./Generated/Widoco/time/index-en.html to see the generated documentation for the W3C's Time vocabulary (which also just happens to provide term metadata in English and Spanish).

Note: The Artifact Generator doesn't yet support generation using Widoco for vocabularies built from multiple input resources, or when using term selection resources (as in both cases we first need to write the 'augmented' vocabulary to a local Linked Data resource (such as a local Turtle file), so that Widoco can pick that temporary file up), so we don't yet expect to see any Widoco output for our Inrupt-chosen terms.