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Protocols and Capture Native Python

A major motivator for blqs was to be able to write normal python code, and then to be able to capture the intent of this code in an object describing this code. Unfortunately Python does not allow for overriding things like if or for statements, and thus, well, thus blqs.

As described in concepts, blqs uses protocols to determine when it should capture a python statement or to interpret it as normal python code. Here we describe the supported statements and the protocols that they use.

If Statements

If statements are captured into blqs statements if the condition in the if statement implements the is readable protocol and this protocol returns True. An example of such an object is a blqs.Register (in its default configuration). The protocol itself has the follow structure:

class SupportsIsReadable(Protocol):
    """A protocol for objects that are readable."""

    def _is_readable_(self) -> bool:
        """Returns whether the object is readable."""

When the conditional part of an if statement implements the _is_readable_ method, then blqs captures the code in the conditional code for this statement in a blqs.If statement. In particular, it captures the portion which is true for the conditional in the if_block method and the portion which is false for the conditional in the else_block method. See the example below.

Note that python also contains an elif statement. These are treated just as they are in python, as an if statement inside an else statement. A terminal else is then associated with that inner if statement.

If example
def my_program():
    op1 = blqs.Op("A")
    if blqs.Register("a"):

program = my_program()
> prints
> if R(a):
>   A 1
> else:
>   A 2

We see that the build decorator has captured the python native if statement.

for statement in program:
> prints
> <class 'blqs.conditional.If'>

That statement has, in turn, captured the two instructions into an if block and an else block:

if_statement = program[0]
> prints
>   A 1
> prints
>   A 2

For Statements

For statements are captured into blqs statements if the iterator portion of the for statement supports the is iterable protocol. This protocol means that they implement the _is_iterable_ and _loop_vars_ methods. This protocol has the structure:

class SupportsIterable(Protocol):
    """A protocol for objects that are iterable."""

    def _is_iterable_(self) -> bool:
        """Returns whether the object is iterable."""

    def _loop_vars_(self) -> Tuple:
        """Returns the object's loop variables."""

The iterator portion of the for statement is the iter in for targets in iter:. The _is_iterable_ method should return True if the object is iterable, while the _loop_vars_ should return the object that that will be assigned to the targets in the for statement. In other words the targets in for targets in iter will be assigned the _loop_vars_. When blqs captures the for loop, it stores the results in a blqs.For statement.

A blqs.For statement contains methods for getting the portions of the code that were captured by the blqs build process. The iterator portion itself is captured in the iterable method. One can get the loop variables of this iterator from the loop_vars method. The code inside the for loop is then capture into a loop_block method.

Finally, a little used portion of python is a for else clause statement, like

found = None
for x in my_list:
    if my_list % 4 == 0:
        found = x
    raise NoFoundException()

The else portion of this code only executes in python if the for loop executes to exhaustion. If it hits the break, it does not execute. Blqs will capture the else block in an else_block.

For example

op = blqs.Op("A")
def my_program():
    for x in blqs.Iterable("range(5)", blqs.Register("a")):

program = my_program()
> prints
> for R(a) in range(5):
>   A R(a)
> else:
>   A 1

We see that the build decorator has captured a single blqs.For statement

for statement in program:
> prints
> <class 'blqs.loops.For'>

That statement has, in turn, captured the iterable and the for and else blocks

for_statement = program[0]
> prints
>   A R(a)
> prints
>   A 1

Notice how we have used the python x variable which was bound to the _loop_vars_ of the iterable.

While statements

While statements are captured into blqs statements if the condition in the while statement implements the is readable protocol and this protocol returns True. An example of such an object is a blqs.Register (in its default configuration). The explicit protocol is:

class SupportsIsReadable(Protocol):
    """A protocol for objects that are readable."""

    def _is_readable_(self) -> bool:
        """Returns whether the object is readable."""

When the conditional part of an while statement conditional supports the is readable protocol, then blqs captures the code in the conditional code for this statement in a blqs.While statement. In particular, it captures the portion in the while loop and this is accessed via the loop_block of the blqs.While object. The blqs.While also capture the conditional itself, in the conditional method.

In addition, while loops in python can also have an else clause. In python the else portion executes if the while statement terminates without breaking out of the conditional (i.e. by the conditional going false). Blqs will also capture any else statements in blqs.While object and this is accessible via the else_block method.

While example

op = blqs.Op("A")
def my_program():
    while blqs.Register("a"):

program = my_program()
> prints
> while R(a):
>   A 1
> else:
>   A 2

We see that the build decorator has captured a single blqs.While statement

for statement in program:
> prints
> <class 'blqs.loops.While'>

That statement has, in turn, captured the condition, loop, and else blocks

while_statement = program[0]
> prints
> R(a)
> prints
>   A 1
> prints
>   A 2

Notice that the conditional is just an object that is readable. It is very common to have conditionals in while statements that are expressions that evaluate to a Truthy or Falsy value. Because python supports overriding many of the operators used in creating expressions, i.e. >, <, ==, etc., when you encounter this case you should likely use python's overloading to capture these expressions.

Assignment Statements

Assignments can be captured by blqs if the values that are being assigned implement the readable targets protocol or implement the is readable protocol. The readable targets protocol is a class that implements the _readable_targets_ method. This method should return ta tuple of the objects that are readable, This protocol has the structure

class SupportsReadableTargets(Protocol):
    """A protocol for objects that have readable targets."""

    def _readable_targets_(self) -> Tuple:
        """Returns the readable targets of the object."""

The is readable protocol is described above and has objects that implement the _is_readable_ method. When either of these protocols is implemented by the value in a python assign statement, blqs will capture this into an blqs.Assign statement. The assign object captures the names of the variables being assigned. This is accessible vi the assign_names method of the assign object. It also captures the readable targets, and these are accessible via the value method of the object. Note that this supports assigning single variables, but also assigning tuples, i.e. a, b = 1, 2. In addition to the assign statement, the actual variables being assigned to are also correctly assigned with the right-hand side (the readable targets).

Assignment example

op = blqs.Op("A")
def my_program():
    b = blqs.Register("b")

program = my_program()
> prints
> b = R(b)
> A R(b)

Notice how the python variable b is bound to the register object, and can be used later, just as it would in any normal python program. We can see that the decorator has captured the assignment:

for statement in program:
> prints
> <class 'blqs.assignment.Assign'>
> <class 'blqs.instruction.Instruction'>

The blqs.Assign object has captured the target and value of the assignment:

assign_statement = program[0]
> prints
> ('b', )
> prints
> R(b)

One interesting part of blqs is that blqs.Instructions will return targets that are readable when calling _readable_targets_ on the instruction.

meas = blqs.Op("MEAS")
def my_program():
    a = meas(0, blqs.Register("a"))

program = my_program()
> prints
> MEAS 0, R(a)
> a = MEAS 0, R(a)

Notice that it creates two statements, the instruction, and then the assignment. This shorthand can be useful for building instructions with "return values".

Del Statements

Delete statements can be captured in blqs if the variables being deleted corresponds with objects supporting the is deletable protocol. Classes that implement the is deletable protocol implement the method _is_deletable_ and return true. The explicit protocol is

class SupportsIsDeletable(Protocol):
    """A protocol for object that can be deleted."""

    def _is_deletable_(self) -> bool:
        """Returns whether the object is deletable."""

Blqs will capture the variables in a del statement in a blqs.Delete statement. This will capture all objects that support the is deletable protocol, and will delete all the objects that do not. Note that both can exist in a single del statement. When it captures, the variable names that are deleted are captured in the blqs.Delete statement and accessible via the delete_names method.

Del example
def my_program():
    x = blqs.Register("a")
    y = 1
    del x, y

program = my_program()
> prints
> x = R(a)
> del x

Notice that the del of y is not captured, because it is not a is deletable object. When my_program is called, however, y is in fact deleted at the line that executes the del.

We see that the second statement is indeed a blqs.Delete statement

for statement in program:
> prints
> <class 'blqs.assignment.Assign'>
> <class 'blqs.delete.Delete'>

And that it has captured the name of the variable being deleted

del_statement = program[1]
> prints
> ('x', )

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