The Nginx IP2Location module enables user to easily perform client's IP to geographical location lookup by using IP2Location database.
The IP2Location database can be downloaded from (Free) or (Commercial).
Download IP2location C library from
Compile and install IP2Location C library.
Download IP2Location module and decompress the package.
wget unzip rm
Download the latest Nginx source code from
Decompress and go into Nginx source directory.
tar xvfz nginx-x.y.z.tar.gz cd nginx-x.y.z
Re-compile Nginx from source to include this module.
Static Module
./configure --add-module=/absolute/path/to/nginx-ip2location-master make make install
Dynamic Module
./configure --add-dynamic-module=/absolute/path/to/nginx-ip2location-master make make install
Insert the configuration below to your nginx.conf
Syntax : load_module modules/;
Default : -
Context : main
Description : Load IP2Location Nginx module if it was compiled as dynamic.
Syntax : ip2location_database path
Default : none
Context : http
Description : The absolute path to IP2Location BIN database.
Syntax : ip2location_proxy_recursive on|off
Default : off
Context : http
Description : Enable recursive search in the x-forwarded-for headers.
Syntax : ip2location_proxy cidr|address
Default : none
Context : http
Description : Set a list of proxies to translate x-forwarded-for headers for.
http {
ip2location_database /usr/share/ip2location/DB6.BIN;
ip2location_proxy_recursive on;
The following variables will be made available in Nginx:
server {
listen 80 default_server;
root /var/www;
index index.html index.php;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
server_name _;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_pass php-fpm-sock;
fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi.conf;
# Add custom header to view result in HTTP response
add_header X-Country-Code $ip2location_country_short;
add_header X-Country-Name $ip2location_country_long;
fastcgi_param IP2LOCATION_COUNTRY_SHORT $ip2location_country_short;
fastcgi_param IP2LOCATION_COUNTRY_LONG $ip2location_country_long;
fastcgi_param IP2LOCATION_REGION $ip2location_region;
fastcgi_param IP2LOCATION_CITY $ip2location_city;
fastcgi_param IP2LOCATION_ISP $ip2location_isp;
Notes: Restart Nginx and view your server response header to confirm the variables are added.
if ( $ip2location_country_short = 'US' ) {
return 444;
map $ip2location_country_short $blacklist_country {
default no;
AU yes;
IN yes;
NG yes;
server {
if ( $blacklist_country = yes ) {
return 444;
Use the IPv4 BIN file if you just need to query IPv4 addresses.
If you query an IPv6 address using the IPv4 BIN, you'll see the INVALID_IP_ADDRESS error.
Use the IPv6 BIN file if you need to query BOTH IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Please visit us at for services and databases we offer.
For support, please email us at [email protected]