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"Mega EOF Endgame" Specification (EOFv1)

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This unified specification should be used as a guide to understand the various changes the EVM Object Format is proposing. See appendix for the list of EIPs, which stand as the official specification.

While EOF is extensible, in this document we discuss the first version, EOFv1.


EVM bytecode is traditionally an unstructured sequence of instructions. EOF introduces the concept of a container, which brings structure to byte code. The container consists of a header and then several sections.

container := header, body
header := 
    magic, version, 
    kind_types, types_size, 
    kind_code, num_code_sections, code_size+,
    [kind_container, num_container_sections, container_size+,]
    kind_data, data_size,
body := types_section, code_section+, container_section*, data_section
types_section := (inputs, outputs, max_stack_height)+

note: , is a concatenation operator, + should be interpreted as "one or more" of the preceding item, * should be interpreted as "zero or more" of the preceding item, and [item] should be interpeted as an optional item.


name length value description
magic 2 bytes 0xEF00 EOF prefix
version 1 byte 0x01 EOF version
kind_types 1 byte 0x01 kind marker for types size section
types_size 2 bytes 0x0004-0x1000 16-bit unsigned big-endian integer denoting the length of the type section content
kind_code 1 byte 0x02 kind marker for code size section
num_code_sections 2 bytes 0x0001-0x0400 16-bit unsigned big-endian integer denoting the number of the code sections
code_size 2 bytes 0x0001-0xFFFF 16-bit unsigned big-endian integer denoting the length of the code section content
kind_container 1 byte 0x03 kind marker for container size section
num_container_sections 2 bytes 0x0001-0x0100 16-bit unsigned big-endian integer denoting the number of the container sections
container_size 2 bytes 0x0001-0xFFFF 16-bit unsigned big-endian integer denoting the length of the container section content
kind_data 1 byte 0x04 kind marker for data size section
data_size 2 bytes 0x0000-0xFFFF 16-bit unsigned big-endian integer denoting the length of the data section content (for not yet deployed containers this can be more than the actual content, see Data Section Lifecycle)
terminator 1 byte 0x00 marks the end of the header


name length value description
types_section variable n/a stores code section metadata
inputs 1 byte 0x00-0x7F number of stack elements the code section consumes
outputs 1 byte 0x00-0x80 number of stack elements the code section returns or 0x80 for non-returning functions
max_stack_height 2 bytes 0x0000-0x03FF maximum number of elements ever placed onto the stack by the code section, incl. inputs
code_section variable n/a arbitrary sequence of bytes
container_section variable n/a arbitrary sequence of bytes
data_section variable n/a arbitrary sequence of bytes

Data Section Lifecycle

For an EOF container which has not yet been deployed, the data_section is only a portion of the final data_section after deployment. Let's define it as pre_deploy_data_section and as pre_deploy_data_size the data_size declared in that container's header. pre_deploy_data_size >= len(pre_deploy_data_section), which anticipates more data to be appended to the pre_deploy_data_section during the process of deploying.

|                                       |

For a deployed EOF container, the final data_section becomes:

pre_deploy_data_section | static_aux_data | dynamic_aux_data
|                         |             |                  |
|                          \___________aux_data___________/
|                                       |                  |
 \___________pre_deploy_data_size______/                   |
|                                                          |


  • aux_data is the data which is appended to pre_deploy_data_section on RETURNCONTRACT instruction see New Behavior.
  • static_aux_data is a subrange of aux_data, which size is known before RETURNCONTRACT and equals pre_deploy_data_size - len(pre_deploy_data_section).
  • dynamic_aux_data is the remainder of aux_data.

data_size in the deployed container header is also updated to be equal len(data_section).

Summarizing, there are pre_deploy_data_size bytes in the final data section which are guaranteed to exist before the EOF container is deployed and len(dynamic_aux_data) bytes which are known to exist only after. This impacts the validation and behavior of data-section-accessing instructions: DATALOAD, DATALOADN, and DATACOPY, see Code Validation.

Container Validation

On top of the types defined in the table above, the following validity constraints are placed on the container format:

  • minimum valid header size is 15 bytes
  • types_size is divisible by 4
  • the number of code sections must be equal to types_size / 4
  • the total size of a deployed container without container sections must be 13 + 2*num_code_sections + types_size + code_size[0] + ... + code_size[num_code_sections-1] + data_size
  • the total size of a deployed container with at least one container section must be 16 + 2*num_code_sections + types_size + code_size[0] + ... + code_size[num_code_sections-1] + data_size + 2*num_container_sections + container_size[0] + ... + container_size[num_container_sections-1]
  • the total size of not yet deployed container might be up to data_size lower than the above values due to how the data section is rewritten and resized during deployment (see Data Section Lifecycle)
  • the total size of a container must not exceed MAX_INITCODE_SIZE (as defined in EIP-3860)

Execution Semantics

Code executing within an EOF environment will behave differently than legacy code. We can break these differences down into i) changes to existing behavior and ii) introduction of new behavior.

Modified Behavior

  • Execution starts at the first byte of code section 0, and pc is set to 0.
  • pc is scoped to the executing code section
  • The instructions CALL, CALLCODE, DELEGATECALL, STATICCALL, SELFDESTRUCT, JUMP, JUMPI, PC, CREATE, CREATE2, CODESIZE, CODECOPY, EXTCODESIZE, EXTCODECOPY, EXTCODEHASH, GAS are deprecated and rejected by validation in EOF contracts. They are only available in legacy contracts.
  • When executed from a legacy contract, if the target account of EXTCODECOPY is an EOF contract, then it will copy up to 2 bytes from EF00, as if that would be the code.
  • When executed from a legacy contract, if the target account of EXTCODEHASH is an EOF contract, then it will return 0x9dbf3648db8210552e9c4f75c6a1c3057c0ca432043bd648be15fe7be05646f5 (the hash of EF00, as if that would be the code).
  • When executed from a legacy contract, if the target account of EXTCODESIZE is an EOF contract, then it will return 2.
  • The instruction JUMPDEST is renamed to NOP and remains charging 1 gas without any effect.
    • Note: jumpdest-analysis is not performed anymore.
  • EOF contract may not deploy legacy code (it is naturally rejected on the code validation stage)
  • When executed from a legacy contract, if instructions CREATE and CREATE2 have EOF code as initcode (starting with EF00 magic)
    • deployment fails (returns 0 on the stack)
    • caller's nonce is not updated and gas for initcode execution is not consumed
  • RETURNDATACOPY (0x3E) instruction
    • same behavior as legacy, but changes the exceptional halt behavior to zero-padding behavior (same behavior as CALLDATACOPY).

NOTE Like for legacy targets, the aforementioned behavior of EXTCODECOPY, EXTCODEHASH and EXTCODESIZE does not apply to EOF contract targets mid-creation, i.e. those report same as accounts without code.

Creation transactions

Creation transactions (tranactions with empty to), with data containing EOF code (starting with EF00 magic) are interpreted as having a concatenation of EOF initcontainer and calldata in the data and:

  1. intrinsic gas cost rules and limits defined in EIP-3860 for legacy creation transaction apply. The entire data of the transaction is used for these calculations
  2. Find the split of data into initcontainer and calldata:
    • Parse EOF header
    • Find intcontainer size by reading all section sizes from the header and adding them up with the header size to get the full container size.
  3. Validate the initcontainer and all its subcontainers recursively.
    • unlike in general validation initcontainer is additionally required to have data_size declared in the header equal to actual data_section size.
    • validation includes checking that the initcontainer does not contain RETURN or STOP
  4. If EOF header parsing or full container validation fails, transaction is considered valid and failing. Gas for initcode execution is not consumed, only intrinsic creation transaction costs are charged.
  5. calldata part of transaction data that follows initcontainer is treated as calldata to pass into the execution frame
  6. execute the container and deduct gas for execution
    1. Calculate new_address as keccak256(sender || sender_nonce)[12:]
    2. A successful execution ends with initcode executing RETURNCONTRACT{deploy_container_index}(aux_data_offset, aux_data_size) instruction (see below). After that:
      • load deploy-contract from EOF subcontainer at deploy_container_index in the container from which RETURNCONTRACT is executed
      • concatenate data section with (aux_data_offset, aux_data_offset + aux_data_size) memory segment and update data size in the header
      • let deployed_code_size be updated deploy container size
      • if deployed_code_size > MAX_CODE_SIZE instruction exceptionally aborts
      • set state[new_address].code to the updated deploy container
  7. deduct 200 * deployed_code_size gas

NOTE Legacy contract and legacy creation transactions may not deploy EOF code, that is behavior from EIP-3541 is not modified.

New Behavior

The following instructions are introduced in EOF code:

  • RJUMP (0xe0) instruction

    • deduct 2 gas
    • read int16 operand offset, set pc = offset + pc + 3
  • RJUMPI (0xe1) instruction

    • deduct 4 gas
    • pop one value, condition from stack
    • set pc += 3
    • if condition != 0, read int16 operand offset and set pc += offset
  • RJUMPV (0xe2) instruction

    • deduct 4 gas
    • read uint8 operand max_index
    • pop one value, case from stack
    • set pc += 2
    • if case > max_index (out-of-bounds case), fall through and set pc += (max_index + 1) * 2
    • otherwise interpret 2 byte operand at pc + case * 2 as int16, call it offset, and set pc += (max_index + 1) * 2 + offset
  • introduce new vm context variables

    • current_code_idx which stores the actively executing code section index
    • new return_stack which stores the pairs (code_section, pc).
      • when instantiating a vm context, push an initial value to the return stack of (0,0)
  • CALLF (0xe3) instruction

    • deduct 5 gas
    • read uint16 operand idx
    • if 1024 < len(stack) + types[idx].max_stack_height - types[idx].inputs, execution results in an exceptional halt
    • if 1024 <= len(return_stack), execution results in an exceptional halt
    • push new element to return_stack (current_code_idx, pc+3)
    • update current_code_idx to idx and set pc to 0
  • RETF (0xe4) instruction

    • deduct 3 gas
    • pops val from return_stack and sets current_code_idx to val.code_section and pc to val.pc
  • JUMPF (0xe5) instruction

    • deduct 5 gas
    • read uint16 operand idx
    • if 1024 < len(stack) + types[idx].max_stack_height - types[idx].inputs, execution results in an exceptional halt
    • set current_code_idx to idx
    • set pc = 0
  • EOFCREATE (0xec) instruction

    • deduct 32000 gas
    • halt with exceptional failure if the current frame is in static-mode.
    • read uint8 operand initcontainer_index
    • pops value, salt, input_offset, input_size from the stack
    • peform (and charge for) memory expansion using [input_offset, input_size]
    • load initcode EOF subcontainer at initcontainer_index in the container from which EOFCREATE is executed
      • let initcontainer be that EOF container, and initcontainer_size its length in bytes
    • deduct 6 * ((initcontainer_size + 31) // 32) gas (hashing charge)
    • check call depth limit and whether caller balance is enough to transfer value
      • in case of failure returns 0 on the stack, caller's nonce is not updated and gas for initcode execution is not consumed.
    • caller's memory slice [input_offset:input_size] is used as calldata
    • execute the container and deduct gas for execution. The 63/64th rule from EIP-150 applies.
      • increment sender account's nonce
      • calculate new_address as keccak256(0xff || sender || salt || keccak256(initcontainer))[12:]
      • behavior on accessed_addresses and address colission is same as CREATE2 (rules for CREATE2 from EIP-684 and EIP-2929 apply to EOFCREATE)
      • an unsuccesful execution of initcode results in pushing 0 onto the stack
        • can populate returndata if execution REVERTed
      • a successful execution ends with initcode executing RETURNCONTRACT{deploy_container_index}(aux_data_offset, aux_data_size) instruction (see below). After that:
        • load deploy-contract from EOF subcontainer at deploy_container_index in the container from which RETURNCONTRACT is executed
        • concatenate data section with (aux_data_offset, aux_data_offset + aux_data_size) memory segment and update data size in the header
        • let deployed_code_size be updated deploy container size
        • if deployed_code_size > MAX_CODE_SIZE instruction exceptionally aborts
        • set state[new_address].code to the updated deploy container
        • push new_address onto the stack
    • deduct 200 * deployed_code_size gas
  • RETURNCONTRACT (0xee) instruction

    • loads uint8 immediate deploy_container_index
    • pops two values from the stack: aux_data_offset, aux_data_size referring to memory section that will be appended to deployed container's data
    • cost 0 gas + possible memory expansion for aux data
    • ends initcode frame execution and returns control to EOFCREATE caller frame (unless called in the topmost frame of a creation transaction).
    • deploy_container_index and aux_data are used to construct deployed contract (see above)
    • instruction exceptionally aborts if after the appending, data section size would overflow the maximum data section size or underflow (i.e. be less than data section size declared in the header)
  • DATALOAD (0xd0) instruction

    • deduct 4 gas
    • pop one value, offset, from the stack
    • read [offset, offset+32] from the data section of the active container and push the value to the stack
    • pad with 0s if reading out of data bounds
  • DATALOADN (0xd1) instruction

    • deduct 3 gas
    • like DATALOAD, but takes the offset as a 16-bit immediate value and not from the stack
  • DATASIZE (0xd2) instruction

    • deduct 2 gas
    • push the size of the data section of the active container to the stack
  • DATACOPY (0xd3) instruction

    • deduct 3 gas
    • pops mem_offset, offset, size from the stack
    • perform memory expansion to mem_offset + size and deduct memory expansion cost
    • deduct 3 * ((size + 31) // 32) gas for copying
    • read [offset, offset+size] from the data section of the active container and write it to memory starting at offset mem_offset
    • pad with 0s if reading out of data bounds
  • DUPN (0xe6) instruction

    • deduct 3 gas
    • read uint8 operand imm
    • n = imm + 1
    • n‘th (1-based) stack item is duplicated at the top of the stack
    • Stack validation: stack_height >= n
  • SWAPN (0xe7) instruction

    • deduct 3 gas
    • read uint8 operand imm
    • n = imm + 1
    • n + 1th stack item is swapped with the top stack item (1-based).
    • Stack validation: stack_height >= n + 1
  • EXCHANGE (0xe8) instruction

    • deduct 3 gas
    • read uint8 operand imm
    • n = imm >> 4 + 1, m = imm & 0x0F + 1
    • n + 1th stack item is swapped with n + m + 1th stack item (1-based).
    • Stack validation: stack_height >= n + m + 1
  • RETURNDATALOAD (0xf7) instruction

    • deduct 3 gas
    • pop offset from the stack
    • push 1 item onto the stack, the 32-byte word read from the returndata buffer starting at offset
    • if offset + 32 > len(returndata buffer) the result is zero-padded (same behavior as CALLDATALOAD). see matching behavior of RETURNDATACOPY in Modified Behavior section.

    • Replacement of CALL, DELEGATECALL and STATICCALL instructions, as specced out in EIP-7069, except the runtime operand stack check. In particular:
    • The gas_limit input is removed.
    • The output_offset and output_size is removed.
    • The gas_limit will be set to (gas_left / 64) * 63 (as if the caller used gas() in place of gas_limit).
    • EXTDELEGATECALL to a non-EOF contract (legacy contract, EOA, empty account) is disallowed, and it returns 1 (same as when the callee frame reverts) to signal failure. Only initial gas cost of EXTDELEGATECALL is consumed (similarly to the call depth check) and the target address still becomes warm. We allow legacy to EOF path for existing proxy contracts to be able to use EOF upgrades.
    • No address trimming is performed on the target_address, and if the address has more than 20 bytes the operation halts with an exceptional failure.

    NOTE: The replacement instructions EXT*CALL continue being treated as undefined in legacy code.

Code Validation

  • no unassigned instructions used
  • instructions with immediate operands must not be truncated at the end of a code section
  • RJUMP / RJUMPI / RJUMPV operands must not point to an immediate operand and may not point outside of code bounds
  • CALLF and JUMPF operand may not exceed num_code_sections
  • CALLF operand must not point to to a section with 0x80 as outputs (non-returning)
  • JUMPF operand must point to a code section with equal or fewer number of outputs as the section in which it resides, or to a section with 0x80 as outputs (non-returning)
  • no section may have more than 127 inputs or outputs
  • section type has 0x80 as outputs value, and is non-returning, if and only if this section contains neither RETF instructions nor JUMPF into returning (outputs <= 0x7f) sections.
    • in particular, section having only JUMPFs to non-returning sections is non-returning itself.
  • the first code section must have a type signature (0, 0x80, max_stack_height) (0 inputs non-returning function)
  • EOFCREATE initcontainer_index must be less than num_container_sections
  • EOFCREATE the subcontainer pointed to by initcontainer_index must have its len(data_section) equal data_size, i.e. data section content is exactly as the size declared in the header (see Data section lifecycle)
  • EOFCREATE the subcontainer pointed to by initcontainer_index must not contain either a RETURN or STOP instruction.
  • RETURNCONTRACT deploy_container_index must be less than num_container_sections
  • RETURNCONTRACT the subcontainer pointed to deploy_container_index must not contain a RETURNCONTRACT instruction.
  • DATALOADN's immediate + 32 must be within pre_deploy_data_size (see Data Section Lifecycle)
    • the part of the data section which exceeds these bounds (the dynamic_aux_data portion) needs to be accessed using DATALOAD or DATACOPY
  • no unreachable code sections are allowed, i.e. every code section can be reached from the 0th code section with a series of CALLF / JUMPF instructions, and section 0 is implicitly reachable.
  • it is an error for a container to contain both RETURNCONTRACT and either of RETURN or STOP.
  • it is an error for a subcontainer to never be referenced in its parent container
  • it is an error for a given subcontainer to be referenced by both RETURNCONTRACT and EOFCREATE

Stack Validation

  • Code basic blocks must be ordered in a way that every block is reachable either by a forward jump or sequential flow of instructions. In other words, there is no basic block reachable only by a backward jump.
    • This implies that no instruction may be unreachable, but is a stronger requirement.
  • Validation procedure does not require actual operand stack implementation, but only to keep track of its height.
  • The computational and space complexity is O(len(code)). Each instruction is visited exactly once.
  • Each code section is validated independently.
  • stack_height_... below refers to the number of stack values accessible by this function, i.e. it does not take into account values of caller functions’ frames (but does include this function’s inputs).
  • Forward jump refers to any of RJUMP/RJUMPI/RJUMPV instruction with relative offset greater than or equal to 0. Backwards jump refers to any of RJUMP/RJUMPI/RJUMPV instruction with relative offset less than 0, including jumps to the same jump instruction (e.g. RJUMP(-3))
  • Terminating instructions:
    • ending function execution: RETF, JUMPF,
    • ending whole EVM execution: STOP, RETURN, RETURNCONTRACT, REVERT, INVALID.
  • For each instruction in the code the operand stack height bounds are recorded as stack_height_min and stack_height_max. Instructions are scanned in a single linear pass over the code.
  • first instruction has stack_height_min = stack_height_max = types[current_section_index].inputs.

During scanning, for each instruction:

  1. Check if this instruction has recorded stack height bounds. If it does not, it means it was neither referenced by previous forward jump, nor is part of sequential instruction flow, and this code fails validation.
  2. Determine the effect the instruction has on the operand stack:
    1. Check if the recorded stack height bounds satisfy the instruction requirements. Specifically:
      • for CALLF the following must hold: stack_height_min >= types[target_section_index].inputs,
      • for RETF the following must hold: stack_height_max == stack_height_min == types[current_code_index].outputs,
      • Stack validation of JUMPF depends on "non-returning" status of target section
        • JUMPF into returning section (can be only from returning section): stack_height_min == stack_height_max == type[current_section_index].outputs + type[target_section_index].inputs - type[target_section_index].outputs
        • JUMPF into non-returning section: stack_height_min >= types[target_section_index].inputs
      • for any other instruction stack_height_min must be at least the number of inputs required by instruction,
      • there is no additional check for terminating instructions other than RETF and JUMPF, this implies that extra items left on stack at instruction ending EVM execution are allowed.
    2. For CALLF and JUMPF check for possible stack overflow: if stack_height_max > 1024 - types[target_section_index].max_stack_height + types[target_section_index].inputs, validation fails.
    3. Compute new stack stack_height_min and stack_height_max after the instruction execution, both heights are updated by the same value:
      • for CALLF: stack_height_min += types[target_section_index].outputs - types[target_section_index].inputs, stack_height_max += types[target_section_index].outputs - types[target_section_index].inputs,
      • for any other non-terminating instruction: stack_height_min += instruction_outputs - instruction_inputs, stack_height_max += instruction_outputs - instruction_inputs,
      • terminating instructions do not need to update stack heights.
  3. Determine the list of successor instructions that can follow the current instructions:
    1. The next instruction for all instructions other than terminating instructions and RJUMP.
    2. All targets of an RJUMP, RJUMPI or RJUMPV.
  4. For each successor instruction:
    1. Check if the instruction is present in the code (i.e. execution must not "fall off" the code).
      • This implies that the last instruction may be a terminating instruction or RJUMP
    2. If the successor is reached via forwards jump or sequential flow from previous instruction:
      1. If the instruction does not have stack heights recorded (visited for the first time), record the instruction stack_height_min and stack_height_max equal to the value computed in 2.3.
      2. Otherwise instruction was already visited (by previously seen forward jump). Update this instruction's recorded stack height bounds so that they contain the bounds computed in 2.3, i.e. target_stack_min = min(target_stack_min, current_stack_min) and target_stack_max = max(target_stack_max, current_stack_max), where (target_stack_min, target_stack_max) are successor bounds and (current_stack_min, current_stack_max) are bounds computed in 2.3.
    3. If the successor is reached via backwards jump, check if target bounds equal the value computed in 2.3, i.e. target_stack_min == current_stack_min && target_stack_max == current_stack_max. Validation fails if they are not equal, i.e. we see backwards jump to a different stack height.
  • maximum data stack of a function must not exceed 1023
  • types[current_code_index].max_stack_height must match the maximum stack height observed during validation


Annotated examples of EOF formatted containers demonstrating several key features of EOF can be found in this test file within the evmone project repository.

Appendix: Original EIPs

These are the individual EIPs which evolved into this spec.