Execute materialize_branches from coffea-casa dev and using the t3 at UNL
Conda environment with taskvine workers:
In a terminal, ssh to swan.unl.edu
From there, ssh to t3.unl.edu
Create a conda environment to get the taskvine workers executable:
conda create -c conda-forge -n coffea-casa-min python=3.10.12 ndcctools
Optional, once: add basic coffea related packages to environment, not needed if using docker images at execution
conda activate coffea-casa-min
conda install -c conda-forge xrootd
pip install fsspec-xrootd dask distributed coffea
Execute notebook from coffea-casa-dev
In materialize_branches.ipynb notebook, change executor = "dask"
to executor = "taskvine"
In a terminal, ssh to swan.unl.edu
From there, ssh to t3.unl.edu
Get a condor token: mkdir -p ~/.condor/tokens.d && condor_token_fetch > ~/.condor/tokens.d/my_token
Activate the environment: conda activate coffea-casa-min
Launch the workers:
casa_user_id=btovar-40nd-2eedu # get user id from a terminal at coffea-casa: h=$(hostname); echo ${h#jupyter-}
casa_host=$casa_user_id .dask-worker.cmsaf-dev.flatiron.hollandhpc.org
memory=$(( cores* 3000 ))
disk=$(( cores* 6000 ))
vine_submit_workers -Tcondor -t300 --ssl -E" --transfer-port 1088" --cores $cores --memory $memory --disk $disk --docker-universe $docker $casa_host 8786 $number_of_workers