Monday, August 29, 2022, 1-2pm EST
- Paige Morfitt 🤸🏽
- Rosie Le Faive 🪑
- Chris Day 📝
- CLAW MIG MODS simplified mapping
- Example MODS for CLAW mapping
- Draft Recommendations
- Feedback on Mapping from ICG, Part 2
- Wants/Needs/Questions Open Document
- Working Ideas
- MIG I8 Glossary
- Rosie Le Faive
- Chris Day
- Harriet South
- Mike Bolam
- Elisabeth Ball
- Challen Wright
- Seth Shaw
- Devon Murphy
- Staci Ross
- Field-by-field discussion. Field of the week: Title
- Sorting:
- Brandon's post in #metadata regarding sorting without "A " or "The "
- Views Natural Sort demo
- "Uncertain" vs "approximate" dates
- Asked in TCMMF Facebook Group.
- Announcements
- No announcements from the group
- The Islandora Coordinating Committee, which oversees all Foundation Interest Groups, may be taking a more active role with the Groups in the future. If they see a need in the community for discussion around an issue that is appropriate for a Group, they will contact and suggest it as topic for conversation.
- Rosie asked for feelings about the Participants list, which is not always kept up to date. No one objected it to it but Seth mentioned it is difficult to update when week to week is so varied, and Mike mentioned worries about keeping a master when members can't commit for extended lengths of time. Chris pointed out that we do keep meeting attendance in the minutes. So the full Participant list will be put on hold for now.
- A reminder MIG Working Documents section (see above) is always open for collaboration, comment, or discussion.
- Field-by-field discussion. Field of the week: Title
- We are beginning a regular series where each week we will discuss another metadata field from the Islandora Defaults. Looking at what we have right now, what are strengths and limitations of the field, and discuss what use cases does it not solve. We start, with Title.
- For most content notes see the linked document above. Minutes below will cover discussion and points brought up outside of that outline.
- The title field is the Node Title, and as thus is mandatory.
- Other "title" fields are Alternative Title and Full Title.
- One way to include multilingual alternative titles is to use the language feature in Drupal. Enable a language on the site, visit the node page, change the language view, and then edit the node.
- There are no places in current Islandora that use Full Title over Node Title, but you can display it.
- Michael asked if using Node Title was similar to the I7 "label". They are analagous in that both are outside of metadata about the node.
- Worries about how "bad data" will hit the 255 character limit in Title. Examples such as including full Original Language and Translated Titles in a single Title field or unnamed pieces of art where the cataloger constructed descriptive title could be too long.
- When Migrate hits a too long title it will fail. Workbench has tools to check data before migration. Metadata form will reject value when you go to save.
- One negative to using "Full Title" as the main display title is the potential for incredibly long titles reproduced at H1 size on the Metadata Display
- There is no current mechanism for copying the Node Title to the Full Title field
- Seth pointed out that UNLV uses the Title Length module to mixed feelings.
- Seth also stated that there is a module, he could not recall the title, that allows for the use of self-selected HTML tags in the Title field.
- It has been tested that Emojis can be used in a title field, as well as other unicode characters.
- Chris demonstrated Discovery Garden's use of Paragraphs to allow the combination of Title Type and Title in a repeatable way. Node Title is still separate. Also being used to allow for Non Sort, Subtitle, Part Number, and other related fields to be within Title paragraph.
- Storage Entities is another Drupal module that allows for the grouping of fields in a repeatable way. But we do not know if it handles revisions like Paragraphs.
- And if dev resources were available, it may be possible to create a Title field that ties together elements liked Link Agent ties together the value and the relator.
- Sorting:
- Brandon's post in #metadata regarding sorting without "A " or "The "
- Views Natural Sort demo
- Rosie demonstrated the Views Natural Sort module. She has shared her slides at: Views Natural Sort
- The module allows for a more library-like sort that ignores initial articles.
- There is no Drupal 8/9 version but it is still in active development.
- It adds a new sort for views: ascending naturally and descending naturally
- The list of skipped words is editable and applies to all languages.
- Needs a field of limited length to work.
- The natural sort options are not given to the user.
- The value is only skipped if it is followed by a white space "A " vs "A:"
- It respects accented characters "The" vs "Thé"
- We do not know if it will work when there are more than 100,000 values.
- We do not know a release schedule.
- "Uncertain" vs "approximate" dates
- Asked in TCMMF Facebook Group.
- Rosie shared these examples on Facebook:
* "uncertain" means you have circumstantial evidence that could place the work in hand in time (e.g. you have other, dated sources that seem to come before or after it), so you have a guess at a fairly precise date, but it's still a guess
* "approximate" means you have evidence that places this work in a range of dates, but you've chosen to record a date with more specificity than the evidence warrants
* "uncertain and approximate" means both that your evidence is iffy in its applicability and you've chosen more precise of a date than the evidence warrants?
- Devon shared this example:
- The one distinction I can think of is related to visual resources/art cataloging. approximate is usually with ranges or dating based on the material (using the pigment to date something) and uncertain would be a date logged on an item but it could be inaccurate (this happens fairly often with professor-created art slides haha)
- Mike shared the MARC definitions:
- MARC questionable: the date is questionable
- MARC inferred: this was not taken directly off the resource
- MARC approximate: the date is approximate, not guaranteed to be exact
- Devon pointed out that circa & approximate are equivalent. The VRA Core definition of circa is within 5 years in either direction.
- Devon shared this example:
- Sept 12