- Phalcon Version: 3.x
- BB Debugger Version: 1.0.3
- See ChangeLog
The bb debugger, written for the phalcon framework, provides developers with lots of information, such as your sql queries, the amount of ram used on the page, and your page-opening speed.
composer require ismail0234/phalcon-bb-debugger
- You should download the latest version from the Releases section. (or install composer files)
- $config->application->libraryDir discard the folder where your library files are located.
- In the config/config.php file, define 'developerMode' => true into the application array.
- The following code into the config/loader.php file is $loader = new\Phalcon\Loader(); add after.
$loader = new \Phalcon\Loader();
/* BB DEBUGGER V1.0.2 */
if ($config->application->developerMode) {
$namespaces = array_merge($loader->getNamespaces(), array('BBDebugger'=> $config->application->libraryDir . 'BBDebugger'));
$bbdebugger = new \BBDebugger\BBDebugger($di);
- Enjoy the fun!