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Jaanga »
The product assembly manuals of the future - now
Further Considerations ~ Design Notes ~ Dev Notes
This is all still a work-in-progress. In particular: sounds and textures need much effort. If you would like to see a 'prettified' version in the near future, please let us know.
- All four demos checked, edited and verified to be FF and Edge compatible
- Initial mock-up
Screw and Round Nut - Demo - Full Screen - Latest
- Assemble detail with cinema
Poang Rocking Chair - Demo - Full Screen - R4
- Adds object snap capability while editing/creating
- No more placing hardware by many trial end error attempts
- Select three points on existing geometry is now sufficient
- Utility allows points to be highlighted and by a simple clock on the screen
- Add createClip and step-by-step assembly animation
- First pass
- Components move to final assembly positions
- No intermediate positions showing actual assembly process yet
- All significant requirements met
- Still a number of minor errors
- Hardware pointing in wrong direction or misplaced
- Hardware details need finalizing
- Still number of details to be added
- Rails tongues and slots
- Arm and back lap joint
- Still a number of minor errors
Poang Rocking Chair - Demo - Full Screen - R3.4
- Add toggle hardware scale
- Works on Safari & iOS
- Code clean-up
- Full assembly-disassembly tweening
Poang Rocking Chair - Demo - Full Screen - R3
- Adds first pass at assembly tweening
- Code clean-up
- Three.js r75 fixes
Poang Rocking Chair - Demo - Full Screen - R2
- Basic Geometry is OK
- Needs better colors and textures
- Geometry needs loosening up/randomizing
Kallax NxN Basic R7 - Demo - Full Screen
Note: touching items to toggle position on a tablet or phone is currently not working the way it should be. Clicking with mouse is OK. Clicking menu items is OK. Will fix in next release.
- Add shade and shadows
- Add noise texture creation
- Add renderer modifiers
- Add background and more ground
- Add toggle placard visibility
- Add toggle rotate
- General clean-up, re-structuring variable names to be easier to read
- Add autoRotate
- Re-structure the per frame data display
- Update camera positions and frame times
- Fix issue with displaying white texture
- Add link to Wall Bracket
Wall Bracket
- Add link to NxN
- Code clean-up
- Re-structure variable names
Kallax NxN Basic R5 - Demo - Full Screen
- Add hexKey
- Add Screw 1004321 104322
- Add placards to hardware
- Solve some tweening issues
- More updates
- Looking very much like the scripts are technically complete
- The ongoing work will relate more to cinematography, rendering and parts creation
Kallax NxN Basic R4 - Demo - Full Screen
- Update with all new tweening looking good - just the play by play to finish up
- But an oops on the Wall bracket needs to be fixed
- Now with even better tweening. See:
- Plays clips with tweening
- Draws various parts and tools
2016-01-02 & 2016-01-01 & 2015-12-29
- Phillips screwdriver tip starting to look OK (big learning curve here)
- Ditto Phillips screw head
- Both screw and screwdriver not finished, not even beginning to be finished
- More objects find their positions by algorithm ( rather than by eye )
- Fewer global variables
- Play step-by-step assembly has more detailed film clip
- Adds ability to draw 'pencil lines' - still at an early stage
- Adds new 'Draw Screw position' checkbox and 'film clip'
Coming soon?
- Screwdriver and screw rotating into final position
- Rounde-headed screw and flat blade screwdriver
- Add placards with part ID numbers
- Add beginning of pencil
- Add beginning of screwdriver
- Re-engineered. Components now follow same principles as components in Kallax NxN. Should make life easier
- A start at identifying all the criteria that need satisfying in building an online assembly manual.
- Beginning to add animation/tweening
Kallax NxN Basic R2 - Demo - Full Screen
Fixed non-appearance of holes issues
Updated positions of pegs
Code clean-up
Improved scaling of textures
Worked on sounds
Coming soon: improved animation sequencing?
Adds wood screws
- Includes shiny new draw helix routine
Coming soon: animation
- Adds screw mask part
Kallax NxN Basic R1 - Demo - Full Screen
- Creates any Kallax with from 1 to 6 rows and and 1 to 7 columns
- Creates the fixing holes be code
- Creates the screw and peg locations by code
- Creates the assembly positions and sequences by code
- Creates the camera movements by code
- Note: many small bugs remain to be fixed
Kallax 5x5 Basic R1 - Demo - Full Screen
- Most code in standalone JavaScript file that may be used with all Kallax models
- Should soon be able to make any Kallax with 1 to n vertical and horizontal divisions
- Basic notion of selecting color and texture added - still very primitive
- Basic notion of click sound added
- Uses Web Audio
Kallax 4x1 Basic R1 - Demo - Full Screen
Kallax 4x4 Basic R4 - Demo - Full Screen
Kallax 4x4 Basic R3 - Demo - Full Screen
Kallax 4x4 Basic R2 - Demo - Full Screen
Kallax 4x4 Basic R1 - Demo - Full Screen
- Has reflections of the Swedish royal castle
- Slider bar to control the height
- Small metal piece for fixing Kallax to wall
- Play a step-by-step construction animation
- Play a step-by-step construction animation
- The order of the steps does not yet follow the Ikea assembly manner order
There is a fun bug right now: Click play and rotate - then click on some of the parts. Lots of action starts to happen!
- Gain X-ray vision
- Let me tell you a story
<iframe class=ifr src= width=100% height=600px ></iframe> ###### _Moving Manuals Basic - Revision 1 - Code Edit View_ / [Edit full screen]( )- Assembly manuals are frequently PDF files with twenty pages or more. Do we really have to download and print them out?
- Assembly manuals need to display text in many languages.
- Assembly manuals must be accessible to people who have difficulty reading text.
- Even with all the drawings there are frequently still places you can't see
- The furniture is 3D but the manuals are only 2D
- Build many very small scripts - each with different features
- Eventually decide which features to keep and which to discard
- Much easier than trying to build one big app all at once
- To create manuals that are fun
- Front page with text warnings and advice in images
- The screw driver
- The animated assembly sequence for a large object
- Can you see everything even on a phone screen?
- Issue: Reset counter to start with each new replay
- Issue: prevent multiple replays from going on at the same time
- Make time between animation frames adjustable
- Animate multiple pegs/screws moving at once
- Send link to customer upon purchase
- Show items in the positions as they are in the box
- Set up so works on phone very nicely
- CCreate multiple rendering scenarios
- Add real colors
- Add toon shading
- Add accessories, coordinated products and links to buy
- Add typical things that go on bookcases
- Add room and people and zombies
- Add more realistic screws and pegs
- Show demo functioning in an iframe
- Add animation where components fly in one by one in order
- Add color coding - next item to be installed is highlighted red
- Export as STL file for use in CAD program
- Add exploded view
- Add more fun and lively things
- Zoom, pan and rotate
- 1 finger / left button = rotate
- 2 finger / wheel = zoom in and out
- 3 finger / right button = pan
- Shown in upright position, but should in on ground while being built position
- Shown with screws on top, but they should be on side
- Show with screws partially screwed in. Need better ways of showing final position
- Still missing a number of screw holes
- Still missing wall brackets
Ikea Kallax 2x2 Assembly Manual
Trademarks property of their respective owners.
Apart from sharing a deep delight with putting things together, Jaanga is not in anyway associated with any specific furniture vendor.
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