A search engine made for CSI 4107. Currently supports searching the uOttawa CSI course catalogue.
To save time, it is recommended that you go to http://joogle-csi4107.herokuapp.com, where you will find the project live. This will save you the time of downloading any dependencies. However, if you wish to execute locally, follow the instructions below.
First, in your shell, run:
$ ./install.sh # or install.bat on windows
This will install several Python packages, as well as download stopwords and a lemmatizer from nltk
Then, to run the app, run:
$ python app.py
Then, navigate to http://localhost:4999/ to access the app (or if this fails).
With this, you can perform free-text searches like data science or web development.
With this, you can perform boolean searches like operating AND systems or NOT hardware.