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398 lines (289 loc) · 17.6 KB

File metadata and controls

398 lines (289 loc) · 17.6 KB

Change Log



  • added feature #161 - excelLike option to dragToAutoFill setting
    • this is now the default
  • added feature #155 - zoom the table content (only cells, not headers)
    • ui buttons are added or use mouse + ctrl (same as vs code font size feature)
  • added option pasteBehavior to determine where the old cells should be moved after a paste operation , see #156
  • added option pasteScrollBehavior to determine where to scroll after a paste operation, see #156


  • added feature #157 - hide columns initially, added options
    • initiallyHiddenColumnNumbers to hide columns based on its number
    • initiallyHiddenColumnNames to hide columns based on its name (first non-comment row)
  • fixed issue #147: add feature to automatically reload data if the source csv file changes
  • fixed issue #152: support drag and paste like excel
    • enabled dragToAutoFill/fillHandle option
    • only supports copying same sequences 1,2,3 will copy 1,2,3 again not 4,5,6


  • fixed issue #146 - doubleClickRowHandleForcedHeight was a string (package config must be a number)
  • fixed issue #144 - tools menu item background was the same as foreground color


  • fixed annoying issue where initial scroll position was set incorrectly (when the row was in the first half)
  • fixed issue #140 - add feature to hide columns
  • fixed issue #31, #139 - ctrl+tab, ctrl+shift+tab, alt+1, ..., alt+9 (on linux/windows) is not longer consumed by handsontable
  • fixes issue #75 - watch files outside of workspace for changes
    • removed chikidar as dependency, vs can now watch all files
    • because the timing when a change is detected and when file model (vs code) is updated is not the same across platforms, we have to use vs code's own file change events
      • onDidChangeTextDocument behaves the same way for all platforms but is always fired after the file was changed (on every key stroke)
      • however, we still need a file system watcher because when the user closes the source file, no onDidChangeTextDocument event is fired anymore (until openTextDocument is called again)
      • to detect if the file was really changed we have to compare the file content with the last known content (so we have a full copy of the file content in memory)
        • this is because we need to know if the change was triggered by this extension or by another program (if last known content == current content then the change was not triggered by this extension)
  • changed logo


  • merged PR #134 - fix instance comparison
    • open editor, close source file, open source file again and try to open editor
    • used to fail because the instance comparison was not correct


  • fixed issue #133 - not working in browser with code-server


  • fixed issue #132 - search hit are again highlighted when cells contain urls
  • maybe fixed issue #124 by - adding option to set delimiters to guess manually


  • trim cells can now be undone (not for header cells)
  • fixed issue #122 - add option customize text color
  • added feature #130 - add feature resize rows
    • works the same as doubleClickColumnHandleForcedWith (auto resize is a bit better implemented)
  • adds feature #109 - open urls in browser
    • controled via convertUrlsToLinkTags setting


  • fixed issue #110 - Add feature to swap rows and columns


  • fixed issue #111 - add feature resize columns and rows
    • context menu item (which sets the column width(s) to doubleClickColumnHandleForcedWith)
  • fixed many issues that would break the doubleClickColumnHandleForcedWith feature
  • fixed issue #115 - Add newline at the end of file
    • new setting finalNewLine which controls how the final newline is handled
  • fixed issue where edit button was not shown for dynamic csv mode (rainbow csv extension)


  • fixed issue #112 - added keyboard shortcut to delete the current row (ctrl+shift+alt+minus)
    • behaves the same was as context menu action (actually uses it)
    • also works on mac (because normally alt+- [and or shift] will insert a dash)
  • added option csv-edit.showDeleteColumnHeaderButton true: shows a delete column button in the column header (on hover), false: not (fixes issue #113)
  • added option csv-edit.showDeleteRowHeaderButton true: shows a delete row button in the row header (on hover), false: not (fixes issue #113)
  • fixed issue #114 - "dynamic csv" is now also supported as language id


  • added option csv-edit.autoColumnWidthsIgnoreComments to ignore comment cells for auto column sizing
  • csv-edit.lastRowOrFirstRowNavigationBehavior default is now stop (was wrap)
  • csv-edit.lastColumnOrFirstColumnNavigationBehavior default is now stop (was wrap)


  • fixed issue #97 - fixed rows/columns is ignored if hasHeader was changed


  • fixed issue #94 - find widget buttons are outside if panel
  • find widget design is now more similar to vs code ones


  • fixed issue #73 - changed style to match vs code ones (with webview-ui-toolki)
    • however, there are some issues with
      • text input: input event don't get triggered when some table cell has focus...
      • dropdown: chaning font size is not possible
    • removed bulma css


  • fixed issue #93 - regex search ignored match-case option


  • added option pasteMode to control how clipboard content is pasted into the table
    • it allows to ignore row/column separators (\n, \t) to paste the data into "fewer" cells
  • added setting fontFamilyInTable to control which font is used for the table
  • added option initialOnly_correctRowAlwaysFirstColumn to setting openTableAndSelectCellAtCursorPos to only open the correct row but always column one
    • this is now the new default
  • in the setting openTableAndSelectCellAtCursorPos the option initalOnly was renamed to initialOnly_correctRowAndColumn
  • added settings lastRowOrFirstRowNavigationBehavior and lastColumnOrFirstColumnNavigationBehavior to control if we wrap ad the start/end of rows/columns while navigating


  • added option openTableAndSelectCellAtCursorPos to open the table and selected the cell where the cursor was (fixed feature request #83)
    • on by default!
    • note for multi character delimiters it might not work properly (but should most of the time, only tested a few cases and it worked)
    • if comments are hidden and the cursor is on a comment, the next row is selected
  • after reset dat and apply read options the scroll position and selected cell is restored (issue #84)


  • added new command edit-csv.editWithConfig" which is the same as edit-csv.edit but one can supply settings to overwrite (see type [project root]/csvEditorHtml/types.d.ts > EditCsvConfigOverwrite)
    • added setting hideOpenCsvEditorUiActions to hide the title bar button and file context menu action, in case the other extension want to show custom button to trigger the editor
    • example how to use this from another extension can be found in the readme
  • removed editor/title/context actions (probably not used...)
  • small readme updates


  • fixed issue #80: cell editor is not commited after pressing ctrl/cmd+s, so changes are not applied to file


  • fixed issue #77: Newlines inserted into pasted data (clipboard)
    • fixed via new internal handsontable version


  • fixed issue #72: copy limited to 1000 cells
    • changed the limit to 10000000


  • fixed issue #70: Removing columns doesn't remove header
    • undo/redo does not work with column headers


  • fixed issue #63: column header cells can now be edited
  • fixed issue #66: added readonly mode
  • fixed issue #64: some non-text keys (e.g. volume controls) not longer clear cell values
    • also compound characters also not clear cell values


  • added button to resize column to match their content


  • fixed issue where reordering/sorting breaks inserting
  • new logo


  • fixed issue in papaparse where multi-character delimiters won't work
  • updated the ui to only accept the proper lengths for csv read options
    • config will throw an error if the csv read options are too long


  • added shortcuts to insert row above (ctrl+shift+alt+up) / below (ctrl+shift+alt+down) and insert column left (ctrl+shift+alt+left) / right (ctrl+shift+alt+right)
  • added option to configure what cell should be selected after a row/col is inserted
    • insertRowBehavior, insertColBehavior
    • cell context menu to insert row/col now also uses the configured action


  • added option to handle empty values (null, undefined and empty (string) values) quoteEmptyOrNullFields
    • takes always precedence over retainQuoteInformation
    • updated custom papaparse to support this option


  • fixed papaparse issue where null values (e.g. when a new row/col was added via handsontable) did't respect the retainQuoteInformation


  • added support for more vs code csv language ids


  • added additional buttons to insert rows/columns
  • fixed issue where the table height is not properly resized when the windows is resized
  • resetting data now keeps column widths
    • when removing a column left from a column the (right) column keeps it size
    • the width is also shifted
  • added hint what option EscapeChar does (escapes the QuoteChar inside field values)


  • added hint to readme how to set csv for different file types in vs code
    • was asked several times
  • read option has header can now be toggled even if the table has only 1 row this will automatically enable the option as soon as the table gets >= 2 rows
  • side bar stats are only updated if the side bar is visible
    • opening the side bar will calculate the stats (reselect is not needed)


  • added browser version
  • added side panel with some stats
    • supports different number styles (NOT FOR SORTING)
  • options bar is not longer flashing (when hiding it at startup)
    • done via css variable
  • added multi column sorting (custom handsontable version bump)
  • fixed issue where papaparse would take very long to load a csv file
    • this was because guessDelimiter and all fields quoted cases the whole file to be "searched" for the right delimiter multiple times (for each known delimiter)
      • this was the case when there was some quoting issues


  • fixed issue where the background color was not in sync with the editor color theme
  • added online version of the plugin
  • fixed issue on windows where the cells had a red outline instead of a blue one


  • file watchers now work for all files (not only inside the current workspace)
    • but the automatic file reload only for files inside the current workspace!!
  • added config option to disable source file watching
  • help modal can finally be closed by clicking on the background


  • added source file watchers (only works if the file is inside the current workspace)
    • this will notify the webview and
      • reload the file content into the webview (if the table has no changes)
      • ask the user if the source file should be re-read (if the table has changes)
    • if the file is not inside the current workspace an indicator is displayed in the ui
  • if the user hits apply changes and the source file was deleted (no .stats) then a temp file is created (then the user can decide to persist or discard it)
  • fixed issue where some modals are behind table elements


  • renamed option fixFirstXRows to initiallyFixedRowsTop (breaking change, old config gets invalid)
  • added option initiallyFixedColumnsLeft
  • initiallyFixedRowsTop and initiallyFixedColumnsLeft now work properly
    • with has header (read option)
    • when adding/removing rows/columns


  • added button to reload the file content (from disk)
    • this also replaces the in-memory snapshot of the file (for the reset data feature)


  • added option to display column names like Excel (with letters): showColumnHeaderNamesWithLettersLikeExcel
    • we use the long name because one can search for letters or excel and will find it


  • adopted webview's asWebviewUri api
  • minimal vscode version is now 1.38


  • added shortcut (ctrl+s/cmd+s) to apply changes to file and save


  • fixed typo QuotChar -> QuoteChar
  • changed some labels


  • fixes issue #21 - past into search widget not working on mac
  • fixed issue where shortcut for opening the search widget not focused search input when the cell editor had focus and the find widget was already displayed
  • some more shortcuts should now work again when the find widget is open (everything with meta or ctrl is passed through to vs code)


  • added option fontSizeInPx to set the font size in the webview (or to sync it with the editor)
  • moved ui options (read/write/preview) into one panel
    • replaced options writeOptionsAppearance, readOptionsAppearance, previewOptionsAppearance with optionsBarAppearance
  • trim feature now only shows unsaved changes when at least one cell changed


  • added option to fix the first X rows (fixFirstXRows)
  • added option to disable borders (disableBorders)
    • this and has header option are mutually exclusive
      • has header has priority
  • fixed issue where enabled initial state of has header would trigger has changes indicator


  • added option to retain/store quote information from parsing
    • changed papaparse
  • fixed issue where enabling has header option and then moving column will only move data but not the header data
  • fixed issue where all empty fields first line was not recognized as csv row
  • fixed issue where quote all fields will not quote all empty field rows
  • fixed issue where the initial value of read option has header would keep undo items (header row)
    • we now clear the undo stack after we set the initial value for read option has header and
    • reset data will now correctly re-apply the has header value
  • after applying has header read option the undo/redo stack is cleared!
    • it's just too complicated to get this 100% right


  • added ctrl+ffind shortcut for windows/linux


  • fixed issue where empty Read options > Comment would cause all rows to be comments (#14)


  • replaced built-in vs code find widget with custom find widget
    • tries to stay close to the vs code find widget
    • some key features
      • async search
      • options (match case, trim cell value, regex, ...)
      • move widget
  • removed all node_modules production dependencies
    • we now use the thirdParty folder for this


  • added unsaved changes indicator (*) to the editor title and icon to ui
  • Read options panel now shows a as detected delimiter if a tab was detected
  • when expanding rows initially we now show the unsaved changes indicator


  • added option to specify initial max column width initialColumnWidth (disabled by default)
    • use 0 or a negative number to disable the option (to use auto column size)
  • fixed issue where new lines inside a cell are collapsed when the option enableWrapping was disabled


  • added option for cell content wrapping (fixes issue #7)
  • switched to custom/own version of handsontable (6.2.2, to keep MIT license)


  • trim feature now also trims header row (probably better)
  • column names now start with 1 (probably better)
  • the has header option now ignores rows with comments
  • fixed bad behavior where disabling has header option would insert additional rows (when one deleted rows and the original row index was larger than the current row count)
    • in this case the header row is now inserted as the last row
    • else the header row is inserted at the index where we got it
  • fixed some issues where has header option and only rows with comments throws
  • fixed issue where column headers (via has header option) was not always correctly displayed (the default A, B, C, ... columns were displayed)
  • fixed issue where a comment not in the first column would visually indicate the row as a comment row


  • fixed issue where rendering was really really slow because of comment cell/row highlighting (tested with 100.000 rows ~ 12MB)
  • changed comment row handling so that comments are not longer treated like normal csv
    • this also resolves issues where comments with , are not properly handled (imported/exported)
    • monkeypatched papaparse so comment rows are parsed as plain text and also exported as plain text


  • added feature to hide and show rows with comments
  • added context menu to insert/remove rows/columns at arbitrary positions
  • added context menu options alignment
  • fixed issue where sorting and comment highlighting was not synced
  • fixed issue where deleting a sorted column would not reset sorting


  • fixed critical bug where files with more than ~1MB are not properly loaded and saved
    • saved files were corrupted (content of the first ~1MB was repeated after the first ~1MB until the file size was reached)
  • added button to trim whitespace (leading and trailing) in all cells
    • prior versions will trim by default (on initial render and after cell editing)!


  • fixed row header width issue for large files
  • fixed issue where large files causes the editor to hang
    • handsontable virtual renderer is now used with small initial table size
    • switched from inlining the csv data into the webview html to webview.postMessage
  • fixed issue where commands relying on webview.postMessage were not working (edit-csv.apply and edit-csv.applyAndSave)


  • fixed issue on windows where fontawesome icons are not loaded
  • fixed issue where adding a column adds two instead of one


  • Initial release