A (very limited) Instagram clone built with
- Javalin - Kotlin web server framework
- JDBI - Database connection pool and object mapping
- SQLite - Database
- Vue - JavaScript view library
- axios - Client side http library
- Create account/sign-in/sign-out (uses bcrypt to hash passwords)
- Upload photo (resize/crop)
- Like/unlike photo
- Get photos (for one user and for all users)
The application is packaged by feature rather than layer. This means that (for example)
all functionality related to photos (like a Photo
class, a PhotoDao
, a PhotoController
are in a photo
package, instead of having a controller
package with controllers for different features:
└───Main.kt // backend entry point
Security is handled by Javalin's AccessManager
, and set per endpoint. Sessions are handled by Jetty.
The frontend is split into components
and views
. Both components and views are "single-file", meaning HTML/JS/CSS are all contained in one file.
Components are re-usable and can be included in one or more views:
There is no Webpack or other build system, the application uses JavalinVue for rapid development.