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DOCKER ORCHESTRATION (local environment instructions)

Instead of running this training on a cloud provider, you can simulate the infrastructure locally. These instructions apply to the PART ONE of the workshop.

1. Prerequisites

Virtualbox, Vagrant and Ansible

  • Virtualbox:

  • Vagrant:

  • Ansible:

    • install Ansible's prerequisites:

        $ sudo pip install paramiko PyYAML Jinja2 httplib2 six pycrypto
    • clone the Ansible repository and checkout to a stable version (don't forget the --recursive argument when cloning!):

      $ git clone --recursive
      $ cd ansible
      $ git checkout stable-
      $ git submodule update
    • source the setup script to make Ansible available on this terminal session:

        $ source path/to/your-ansible-clone/hacking/env-setup
    • you need to repeat the last step everytime you open a new terminal session and want to use any Ansible command (but you'll probably only need to run it once).

2. Preparing the environment

Run the following commands:

$ vagrant up
$ chmod 600 private-key
$ ansible-playbook provisioning.yml

And that's it! Now you should be able to ssh on node1 using:

$ ssh [email protected] -i private-key

These are the default IP addresses for the nodes: node1 node2 node3 node4 node5

The source code of this repo will be mounted at ~/orchestration-workshop (only on the node1), so you can edit the code externally and the changes will reflect inside the instance.

3. Possible problems and solutions

  • Depending on the Vagrant version, sudo apt-get install bsdtar may be needed

  • If you get strange Ansible errors about dependencies, try to check your pip version with pip --version. The current version is 8.1.1. If your pip is older than this, upgrade it with sudo pip install --upgrade pip, restart your terminal session and install the Ansible prerequisites again.

  • If the IP's 10.10.10.[10-50] are already taken in your machine, you can change them to other values in the vagrant.yml and inventory files in this directory. Make sure you pick a set of IP's inside the same subnet.

  • If you suspend your computer, the simulated private network may stop to work. This is a known problem of Virtualbox. To fix it, reload all the VM's with vagrant reload.

  • If you get a ssh error saying WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED it means that you already had in the past some other host using one of the IP addresses we use here. To solve this, remove the old entry in your known_hosts file with:

    $ ssh-keygen -f "~/.ssh/known_hosts" -R -R -R -R -R