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File metadata and controls

310 lines (231 loc) · 12.2 KB

Global namespace ($SE)


The global namespace for this API is $SE. All Stipple Effect functions that are not called on an object are called on the global namespace.


Constants are bound to primitive data values like int or bool. Thus, they can technically be avoided and replaced by their literal values. However, using constants makes scripts more readable and maintainable, and most importantly ensures that scripts do not break if the value assigned to a constant changes in a future update.

Scope constants

These constants are used to specify a scope for program operations like palettization, for example.

$SE.PROJECT = 0         // The entire project
$SE.LAYER = 1           // All cels on the currently selected layer
$SE.FRAME = 2           // All cels at the currently frame index
$SE.CEL = 3             // The cel on the current layer at the current frame index

Save type constants

These constants are used to specify a save type for a save_config object. Save types are essentially the type of file that the save_config object will save projects as, though there are multiple save types that save projects to the same type of file, albeit differently.

$SE.NATIVE = 0          // The native file type (.stip)
$SE.PNG_SHEET = 1       // The project as a single PNG image/sprite sheet
$SE.PNG_SEPARATE = 2    // Separate PNG images for each frame of the project
$SE.GIF = 3             // An animated GIF
$SE.MP4 = 4             // MP4 video

Dimension constants

$SE.HORZ = true         // Horizontal sequencing order; L to R, T to B
$SE.VERT = false        // Vertical sequencing order; T to B, L to R

Functions of the form $SE.func_name(parameters) -> return_type are value-returning functions, while functions of the form $SE.func_name(parameters); are void functions, which perform an action but return nothing.

Project functions


$SE.get_projects() -> project[]

Returns an array of the projects that are currently opened in Stipple Effect.


$SE.get_project() -> project

Returns the current active project in Stipple Effect.


  1. $SE.new_project(int w, int h, bool open_in_se) -> project

    Creates a new project with a canvas size specified by w x h pixels and returns its reference.

    If open_in_se is true, the new project is opened in Stipple Effect and set as the active project.


    Any of the following will cause the function not to execute:

    • w < 0
    • w > 1920
    • h < 0
    • h > 1080
  2. $SE.new_project(int w, int h) -> project

    Equivalent to $SE.new_project(w, h, true)

  3. $SE.new_project(int w, int h);

    Like (2), but does not return the reference to the newly created project.

Miscellaneous functions


$SE.new_save_config(string[] folder, string filename, int save_type) -> save_config

Instantiates a new save_config object with the parent folder path folder, base file name filename, and save type specified by the int enumeration value save_type.


Any of the following will result in runtime errors:

  • An invalid save_type value
  • If folder is empty
  • If folder is not a valid directory in the file system
  • If filename is "" or contains any of the following characters:
    { '/', '\\', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|', '{', '}' }

Reading material:


$SE.read_script(string filepath) -> script

Reads, builds and returns a Stipple Effect child script from filepath.


Any of the following will result in runtime errors:

  • If the interpreter cannot read a file at filepath
  • If the file at filepath cannot be compiled into a Stipple Effect script due to syntax errors

Script execution will terminate if the child script fails its semantic error check.

Reading material:


  1. $SE.transform(project source, script transformer, bool open_in_se, bool run_per_layer) -> project

    Transforms the contents of the project source into a new project with the preview script transformer. source is not modified by this operation.

    The flag open_in_se will open the resultant project in Stipple Effect and set it as the active project.

    The flag run_per_layer will apply transformer to the contents of each layer of source, as opposed to applying transformer to the flattened contents of source. This way, run_per_layer preserves the layers of source.


    Depending on transformer, the flattened contents of a project created with transform() with the run_per_layer flag may not match the contents of a project created without the run_per_layer flag.

  2. $SE.transform(project source, script transformer) -> project

    Equivalent to $SE.transform(source, transformer, true, false)

    Runs (1) with the open_in_se flag set to true and the run_per_layer flag set to false.

Color functions


$SE.get_primary() -> color

Returns the current Stipple Effect system primary color.


$SE.set_primary(color c);

Sets the Stipple Effect primary color to c.


$SE.get_secondary() -> color

Returns the current Stipple Effect system secondary color.


$SE.set_secondary(color c);

Sets the Stipple Effect secondary color to c.


$SE.get_pal() -> palette

Returns the currently selected Stipple Effect system palette.


$SE.has_pal() -> bool

Returns true if there is at least one palette in Stipple Effect at the time of the call, false otherwise.


$SE.new_pal(color{} cs, string name);

Creates a new palette in Stipple Effect from the set of colors cs with the name name.


  1. $SE.hsv(float h, float s, float v, int a) -> color

    Returns a color built from its hue, saturation, value and alpha components. Unlike rgba(), which takes as arguments integer values ranging from 0 to 255, each of the HSV component arguments (h, s and v) is a float ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. a, however, is still an integer ranging from 0 to 255.


    Any of the following will result in a runtime exception:

    • For any comp of h, s, v; comp < 0.0
    • For any comp of h, s, v; comp > 1.0
    • a > 255
    • a < 0
  2. $SE.hsv(float h, float s, float v) -> color

    Equivalent to $SE.hsv(h, s, v, 255)

Outline functions


$SE.get_side_mask() -> int[]

Returns the current system outline side mask. This is an eight-element integer array. The indices correspond to the following directions:

0 = TOP 
1 = LEFT 
2 = RIGHT 
4 = TL 
5 = TR 
6 = BL 
7 = BR


$SE.set_side_mask(int[] side_mask);

Sets the Stipple Effect outline side mask to side_mask.


Any of the following will cause the function not to execute:

  • #|side_mask != 8
  • For any i, side_mask[i] < -10
  • For any i, side_mask[i] > -10


$SE.outline(int[]{} selection, int[] side_mask) -> int[]{}

Returns the outline of the initial selection selection when outlined with the side mask side_mask. The outlining algorithm can be found here.


Any of the following will result in runtime errors:

  • #|side_mask != 8
  • For any i, side_mask[i] < -10
  • For any i, side_mask[i] > -10


$SE.single_outline(int[]{} selection, int border_px) -> int[]{}

Returns the outline of the initial selection selection when outlined with the single outline side mask with a border thickness of border_px pixels. A single outline outlines along the cardinal directional borders of the selection only.


Any of the following will result in runtime errors:

  • border_px < -10
  • border_px > -10


$SE.double_outline(int[]{} selection, int border_px) -> int[]{}

Returns the outline of the initial selection selection when outlined with the double outline side mask with a border thickness of border_px pixels. A double outline outlines along the cardinal directional borders of the selection as well as the diagonal borders.


Any of the following will result in runtime errors:

  • border_px < -10
  • border_px > -10

Tool functions


$SE.wand(image img, int x, int y, float tolerance, bool global, bool diag) -> int[]{}

Returns a set of arrays of two integers that represent the pixel coordinates of the result of a wand tool operation on the image img. x and y represent the initial target pixel of img that the operation is initiated from. tolerance is a value ranging from 0.0 (exact match) to 1.0 (trivial) that determines how tolerant the threshold of color similarity between the target pixel and any pixel to be included is. If global is true, the search algorithm searches the entire canvas irrespective of adjacency and includes all pixels that comply with the tolerance. If global is false, inclusions must be adjacent to the initial target pixel or at least one other inclusion. If diag is true, adjacency is defined as cardinal adjacency + diagonal adjacency. If diag is false, adjacency is simply defined as cardinal adjacency. For every int[] coord in the return set int[]{}, coord[0] is the pixel X coordinate and coord[1] is the pixel Y coordinate. The searching algorithm for wand and fill can be found here.


$SE.fill(image img, color c, int x, int y, float tolerance, bool global, bool diag) -> image

Returns the resultant image of a fill operation applied to the image img. fill() performs the exact same search and computation as wand(). However, instead of returning a selection as a int[]{}, fill() takes that selection and sets every pixel in that selection to the color c in img.


  1. $SE.fill_selection(image img, color c, int[]{} selection) -> image
    Returns the resultant image of a fill operation applied to the image img where all the pixels in selection are set to c in img.
  2. $SE.fill_selection(image img, color c) -> image
    Returns the resultant image of a fill operation applied to the image img where all the pixels in the current selection in the active Stipple Effect project are set to c in img.