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flakefinder is a tool to find flaky tests.

flakefinder does the following:

  1. Report creation
    1. Fetching all merged PRs within a given time period
    2. Getting the last commit of each PR which got merged
    3. Correlate the PR with all prowjobs which were running against this last commit
  2. Create/update html documents in GCS bucket /reports/flakefinder/
    1. flakefinder-$date-###h.html - extract skipped/failed/success from the junit results and create a html table
    2. index.html - create page containing all report files from previous point

Selecting the right builds:

  • Filter out not merged PRs
  • Filter out identical prow jobs on multiple PRs (can be because of the merge pool)
  • Filter out jobs which don't have a junit result
  • Only shows test results for all lanes where a test at least failed once on one of the found lanes
  • Only take prow jobs into account which were run on the commit which got merged

Reports entry page

The flakefinder reports entry page shows an overview over all projects for which flakefinder reports are generated.

How to read flakefinder reports

Once you select a project, you are taken to the report overview page.

Project report overview page

Flakefinder reports entrypage for project

  1. daily rolling window report (updated hourly), covers all PRs merged today
  2. daily report for yesterday, covers all PRs merged yesterday
  3. weekly report from yesterday, covers all PRs merged from six days before yesterday until yesterday

Not shown here: flakefinder reports for last four weeks (updated once a week)

Project report details page

In a nutshell the daily report of day x covers all merged PRs from the start of the day before until the runtime of the report.

Each report contains rows for all tests where at least one test failed on any lane for all PRs that were merged at or after the report date. Rows are sorted according to severity of test failures (i.e the more test fails, the more the test appears at the top of the report

Columns are:

  1. link index
  2. test name
  3. lane aggregation for the test under scope
    the numbers are:
    red: number of fails
    green: number of passes
    gray: number of skips

Example: Flakefinder weekly report for KubeVirt

Flakefinder weekly report for KubeVirt

Build popup

When you click on the number where test failures occurred a popup opens:

The build popup

Here failed test runs are marked as red, also links to the Prow job details page and to the GitHub PR are available.

Note: The runtime of the reports can be found here.

How to build flakefinder

In top level directory:

make robots/flakefinder

Test flakefinder job locally


  • a github personal access token in a file oauth for the target repo and
  • service account credentials in a file service-account.json.

Create a job definition using mkpj

See job configurations here, use one of the job names from that file.

mkpj --config-path config.yaml --job-config-path jobs/kubevirt/kubevirt-periodics.yaml --job periodic-publish-flakefinder-xxx-report > /tmp/prowjob.yaml

Run the job locally using phaino

phaino --privileged /tmp/prowjob.yaml
INFO[0000] Reading...                                    path=/tmp/prowjob.yaml
INFO[0000] Converting job into docker run command...     job=periodic-publish-flakefinder-xxx-report
local /etc/github path ("token" mount): /path/to/home/.tokens/etc/github
local /etc/gcs path ("gcs" mount): /path/to/home/.gcs/credentials
"docker" "run" "--rm=true" \
 "--name=phaino-24602-1" \
 "--entrypoint=/app/robots/flakefinder/app.binary" \                        
 "-e" \                                                                     
 "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/etc/gcs/service-account.json" \
 "-v" \
 "/path/to/home/.tokens/etc/github:/etc/github" \
INFO[0007] Starting job...                               job=periodic-publish-flakefinder-xxx-report
INFO[0007] Waiting for job to finish...                  container=phaino-24602-1 job=periodic-publish-flakefinder-reports                                                                    
Unable to find image 'kubevirtci/flakefinder@sha256:491cb61028bd5fcb3ae5ae3e79497f7cf3b4d4e68b70b7471cdc7359a3123e86' locally                                                                 
sha256:491cb61028bd5fcb3ae5ae3e79497f7cf3b4d4e68b70b7471cdc7359a3123e86: Pulling from kubevirtci/flakefinder                                                                                  
2019/08/22 14:43:59 report.go:188: Report will be written to gs://kubevirt-prow/reports/flakefinder/flakefinder-2019-08-22.html                                                               
2019/08/22 14:44:00 index.go:68: Report index page will be written to gs://kubevirt-prow/reports/flakefinder/index.html                                                                       
INFO[0145] PASS                                          duration=2m25.918744963s job=periodic-publish-flakefinder-reports                                                                    

Check the report

Check report index here