Please use the tarball containing the latest released version of the source code, located at:
See section "Workflow" below in case you want to contribute to the source code.
About compiling
- build.bat
Execute "build.bat --help" to show the usage
Currently used as default build process: "build.bat all -vs 2019 -ifort 21"
This will execute "Microsoft_VisualStudio\vcvarsall.bat". When using other versions, modifications will be needed.
Execute "./ --help" to show the usage
Currently used as default build process: "./ all --compiler intel21"
This will execute "src/" on Deltares systems. On other systems, the environment must be prepared upfront.
See ...\src\cmake\README
WARNING: When building without build-script, the collection of the resulting binaries will need attention
- Delft3D FM suite:
- Delft3D 4 suite:
Note: in this section:
Replace "..." by the actual path on your system to the checkout directory.
- Use build.bat to prepare the "all" configuration
- Open "...\build_all\all.sln" in VisualStudio and build the complete release version Directory "...\build_all\x64\Release\share\bin" will be created
- Build the debug versie of what you need (e.g. dimr and dflowfm, waq, wave)
- dimr project -> Set as Startup Project
- dimr project -> properties -> Debugging:
-> Command Arguments: dimr_config.xml
-> Working Directory: ...\examples\12_dflowfm\test_data\e100_f02_c02-FriesianInlet_schematic_FM
-> Environment: PATH=...\build_all\x64\Debug;%PATH%;...\build_all\x64\Release\share\bin
- Request for access on
- Create an issue in
If an issue is not created, you have to create a branch of type research - Clone the repository
- Create a branch using the naming convention below
The frequency of updating your branch from main is up to personal taste.
Yet, merge from main as often as possible, and merge back to main as early as possible. - Create a MergeRequest (not for research branches):
- TeamCity projects will be triggered to build the source code (Windows and Linux). Continuation is only possible when it succeeds. This will take at least 30 minutes.
- A small set of QuickTests will be triggered on TeamCity. Continuation is only possible when it succeeds. This will take at least 30 minutes.
- You have to assign the MergeRequest to a core developer for reviewing and testing. When succeeded, the tester/reviewer is allowed to merge into trunk.
- Official binary deliveries are only allowed using Deltares TeamCity server
<kernel>/<type>/<ISSUENR>_short_description with:
- <kernel> : one of: all, d3d4, fm, none, part, rr, swan, waq, wave
-> Use all/none to trigger all/none tests - <type> : one of: bugfix, doc, feature, poc, release, research, task
-> Use research for branches that will not be merged into trunk directly - <ISSUENR> : JIRA issue number
-> Not needed for type research