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Lab 1 - Prepare for ephemeral infrastructure


In this lab we will configure our small Rails app to connect to a database and Redis server running in the VM.


Step 1 - Change DB config

In the Rails app, modify config.database.yml as follows:

  1. Comment out the line

database: link_development

  1. Add this new line instead

url: <%= ENV.fetch("DATABASE_URL", "") %>

Step 2 - Transfer data to VM database

  1. Export a database dump from your local environment and save it to a file in the vagrant\data folder. For example, you might use this command if you are currently outside the deploying repo folder:

pg_dump link_development > deploying-rails-to-kubernetes/vagrant/data/link_development.sql

  1. Log into the datastores VM:

vagrant ssh workshop_datastores.

  1. Switch to the postgres user:

sudo su - postgres

  1. Connect to the postgres database and create the link database with:
create database link;
\c link
  1. Import the data:

psql link < link_development.sql

  1. Confirm that the data is present:
\c link
select * from users;
select * from entries;

Step 3 - Configure DB to accept connections from outside the VM

Note that this step is insecure and should be used only in a limited test env.

  1. Edit postgresql.conf:

sudo vim /etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf

  1. Find the property labeled listen_addresses and change the value from localhost to *:

listen_addresses: '*'

  1. Edit pg_hba.conf:

sudo vim /etc/postgresql/12/main/pg_hba.conf

  1. At the end of the file, add these two lines:
host    all             all            trust
host    all             all           trust
  1. Restart the Postgres service:

sudo service postgresql restart

Step 4 - Configure Redis to accept connecvtions from outside the VM

Note that this step is insecure and should be used only in a limited test env.

  1. Edit redis.conf

sudo vim /etc/redis/redis.conf

  1. Find the bind directives and add a new line:


  1. Find the protected-mode property and change it from yes to no:

protected-mode no

  1. Restart the Redis service:

sudo service redis restart

Step 5 - Add environment variables

Add these two lines to the .env file in your application:

DATABASE_URL=postgresql://[email protected]:5432/link

Step 6 - Test

Start the application and visit it in a browser to confirm things are running as expected. Visit the /sidekiq route and confirm that the Redis URL at bottom of the page is the one from the environment variable.