A shopping-cart API implemented using express and Typescript. Items are persisted in memory.
Install nodenv and node-build (or use any other way to put correct version of node on PATH).
Optionally, install jq package using homebrew, apt-get, yum etc. This is not required, but is useful for making the json returned by the API readable.
Run this to install the right version of node and start the cart API server:
nodenv install $(cat .node-version) # or non-nodenv equivalent
npm install
npm start
- To access the API:
curl --verbose http://localhost:8080/cart # list all
curl --verbose -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"item": {"title": "pumps", "price": 1999}}' http://localhost:8080/cart # add item
curl --verbose -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/cart # delete all
curl --verbose -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/cart/1 # delete by id
- To use jq to pretty print the output from curl, append
| jq .
to the above commands.
Unit tests use jest and (for HTTP testing) supertest. They can be run locally using:
npm test