This setup will create a Dashing Ruby on Rails development environment with a sample zabbix dashboard and is based on lynnaloo/dashing-vagrant and dav3860/zabbix_dashboard.
It includes everything needed to set up a Centos 7 Virtualbox based Vagrant box that can connect to your own Zabbix server.
- Download and install VirtualBox
- Download and install Vagrant
- vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
Clone this dashing-vagrant
respository (or a fork) to a directory on your host machine:
host $ git clone
Start the virtual machine:
host $ vagrant up
Connect to the virtual machine via ssh:
host $ vagrant ssh
Bundle the Ruby gems:
vagrant $ cd dashing
vagrant $ bundle install
Setup environment variables:
vagrant $ cp jobs/zabbix.rb.sample jobs/zabbix.rb
vagrant $ vi jobs/zabbix.rb
- Create /home/vagrant/dashing/jobs/zabbix.rb from jobs/zabbix.rb.sample
- Change url, username and password to connect to zabbix.
- You probably also want to change the hostgroups in this file to match those in your environment (you can find those by searching for "SCREENS" in this file).
Start the Dashing server
vagrant $ dashing start
Launch your local browser and navigate to application using localhost http://localhost:3030
or the static IP Address of the virtual machine