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Language Verification, Construction, and Analysis

OCaml-CI Build Status


LVCA is a toolkit for building programming languages. There are two main activities in LVCA -- (1) defining the abstract syntax for a language and (2) mapping between languages.

Abstract syntax

We can, for example define the abstract syntax for the lambda calculus.

term := Lam(term. term) | App(term; term)

This language definition defines a new sort, term. It says that a term is either a Lam or an App.

A Lam (lambda abstraction) binds a variable of sort term within an expression of sort term. For example, the classic identity function (\x -> x) looks like Lam(x. x). An App (function application) holds two subterms of sort term. We can apply the identity function to itself: App(Lam(x. x); Lam(x. x)).

Aside: If you're familiar with a language with algebraic datatypes (like Haskell, OCaml, Rust, etc), then this ought to look familiar. We've just defined a sums-of-products-style datatype. We can work with these as you'd work with algebraic datatypes: by constructing them and pattern-matching against them. However, sort declarations generalize algebraic datatypes because they have a notion of binding structure.

Let's try a different example.

string : *
primitive : *
list : * -> *

term :=
  | Operator(string; list term)
  | Primitive(primitive)

This definition says that a term is either an Operator (which holds both a string and list term) or a Primitive (which holds a single primitive).

We've also declared three external sorts: string, primitive, and list. These are sorts that are assumed to exist but will not be defined in our language.

Note that in each case we've just defined the abstract syntax of the language (not the concrete syntax). We can also define the concrete syntax via a parser and pretty-printer, but for now, we'll work with just the abstract syntax.

With a language definition like either of the above, LVCA can provide some nice tools:

  • We can view the binding structure of a term.
  • We can write a query for a given pattern over a codebase. For example, we could search for all lambda abstractions with the pattern Lam(_). Or we could search for all identity functions with Lam(x. x). Important note: this pattern will match Lam(y. y) or any other variable name.
  • Similarly, we can even rewrite parts of our codebase.

Mapping between languages

Once we've defined syntax, the real fun is mapping between languages. For example, say we have a language which combines the lambda calculus with real-valued expressions.

real : *

term :=
  | Lam(term. term)
  | App(term; term)
  | Real_expr(real)

Now we can define a mapping to reals:

\(term: term) -> match term with {
  | Lam(_) -> tm
  | App(f; arg) -> match reduce f with {
    | Lam(x. body) -> body[f := reduce arg]
    | f' -> {App(f'; {reduce arg})}
  | Real_expr(expr) -> expr

This is a function of type term -> real, meaning it interprets terms as reals. This function defines the semantics of terms by translation to another language.

Now, if we can evaluate real expressions (and we can evaluate the translation from term to real), then we can evaluate terms.

One final thing we might want to do is lift reals back to term:

\(real: real) -> Real_expr(real)

Now, since we have a term -> real and a real -> term, we can compose them (with the real evaluator real -> real in the middle) to get a term evaluator of type term -> term.

About the name

  1. LVCA is an acronym for Language Verification, Construction, and Automation

  2. In biology, LUCA stands for Last Universal Common Ancestor -- the most recent common ancestor of all life on earth. LVCA occupies a somewhat analogous position (maybe that's a stretch) as it can be used to implement any programming language.

  3. I pronounce it "Luca".


LVCA is composed of several subpackages. Topologically sorted by dependencies:

  • util: A few utilities used in the rest of the packages. Mostly extensions to Jane Street's base.
  • provenance: Types to represent provenance, ie where did a term come from.
  • parsing: Extensions to Angstrom, used in the rest of the packages for parsing.
  • syntax: The most important package -- contains representations for the core LVCA data types.
  • core: Definition of a "core" language.
  • bidirectional: Experimental library for defining bidirectional typechecking schemes.
  • constructive-real: Constructive / computable real numbers.
  • crowbar: Defines a binary for property checking.
  • syntax_quoter: Utilities used by both ppx_lvca and ppx_lvca_core.
  • ppx_lvca: An OCaml ppx for easily defining languages and terms.
  • ppx_lvca_core: An OCaml ppx for easily defining core language terms.
  • languages: Example languages built with LVCA.
  • pages: Web pages (many available at


LVCA is written in OCaml and built with dune. So first you need opam and dune installed, then:

make install-deps
dune build

The make commands are available only from the project root.dune build can be run from the project root or any of the subpackages.


To produce JS files small enough to put online, run in release mode. Optionally, also compress with terser:

dune build --profile=release
terser -c toplevel,sequences=false,drop_console=true --mangle -- _build/default/pages/0x-huttons-razor/main.bc.js > out.js


From the top level or any subpackage (syntax, core, etc):

dune runtest

From the top level:

make lint