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Logging in OmniStudio

Jonathan Gillespie edited this page Sep 17, 2024 · 6 revisions

As of v4.14.10, you can use Nebula Logger to provide logging capabilities in OmniStudio. This is done by leveraging the included CallableLogger Apex class as a remote action to add log entries, save the log, and interact with other parts of Nebula Logger's functionality.

For OmniStudio builders, the included Apex class CallableLogger can be used in:

In both cases, the CallableLogger class can be configured as a remote action - depending on which action is being called, some additional inputs may need to be provided. For more details (including what actions are available, and their required inputs), see the list of available actions in the CallableLogger Apex class.

Logging in OmniScripts

First, find & add a remote action element to your OmniScript


Within the remote action, there are 2 or 3 items to provide for the action:

  1. Remote Class: CallableLogger
  2. Remote Method: The name of the action in CallableLogger
  3. Extra Payload: Any additional inputs required for the specified action. Not all actions in Nebula Logger require additional inputs.


Logging in Integration Procedures

Similar to OmniScripts, first, find & add a remote action to your Integration Procedure


Within the remote action, there are 2 or 3 items to provide for the action:

  1. Remote Class: CallableLogger
  2. Remote Method: The name of the action in CallableLogger
  3. Additional Input: Any additional inputs required for the specified action. Not all actions in Nebula Logger require additional inputs.


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