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132 lines (99 loc) · 7.63 KB

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132 lines (99 loc) · 7.63 KB



  • No changes


  • API
    • Various shared pointers in C++ interface is changed to const references
    • Multipoint-constraint now accept std::span instead of vectors
    • Now using nanobind for Python bindings
    • Switch to pyproject.toml, see installation notes for updated instructions
  • DOLFINx API-changes
    • dolfinx.fem.FunctionSpaceBase replaced by dolfinx.fem.FunctionSpace
    • ufl.FiniteElement and ufl.VectorElement is replaced by basix.ufl.element


  • New feature: Add support for "scalar" inelastic contact conditions. This is a special case where you want to create a periodic constraint between two sets of facets, which might or might not align.


  • Patch for Python 3.8
  • Fix import order of mpi4py, petsc4py, dolfinx and dolfinx_mpc


  • API:
    • Change input of dolfinx_mpc.MultiPointConstraint.homogenize and dolfinx_mpc.backsubstitution to dolfinx.fem.Function instead of PETSc.Vec.
    • New feature: Add support for more floating types (float32, float64, complex64, complex128). The floating type of a MPC is related to the mesh geometry.
      • This resulted in a minor refactoring of the pybindings, meaning that the class dolfinx_mpc.cpp.mpc.MultiPointConstraint is replaced by dolfinx_mpc.cpp.mpc.MultiPointConstraint_{dtype}
    • Casting scalar-type with dolfinx.default_scalar_type instead of PETSc.ScalarType
    • Remove usage of VectorFunctionSpace. Use blocked basix element instead.
  • DOLFINX API-changes:
    • Use dolfinx.fem.functionspace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 1, (mesh.geometry.dim, ))) instead of dolfinx.fem.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 1)) as the latter is being deprecated.
    • Use basix.ufl.element in favor of ufl.FiniteElement as the latter is deprecated in DOLFINx.

v0.6.1 (30.01.2023)

  • Fixes for CI
  • Add auto-publishing CI
  • Fixes for h5py installation

v0.6.0 (27.01.2023)

  • Remove dolfinx::common::impl::copy_N in favor of std::copy_n by @jorgensd in #24
  • Improving and fixing by @fmonteghetti in #22 and @conpierce8 in #30
  • Remove xtensor by @jorgensd in #25
  • Complex valued periodic constraint (scale) by @jorgensd in #34
  • Implement Hermitian pre-multiplication by @conpierce8 in #38
  • Fixes for packaging by @mirk in #41, #42, #4
  • Various updates to dependencies

v0.5.0 (12.08.2022)

  • Minimal C++ standard is now C++20
  • Deprecating GMSH IO functions from dolfinx_mpc.utils, see: DOLFINx PR: 2261 for details.
  • Various API changes in DOLFINx relating to dolfinx.common.IndexMap.
  • Made code mypy-compatible (tests added to CI).
  • Made code PEP-561 compatible.

v0.4.0 (30.04.2022)

  • API:

    • New feature: Support for nonlinear problems (by @nate-sime) for mpc, see for usage
    • Updated user interface for dolfinx_mpc.create_slip_constraint. See documentation for details.
    • New feature: Support for periodic constraints on sub-spaces. See dolfinx_mpc.create_periodic_constraint for details.
    • New feature: assemble_matrix_nest and assemble_vector_nest by @nate-sime allows for block assembly of rectangular matrices, with different MPCs applied for rows and columns. This is highlighed in
    • assemble_matrix and assemble_vector now only accepts compiled DOLFINx forms as opposed to ufl-forms. LinearProblem still accepts ufl-forms
    • dolfinx_mpc.utils.create_normal_approximation now takes in the meshtag and the marker, instead of the marked entities
    • No longer direct access to dofmap and indexmap of MPC, now collected through the dolfinx_mpc.MultiPointConstraint.function_space.
    • Introducing custom lifting operator: dolfinx_mpc.apply_lifting. Resolves a bug that woul occur if one had a non-zero Dirichlet BC on the same cell as a slave degree of freedom. However, one can still not use Dirichlet dofs as slaves or masters in a multi point constraint.
    • Move dolfinx_mpc.cpp.mpc.create_*_contact_condition to dolfinx_mpc.MultiPointConstraint.create_*_contact_condition.
    • New default assembler: The default for assemble_matrix and assemble_vector is now C++ implementations. The numba implementations can be accessed through the submodule dolfinx_mpc.numba.
    • New submodule: dolfinx_mpc.numba. This module contains the assemble_matrix and assemble_vector that uses numba.
    • The mpc_data is fully rewritten, now the data is accessible as properties slaves, masters, owners, coeffs and offsets.
    • The MultiPointConstraint class has been rewritten, with the following functions changing
      • The add_constraint function now only accept single arrays of data, instead of tuples of (owned, ghost) data.
      • slave_cells does now longer exist as it can be gotten implicitly from cell_to_slaves.
  • Performance:

    • Major rewrite of periodic boundary conditions. On average at least a 5 x performance speed-up.
    • The C++ assembler has been fully rewritten.
    • Various improvements to ContactConstraint.
  • Bugs

    • Resolved issue where create_facet_normal_approximation would give you a 0 normal for a surface dof it was not owned by any of the cells with facets on the surface.
  • DOLFINX API-changes:

    • dolfinx.fem.DirichletBC -> dolfinx.fem.dirichletbc
    • dolfinx.fem.Form -> dolfinx.fem.form
    • Updates to use latest import schemes from dolfinx, including UnitSquareMesh -> create_unit_square.
    • Updates to match dolfinx implementation of exterior facet integrals
    • Updated user-interface of dolfinx.Constant, explicitly casting scalar-type with PETSc.ScalarType.
    • Various internal changes to handle new dolfinx.DirichletBC without class inheritance
    • Various internal changes to handle new way of JIT-compliation of dolfinx::fem::Form_{scalar_type}

0.3.0 (25.08.2021)

  • Minor internal changes

0.2.0 (06.08.2021)

  • Add new MPC constraint: Periodic boundary condition constrained geometrically. See for use-case.

  • New: proposed and initally implemented by fmonteghetti using SLEPc for eigen-value problems. This demo illustrates the usage of the new diagval keyword argument in the assemble_matrix class.

  • API:

    • Renaming and clean-up of assemble_matrix in C++
    • Renaming of Periodic constraint due to additional geometrical constraint, mpc.create_periodic_constraint -> mpc.create_periodic_constraint_geometrical/topological.
    • Introduce new class dolfinx_mpc.LinearProblem mimicking the DOLFINx class (Usage illustrated in
    • Additional kwarg b: PETSc.Vec for assemble_vector to be able to re-use Vector.
    • Additional kwargs: form_compiler_parameters and jit_parameters to assemble_matrix, assemble_vector, to allow usage of fast math etc.
  • Performance:

    • Slip condition constructor moved to C++ (Speedup for large problems)
    • Use scipy sparse matrices for verification
  • Misc:

    • Update GMSH code in demos to be compatible with GMSH 4.8.4.
  • DOLFINX API-changes:

    • is replaced by x.scatter_forward()
    • Various interal updates to match DOLFINx API (including dof transformations moved outside of ffcx kernel)

0.1.0 (11.05.2021)

  • First tagged release of dolfinx_mpc, compatible with DOLFINx 0.1.0.