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JSON query and transformation language


The primary purpose of this language is to extract values from JSON documents, with the additional capabilities to combine these values using a set of basic functions and operators, and also the ability to format the output into any arbitrary JSON structure.

Basic Selection

To support the extraction of values from a JSON structure, a location path syntax is defined. In common with XPath, this will select all possible values in the document that match the specified location path. The two structural constructs of JSON are objects and arrays.

Navigating JSON Objects

A JSON object is an associative array (a.k.a map or hash). The location path syntax to navigate into an arbitrarily deeply nested structure of JSON objects comprises the field names separated by dot '.' delimiters. The expression returns the JSON value referenced after navigating to the last step in the location path. If during the navigation of the location path, a field is not found, then the expression returns nothing (represented by Javascript undefined). No errors are thrown as a result of non-existing data in the input document.

The following sample JSON document is used by examples throughout this guide, unless otherwise indicated:

  "FirstName": "Fred",
  "Surname": "Smith",
  "Age": 28,
  "Address": {
    "Street": "Hursley Park",
    "City": "Winchester",
    "Postcode": "SO21 2JN"
  "Phone": [
      "type": "home",
      "number": "0203 544 1234"
      "type": "office",
      "number": "01962 001234"
      "type": "office",
      "number": "01962 001235"
      "type": "mobile",
      "number": "077 7700 1234"
  "Email": [
      "type": "work",
      "address": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]
      "type": "home",
      "address": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]
  "Other": {
    "Over 18 ?": true,
    "Misc": null,
    "Alternative.Address": {
      "Street": "Brick Lane",
      "City": "London",
      "Postcode": "E1 6RF"

The following expressions yield the following results when applied to this JSON document:

Expression Output Comments
Surname "Smith" Returns a JSON string ("double quoted")
Age 28 Returns a JSON number
Address.City "Winchester" Field references separated by '.'
Other.Misc null Matched the path and returns the null value
Other.Nothing Path not found. Returns Javascript undefined
Other.'Over 18 ?' true Field references containing whitespace or reserved tokens
can be enclosed in quotes (single or double)

Navigating JSON Arrays

JSON arrays are used when an ordered collection of values is required.
Each value in the array is associated with an index (position) rather than a name, so in order to address individual values in an array, extra syntax is required to specify the index. This is done using square brackets after the field name of the array. If the square brackets contains a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number, then the number represents the index of the value to select. Indexes are zero offset, i.e. the first value in an array arr is arr[0]. If the number is not an integer, then it is rounded down to an integer. If the expression in square brackets is non-numeric, or is an expression that doesn't evaluate to a number, then it is treated as a predicate.

Negative indexes count from the end of the array, for example, arr[-1] will select the last value, arr[-2] the second to last, etc. If an index is specified that exceeds the size of the array, then nothing is selected.

If no index is specified for an array (i.e. no square brackets after the field reference), then the whole array is selected. If the array contains objects, and the location path selects fields within these objects, then each object within the array will be queried for selection.

Expression Output Comments
Phone[0] { "type": "home", "number": "0203 544 1234" } Returns the first item (an object)
Phone[1] { "type": "office", "number": "01962 001234" } Returns the second item
Phone[-1] { "type": "mobile", "number": "077 7700 1234" } Returns the last item
Phone[-2] { "type": "office", "number": "01962 001235" } Negative indexed count from the end
Phone[8] Doesn't exist - returns nothing
Phone[0].number "0203 544 1234" Selects the number field in the first item
Phone.number [ "0203 544 1234", "01962 001234", "01962 001235", "077 7700 1234" ] No index is given to Phone so it selects all of
them (the whole array), then it selects all the number fields for each of them
Phone.number[0] [ "0203 544 1234", "01962 001234", "01962 001235", "077 7700 1234" ] Might expect it to just return the first number,
but it returns the first number of each of the items selected by Phone
(Phone.number)[0] "0203 544 1234" Applies the index to the array returned by Phone.number. One use of parentheses.
Top level arrays, nested arrays and array flattening

Consider the JSON document:

  { "ref": [ 1,2 ] },
  { "ref": [ 3,4 ] }

At the top level, we have an array rather than an object. If we want to select the first object in this top level array, we don't have a field name to append the [0] to. We can't use [0] on its own because that clashes with the array constructor syntax. However, we can use the context reference $ to refer to the start of the document as follows:

Expression Output Comments
$[0] { "ref": [ 1,2 ] } $ at the start of an expression refers to the entire input document
$[0].ref [ 1,2 ] .ref here returns the entire internal array
$[0].ref[0] 1 returns element on first position of the internal array
$.ref [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] Despite the structure of the nested array, the resultant selection
is flattened into a single flat array. The original nested structure
of the input arrays is lost. See Array constructors for how to
maintain the original structure in the results.

Complex selection


Use of * instead of field name to select all fields in an object

Expression Output Comments
Address.* [ "Hursley Park", "Winchester", "SO21 2JN" ] Select the values of all the fields of Address
*.Postcode "SO21 2JN" Select the Postcode value of any child object

Navigate arbitrary depths

Descendant wildcard ** instead of * will traverse all descendants (multi-level wildcard).

Expression Output Comments
**.Postcode [ "SO21 2JN", "E1 6RF" ] Select all Postcode values, regardless of how deeply nested they are in the structure


At any step in a location path, the selected items can be filtered using a predicate - [expr] where expr evaluates to a Boolean value. Each item in the selection is tested against the expression, if it evaluates to true, then the item is kept; if false, it is removed from the selection. The expression is evaluated relative to the current (context) item being tested, so if the predicate expression performs navigation, then it is relative to this context item.


Expression Output Comments
Phone[type='mobile'] { "type": "mobile", "number": "077 7700 1234" } Select the Phone items that have a type field that equals "mobile".
Phone[type='mobile'].number "077 7700 1234" Select the mobile phone number
Phone[type='office'].number [ "01962 001234", "01962 001235" ] Select the office phone numbers - there are two of them!

Singleton array and value equivalence

Within a JSONata expression or subexpression, any value (which is not itself an array) and an array containing just that value are deemed to be equivalent. This allows the language to be composable such that location paths that extract a single value from and object and location paths that extract multiple values from arrays can both be used as inputs to other expressions without needing to use different syntax for the two forms.

Consider the following examples:

  • Address.City returns the single value "Winchester"
  • Phone[0].number matches a single value, and returns that value "0203 544 1234"
  • Phone[type='home'].number likewise matches the single value "0203 544 1234"
  • Phone[type='office'].number matches two values, so returns an array [ "01962 001234", "01962 001235" ]

When processing the return value of a JSONata expression, it might be desirable to have the results in a consistent format regardless of how many values were matched. In the first two expressions above, it is clear that each expression is addressing a single value in the structure and it makes sense to return just that value. In the last two expressions, however, it is not immediately obvious how many values will be matched, and it is not helpful if the host language has to process the results in different ways depending on what gets returned.

If this is a concern, then the expression can be modified to make it return an array even if only a single value is matched. This is done by adding empty square brackets [] to a step within the location path. The examples above can be re-written to always return an array as follows:

  • Address[].City returns [ "Winchester"]
  • Phone[0][].number returns [ "0203 544 1234" ]
  • Phone[][type='home'].number returns [ "0203 544 1234" ]
  • Phone[type='office'].number[] returns [ "01962 001234", "01962 001235" ]

Note that the [] can be placed either side of the predicates and on any step in the path expression

Combining values

String expressions

Path expressions that point to a string value will return that value. Strings can be combined using the concatenation operator '&'


Expression Output Comments
FirstName & ' ' & Surname "Fred Smith" Concatenate FirstName followed by space
followed by Surname
Address.(Street & ', ' & City) "Hursley Park, Winchester" Another nice use of parentheses

Consider the following JSON document:

  "Numbers": [1, 2.4, 3.5, 10, 20.9, 30]

Numeric expressions

Path expressions that point to a number value will return that value. Numbers can be combined using the usual mathematical operators to produce a resulting number. Supported operators:

  • + addition
  • - subtraction
  • * multiplication
  • / division
  • % remainder (modulo)


Expression Output Comments
Numbers[0] + Numbers[1] 3.4 Adding 2 prices
Numbers[0] - Numbers[4] -19.9 Subtraction
Numbers[0] * Numbers[5] 30 Multiplying price by quantity
Numbers[0] / Numbers[4] 0.04784688995215 Division
Numbers[2] % Numbers[5] 3.5 Modulo operator

Comparison expressions

Often used in predicates, for comparison of two values. Returns Boolean true or false Supported operators:

  • = equals
  • != not equals
  • < less than
  • <= less than or equal
  • > greater than
  • >= greater than or equal
  • in value is contained in an array


Expression Output Comments
Numbers[0] = Numbers[5] false Equality
Numbers[0] != Numbers[4] true Inequality
Numbers[1] < Numbers[5] true Less than
Numbers[1] <= Numbers[5] true Less than or equal
Numbers[2] > Numbers[4] false Greater than
Numbers[2] >= Numbers[4] false Greater than or equal
"01962 001234" in Phone.number true Value is contained in

Boolean expressions

Used to combine Boolean results, often to support more sophisticated predicate expressions. Supported operators:

  • and
  • or

Note that not is supported as a function, not an operator.


Expression Output Comments
(Numbers[2] != 0) and (Numbers[5] != Numbers[1]) true and operator
(Numbers[2] != 0) or (Numbers[5] = Numbers[1]) true or operator

Specifying result structures

So far, we have discovered how to extract values from a JSON document, and how to manipulate the data using numeric, string and other operators. It is useful to be able to specify how this processed data is presented in the output.

Array constructors

As previously observed, when a location path matches multiple values in the input document, these values are returned as an array. The values might be objects or arrays, and as such will have their own structure, but the matched values themselves are at the top level in the resultant array.

It is possible to build extra structure into the resultant array by specifying the construction of arrays (or objects) within the location path expression. At any point in a location path where a field reference is expected, a pair of square brackets [] can be inserted to specify that the results of the expression within those brackets should be contained within a new array in the output. Commas are used to separate multiple expressions within the array constructor.

Array constructors can also be used within location paths for making multiple selections without the broad brush use of wildcards.


Expression Output Comments
Email.address [ "[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]" ]
The four emails addresses are returned in a flat array
Email.[address] [ [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
[ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ] ]
Each email object generates an array of addresses
[Address, Other.'Alternative.Address'].City [ "Winchester", "London" ] Selects the City value of both
Address and Alternative.Address objects

Object constructors

In a similar manner to the way arrays can be constructed, JSON objects can also be constructed in the output. At any point in a location path where a field reference is expected, a pair of braces {} containing key/value pairs separated by commas, with each key and value separated by a colon: {key1: value2, key2:value2}. The keys and values can either be literals or can be expressions. The key must either be a string or an expression that evaluates to a string.

When an object constructor follows an expression that selects multiple values, the object constructor will create a single object that contains a key/value pair for each of those context values. If an array of objects is required (one for each context value), then the object constructor should immediately follow the dot '.' operator.


Expression Output Comments
Phone{type: number} { "home": "0203 544 1234", "office": "01962 001235", "mobile": "077 7700 1234" } One of the office numbers was lost because it had a duplicate key
Phone.{type: number} [ { "home": "0203 544 1234" }, { "office": "01962 001234" }, { "office": "01962 001235" }, { "mobile": "077 7700 1234" } ] Produces an array of objects

JSON literals

The array and object constructors use the standard JSON syntax for JSON arrays and JSON objects. In addition to this values of the other JSON data types can be entered into an expression using their native JSON syntax:

  • strings - "hello world"
  • numbers - 34.5
  • Booleans - true or false
  • nulls - null
  • objects - {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
  • arrays - ["value1", "value2"]

This means that any valid JSON document is also a valid expression. This property allows you to use a JSON document as a template for the desired output, and then replace parts of it with expressions to insert data into the output from the input document.

Programming Constructs

So far, we have introduced all the parts of the language that allow us to extract data from an input JSON document, combine the data using string and numeric operators, and format the structure of the output JSON document. What follows are the parts that turn this into a Turing complete, functional programming language.

Conditional expressions

If/then/else constructs can be written using the ternary operator "? :". predicate ? expr1 : expr2

The expression predicate is evaluated. If its effective boolean value (see definition) is true then expr1 is evaluated and returned, otherwise expr2 is evaluated and returned.

Parenthesized expressions and blocks

Used to override the operator precedence rules. E.g.

  • (5 + 3) * 4

Used to compute complex expressions on a context value

  • Product.(Price * Quantity) - both Price and Quantity are fields of the Product value

Used to support 'code blocks' - multiple expressions, separated by semicolons

(expr1; expr2; expr3)

Each expression in the block is evaluated in sequential order; the result of the last expression is returned from the block.


Any name that starts with a dollar '$' is a variable. A variable is a named reference to a value. The value can be one of any type in the language's type system (link).

Built-in variables
  • $ The variable with no name refers to the context value at any point in the input JSON hierarchy. Examples
  • $$ The root of the input JSON. Only needed if you need to break out of the current context to temporarily navigate down a different path. E.g. for cross-referencing or joining data. Examples
  • Native (built-in) functions. See function library.
Variable assignment

Values (of any type in the type system) can be assigned to variables

$var_name := "value"

The stored value can be later referenced using the expression $var_name.

The scope of a variable is limited to the 'block' in which it was assigned. E.g.

  $p := Product.Price;
  $q := Product.Quantity;
  $p * $q

Returns Price multiplied by Quantity for the Product in the Invoice.


The function is a first-class type, and can be stored in a variable just like any other data type. A library of built-in functions is provided (link) and assigned to variables in the global scope. For example, $uppercase contains a function which, when invoked with a string argument, str, will return a string with all the characters in str changed to uppercase.

Invoking a function

A function is invoked by following its reference (or definition) by parentheses containing a comma delimited sequence of arguments. Examples:

  • $uppercase("Hello") returns the string "HELLO".
  • $substring("hello world", 0, 5) returns the string "hello"
  • $sum([1,2,3]) returns the number 6
Defining a function

Anonymous (lambda) functions can be defined using the following syntax:

function($l, $w, $h){ $l * $w * $h }

and can be invoked using

function($l, $w, $h){ $l * $w * $h }(10, 10, 5) which returns 500

The function can also be assigned to a variable for future use (within the block)

  $volume := function($l, $w, $h){ $l * $w * $h };
  $volume(10, 10, 5);
Recursive functions

Functions that have been assigned to variables can invoke themselves using that variable reference. This allows recursive functions to be defined. Eg.

  $factorial:= function($x){ $x <= 1 ? 1 : $x * $factorial($x-1) };

Note that it is actually possible to write a recursive function using purely anonymous functions (i.e. nothing gets assigned to variables). This is done using the Y-combinator which might be an interesting diversion for those interested in functional programming.

Higher order functions

A function, being a first-class data type, can be passed as a parameter to another function, or returned from a function. Functions that process other functions are known as higher order functions. Consider the following example:

  $twice := function($f) { function($x){ $f($f($x)) } };
  $add3 := function($y){ $y + 3 };
  $add6 := $twice($add3);
  • The function stored in variable $twice is a higher order function. It takes a parameter $f which is a function, and returns a function which takes a parameter $x which, when invoked, applies the function $f twice to $x.
  • $add3 stores a function that adds 3 to its argument. Neither $twice or $add3 have been invoked yet.
  • $twice is invoked by passing the function add3 as its argument. This returns a function that applies $add3 twice to its argument. This returned function is not invoked yet, but rather assigned to the variable add6.
  • Finally the function in $add6 is invoked with the argument 7, resulting in 3 being added to it twice. It returns 13.
Functions are closures

When a lambda function is defined, the evaluation engine takes a snapshot of the environment and stores it with the function body definition. The environment comprises the context item (i.e. the current value in the location path) together with the current in-scope variable bindings. When the lambda function is later invoked, it is done so in that stored environment rather than the current environment at invocation time. This property is known as lexical scoping and is a fundamental property of closures.

Consider the following example:

  $AccName := function() { $.'Account Name' };

  Order[OrderID = 'order104'].Product.{
    'Account': $AccName(),
    'SKU-' & $string(ProductID): $.'Product Name'

When the function is created, the context item (referred to by '$') is the value of Account. Later, when the function is invoked, the context item has moved down the structure to the value of each Product item. However, the function body is invoked in the environment that was stored when it was defined, so its context item is the value of Account. This is a somewhat contrived example, you wouldn't really need a function to do this. The expression produces the following result:

  "Account": "Firefly",
  "SKU-858383": "Bowler Hat",
  "SKU-345664": "Cloak"
Advanced stuff

There is no need to read this section - it will do nothing for your sanity or ability to manipulate JSON data.

Earlier we learned how to write a recursive function to calculate the factorial of a number and hinted that this could be done without naming any functions. We can take higher-order functions to the extreme and write the following:

λ($f) { λ($x) { $x($x) }( λ($g) { $f( (λ($a) {$g($g)($a)}))})}(λ($f) { λ($n) { $n < 2 ? 1 : $n * $f($n - 1) } })(6)

which produces the result 720. The Greek lambda (λ) symbol can be used in place of the word function which, if you can find it on your keyboard, will save screen space and please the fans of lambda calculus.

The first part of this above expression is an implementation of the Y-combinator in this language. We could assign it to a variable and apply it to other recursive anonymous functions:

  $Y := λ($f) { λ($x) { $x($x) }( λ($g) { $f( (λ($a) {$g($g)($a)}))})};
  [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] . $Y(λ($f) { λ($n) { $n <= 1 ? $n : $f($n-1) + $f($n-2) } }) ($)

to produce the Fibonacci series [ 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 ].

But we don't need to do any of this. Far more sensible to use named functions:

  $fib := λ($n) { $n <= 1 ? $n : $fib($n-1) + $fib($n-2) };
  [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] . $fib($)