Proximal Policy Optimization: PPO strikes a balance between ease of implementation, sample complexity, and ease of tuning, trying to compute an update at each step that minimizes the cost function while ensuring the deviation from the previous policy is relatively small.
Beta distribution is slight divergence from the original paper but in my experiments it made significant improvement.
This algorithm uses function aproximator in a form of neural network.
The first couple layers calculate policy distribution and return log(policy) Actions are sampled from the beta distribution built using two layer outputs Alpha and Beta
Value is calculated from a separate head in the network Critic network part
The implemenation is based on the implementation from the paper but it uses Huber-Loss loss function to calculate the cost(loss). In my experiments Huber-Loss had better performance over standard loss functions.
On average my best score was between around 2.35 points
Config also includes all hyperparemeters which I found to work best.
Model consists of several components, each built of 2 layers per component (body and head), body normally has 500 and head 400 nodes, details of the model are in the table below.
Layer (type) | Output Shape | Param # |
Inputs | [-1, 1000] | 25,000 |
BatchNorm1d-2 | [-1, 1000] | 2,000 |
PolicyBody | [-1, 500] | 500,500 |
BatchNorm1d-4 | [-1, 500] | 1,000 |
PolicyHead | [-1, 400] | 200,400 |
Actor | [-1, 400] | 160,400 |
Alpha | [-1, 2] | 802 |
Beta | [-1, 2] | 800 |
Actions | [-1, 2] | 800 |
Critic | [-1, 400] | 160,400 |
Total params: 1,052,503
Trainable params: 1,052,503
Non-trainable params: 0
gae_tau = 0.95
gradient_clip = 4.7
rollout_length = 2000 - trajectory length when recording actions / states
optimization_epochs = 10 - training length
mini_batch_size = 500 - batch size in training
ppo_ratio_clip = 0.123 - PPO clipping value
lr = 0.0001 - initial learning rate decayed over time
Better algorithm such as Soft Actor Critic could perform better.