This project is not maintained anymore. There is a new project with updated dependencies a new API (no sql.js anymore):
JavaScript (emscripten) port of SpatiaLite 5.0.0-beta (including SQLite 3.24.0, proj 5.1.0, geos 3.6.2)
A demo (WebAssembly required) is available from here:
(be patient, loading the js and database file takes some time).
spatiasql.js (SpatiaLite) is an extension of sql.js (SQLite) and implements the same (for node), but async API for the browser, exept:
- loading shapefiles in node:
const fs = require('fs');
const spatiasql = require('spatiasql-node');
spatiasql.then(Database => {
const db = new Database();
db.loadshp('my_table', 'CP1251', 4326, {
shp: fs.readFileSync('my_file.shp'),
shx: fs.readFileSync('my_file.shx'),
dbf: fs.readFileSync('my_file.dbf')
let res = db.exec('SELECT * FROM my_table');
- loading shapefiles in the browser:
import { Database } from 'spatiasql';
const db = new Database();
const files = await Promise.all([
fetch('my_file.shp').then(res => res.arrayBuffer()),
fetch('my_file.shx').then(res => res.arrayBuffer()),
fetch('my_file.dbf').then(res => res.arrayBuffer())
const loaded = await db.loadshp('my_table', 'CP1251', 4326, {
shp: files[0],
shx: files[1],
dbf: files[2]
if (loaded) {
db.exec('SELECT * FROM my_table')
.then(res => console.log(res));
The worker script (& wasm) file is expected to live in a 'lib' folder and may be copied with e.g. CopyWebpackPlugin. See vue and angular examples: