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Welome to Tidepool at GitHub!

This GitHub repository is your launching pad to running and developing the Tidepool software on your very own computer. You can use it to run your own installation of Tidepool, take a quick peek at the Tidepool code, and even help us at Tidepool design and develop the next new and amazing feature!

Of course, if you haven't already done so, you should check out Tidepool and Tidepool Web. It's a snap to create an account, upload your or your loved one's diabetes device data, and visualize it all in one place. We've already done the hard work of setting up the servers, software, databases, backups, and more, so you don't have to. Check it out!

Quick Links

Initial Setup

It's easy to get up and running quickly as long as you know a bit about your computer and your way around a terminal window.


Currently, our local development environment only works natively in MacOS and Linux environments. To run within Windows, we recommend you set up and run within a Linux VM via a virtualization tool such as VirtualBox or VMWare. We hope to natively support Windows in an upcoming iteration.

Very determined Windows users may be able to get it working in it's current form with GitBash, Cygwin or the new Bash integration in Windows 10.

If you do get this working on Windows before we get to it, please consider contributing back to the community with a pull request.

Install Docker

The Tidepool stack relies on Docker and Docker Compose to run all of the code on your computer.

Follow the appropriate link for your platform (Mac OSx or Linux recommended) at and follow the directions to install and run Docker on your computer.

Install Docker Compose

We use Docker Compose to run a local Kubernetes cluster within Docker. There are a number of Kubernetes-in-Docker solutions available, but the one we've settled on as offering the best all-around fit for local development is bsycorp/kind.

If you installed Docker Desktop, the docker-compose tool will have been automatically installed with it. If you installed Docker on Linux, you'll need to download the binary by following the Docker Compose Installation Instructions

Install Kubernetes Client

The Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl, allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters.

It's important to install a version that's at minimum up-to-date with the version of the Kubernetes server we're running (currently 1.15.1). Please follow the kubectl installation instructions for your operating system.

For reference, the following should work:

# MacOS
curl -LO
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

# Linux
curl -LO
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

After installation, you can ensure that your client version meets the minimum requirements by running:

kubectl version

Install Helm

The Tidepool services (and supporting services such as the MongoDB database and the Gloo Gateway for routing requests) are defined by Helm templates, which the helm tool uses to convert into manifests that can be applied to the our local Kubernetes (K8s) cluster.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We currently run against version v2.16.1 of Helm, so be sure to install the correct version when following the Helm Installation Instructions.

# MacOS
curl -fsSL | tar -xzv darwin-amd64 && sudo mv darwin-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm

# Linux
curl -fsSL | tar -xzv linux-amd64 && sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm

After installing Helm, you can verify the correct version by typing helm version in your terminal.

Install Tilt

Managing a K8s cluster can be very challenging, and even more so when using one for local development. Tilt is a CLI tool used to simplify and streamline management of local development services within a Kubernetes cluster.

By using our Tilt setup, developers can very easily run a live-reloading instance of any of our frontend or backend services without needing to directly use or understand Helm or Kubernetes. All that's needed is uncommenting a couple of lines in a Tiltconfig.yaml file, and updating the local paths to where the developer has checked out the respective git repo, if different than the default defined in the config.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We currently run against version v0.10.23 of Tilt, so be sure to install the correct version when following the Tilt Installation Instructions.

# MacOS
curl -fsSL | tar -xzv tilt && sudo mv tilt /usr/local/bin/tilt

# Linux
curl -fsSL | tar -xzv tilt && sudo mv tilt /usr/local/bin/tilt

After installing Tilt, you can verify the correct version by typing tilt version in your terminal.

Clone This Repository

At a minimum you'll need to clone this very GitHub repository to your computer. Execute the following command in a terminal window, but be sure to replace the <local-directory> with the destination directory where you want the respository to be copied.

git clone <local-directory>

For example, if you want the code to be cloned into the ~/Tidepool/development directory on your computer, then run the following command in the terminal window.

git clone ~/Tidepool/development

For more information about git, please see Git and Try Git.

Add Tidepool Helper Script (recommended)

Though not strictly necessary, we recommend that you manage your local Tidepool stack via the tidepool helper script provided by this repo at /bin/tidepool.

Most of this documentation will assume you've chosen to install the helper script, but we do have some Quick Start instructions for managing the stack without the helper script for those who prefer to manage all the components directly.

# Show the help text (run from the root of this repo)
bin/tidepool help

It's recommended, however, to add the bin directory to your $PATH (e.g. in ~/.bashrc) so that you can run the script from anywhere as tidepool.

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/this/repo/bin

You can now easily manage your stack and services from anywhere.

# Show the help text (run from anywhere :) )
tidepool help

NOTE: tidepool help will describe and outline the use of all of the available commands.

Environment Setup (recommended)

There are 2 environment variables that we recommend you export before starting up the Tidepool stack for the first time.

It's recommended that you export them in a persistent way, such as within your local ~/.bash_profile (or whatever equivalent you use)

KUBECONFIG - This is the path used by Tilt to issue commands to your Kubernetes cluster.

export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/config"

TIDEPOOL_DOCKER_MONGO_VOLUME - This is the path used to persist your local MongoDB data. You don't need to set this, but if you don't, you'll be restarting from a blank slate each time you start up your dev environment.

For example, if you want to store the Mongo data in the ~/MyMongoData directory, then just set the value of the environment variable like so:


[back to top]

Quick Start

Once you've completed the Initial Setup, getting the Tidepool services (including supporting services such as the database and gateway services) up and running in a local Kubernetes cluster is trivial.

With The Tidepool Helper Script (recommended)

Start the kubernetes server

tidepool server-start

Retrieve and store the Kubernetes server config

tidepool server-set-config

This will save the Kubernetes server config to ~/.kube/config. This is only required after the initial server start provisioning.

Start the tidepool services

tidepool start

This will start the Tidepool services in the kubernetes cluster via Tilt. You will see a terminal UI open that will allow you to view the both the build status, build logs and container logs for all of the Tidepool services.

Stop the tidepool services

You can stop the Tidepool services either by exiting the Tilt UI with ctrl-c, or with the following terminal command:

tidepool stop

Stop the kubernetes server

tidepool server-stop

Without The Tidepool Helper Script

NOTE: All commands must be run from the root of this repo.

Start the kubernetes server

docker-compose -f 'docker-compose.k8s.yml' up -d

Retrieve and store the Kubernetes server config

docker-compose -f 'docker-compose.k8s.yml' logs -f server

We can move on once we see the following message:

INFO exited: start (exit status 0; expected)

Now that the server has started, we need to retrieve the Kubernetes config and store it to the path we exported our KUBECONFIG variable to.

# Replace ~/.kube/config as needed if you
# chose a different path for KUBECONFIG
curl > ~/.kube/config

Start the tidepool services

# First, set the DOCKER_HOST variable to allow using the docker process
# inside the server container for retrieving and building images
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://

# Start the tidepool services with Tilt,
# with trap to shut down properly upon exit
trap 'SHUTTING_DOWN=1 tilt down' EXIT; tilt up --port=0

Stop the tidepool services

You can stop the Tidepool services either by exiting the Tilt UI with ctrl-c, or with the following terminal command:

export SHUTTING_DOWN=1; tilt down

Stop the kubernetes server

docker-compose -f 'docker-compose.k8s.yml' stop

Monitor Kubernetes State With K9s (Optional)

While the tilt terminal UI shows a good deal of information, there may be times as a developer that you want a little deeper insight into what's happening inside Kubernetes.

K9s is a CLI tool that provides a terminal UI to interact with your Kubernetes clusters. It allows you to view in realtime the status of your Kubernetes pods and services without needing to learn the intricacies of kubectl, the powerful-but-complex Kubernetes CLI tool.

After Installing the k9s CLI, you can simply start the Terminal UI with:


[back to top]

Using Tidepool

Creating An Account

Once your local Tidepool is running, open your Chrome browser and browse to http://localhost:3000. You should see the Tidepool login page running from your local computer, assuming everything worked as expected. Go ahead and signup for a new account. Remember, all accounts and data created via this local Tidepool are ONLY stored on your computer. No data is stored on any of the Tidepool servers.

Verifying An Account Email

Since your local Tidepool does not have a configured email server, no emails will be sent at all. This includes the verification email sent during account creation. To get around this when running locally, you need to verify the email account in the mongo database directly by setting the authenticated field to true for the user you've created, which can be found at db.user.users.

This can be done by connecting to the mongo client within the mongo container (out of scope for this document), or, more conveniently, with the tidepool helper script:

tidepool verify-account-email [user-email-address]

Uploading Data

To upload diabetes device data to your local Tidepool, first make sure the Tidepool Uploader is installed on your computer. Follow the directions at

After installing and launching the Tidepool Uploader, but before logging in, right-click on the "Log In" button. From the popup menu displayed, first select "Change server" and then select "localhost". This directs the Tidepool Uploader to upload data to the running local Tidepool rather than our production servers. Then, login to the Tidepool Uploader using the account just created.

NOTE: If you wish to upload to our official, production Tidepool later, you'll have to repeat these instructions, but select the "Production" server instead. Please do not use any server other than "localhost" or "Production", unless explicitly instructed to do so by Tidepool staff.

Data Retention

Remember, this is all running on your computer only. This means that all accounts you create and all data you upload to your local Tidepool are ONLY stored in a Mongo database located in the local directory on your computer that you defined with the TIDEPOOL_DOCKER_MONGO_VOLUME environment variable (See Environment Setup (recommended)). If you delete that directory, then all of the data you uploaded locally is gone, permanently. If you are going to run Tidepool locally as a permanent solution, then we very strongly suggest regular backups of the mongo directory.

Fortunately, at Tidepool Web, we worry about that for you and make sure all of your data is secure and backed up regularly.

[back to top]

Advanced Customization

Tilt Config Overrides

Custom Tilt configuration and overrides of the Tidepool, MongoDB, and Gateway services is done through a local copy of the Tiltconfig.yaml file, which should be copied to local/Tiltconfig.yaml and updated there.

While updates can be made directly to the root Tiltconfig.yaml file,making your changes to the local copy ensures that they are made in a directory that's ignored by version control.

cp Tiltconfig.yaml local/Tiltconfig.yaml

The overrides file is read by the Tiltfile (and Tiltfile.mongodb and Tiltfile.proxy) at the root of this repo, and any changes defined for the helm charts will be passed through to helm to override settings in the helm chart values.yaml.

In addition to the helm chart overrides, there are some extra configuration parameters to instruct Tilt on how to build local images for any of the Tidepool services.

See Building Local Images for more details

Alternate MongoDB Host

If you wish to use an alternate Mongo host running outside of Docker, then you'll need to do a few things.

Set the mongodb.useExternal flag to true in your local/Tiltconfig.yaml file as required, and update mongo.secret._data section as needed. For example:

  useExternal: true
  # ...

      Scheme: "mongodb"
      Addresses: "http://host:port" # comma-separated list of MongoDB host[:port] addresses
      Username: ""                  # the MongoDB port to connect to
      Password: ""                  # a username in the Mongo instance
      Tls: "false"                  # whether to use SSL to communicate with Mongo
      OptParams: ""                 # optional parameters to pass on the Mongo connection string
      Database: "admin"             # database to connect to
  # ...

If you are running Mongo natively on your local Mac (not in Docker, but via another installation, such as Homebrew), then you can use the Docker-specific, container-accessible-only address host.docker.internal to point to the alternate Mongo host. For example,

      Addresses: "host.docker.internal"
    # ...

If the alternate Mongo host requires a TLS/SSL connection, be sure to set the global.mongo.ssl flag to true.

Dexcom API integration

The Dexcom API integration will not work out of the box as it requires a private developer id and secret known only to Dexcom and Tidepool. If you wish to enable this functionality, please see

Once you receive a developer id and secret from Dexcom, you add them to your local/Tiltconfig.yaml file as follows:

    dexcomClientId: ""
    dexcomClientSecret: ""
    # ...

Running Alternate Remote Images

By default, Tilt will pull and provision the images specified in the values.yaml file for the tidepool helm charts from the Docker Hub.

To pull and deploy a different image from the Docker Hub, simply uncomment and update the deployment.image value for the given service in your local/Tiltconfig.yaml file with any valid image:tag combination (See Tilt Config Overrides if you haven't set up your local overrides file).

For instance, to have Tilt provision the latest remote image for shoreline:

### Change this:
  # deployment:
  #   image: tidepool-k8s-shoreline
  # hostPath: '~/go/src/'
  # ...

### To this:
    image: tidepool/shoreline:latest
  # hostPath: '~/go/src/'
  # ...

IMPORTANT: You must leave the hostPath value for the service commented out if you want to deploy a remote image

[back to top]

Developing Tidepool Services

If you wish to build and run one or more Docker images locally using the latest-and-greatest source code, then you'll need to do a few more things.

Image Source Repositories

First, you'll need to clone the GitHub repository you are interested in to your computer.

Using development images

The blip service image uses a multistage Dockerfile to allow the option of building development environment images or minimal production-ready images from the same file.

By default, the production-ready image is pulled.

If you need to develop this repo, you need to ensure that you are pulling and running the image with the develop tag to be able to run yarn commands and unit tests, package linking, and other development tasks.

    image: tidepool/blip
  # ...


    image: tidepool/blip:develop
  # ...

Mounting Local Volumes

Repository Name Docker Container Name (<docker-container-name>) Description Language Git Clone URL (<git-clone-url>) Default Clone Directory (<default-clone-directory>)
blip blip Web (ie. http://localhost:3000) Node.js ../blip
gatekeeper gatekeeper Permissions Node.js ../gatekeeper
highwater highwater Metrics Node.js ../highwater
hydrophone hydrophone Email, Invitations Golang ~/go/src/
jellyfish jellyfish Data Ingestion [LEGACY] Node.js ../jellyfish
message-api message-api Notes Node.js ../message-api
platform (see below) (see below) Golang ~/go/src/
seagull seagull Metadata Node.js ../seagull
shoreline shoreline Authentication Golang ~/go/src/
tide-whisperer tide-whisperer Download Golang ~/go/src/

Please note that the platform repository actually contains source code for multiple Docker services, specifically:

Docker Container Name Description
auth Authentication
blob Blob Storage
data Data Ingestion (next generation)
migrations Database Migrations
notification Notifications (TBD)
task Background Jobs
tools Tools, Utilities
user Users

NOTE: The Golang repositories include the extra-long directory hierarchy to ensure a unique, valid GOPATH. Read more about Golang and GOPATH for details.

    image: tidepool/blip:develop
      - hakken
    # build:
    #   context: ${TIDEPOOL_DOCKER_BLIP_DIR}
    #   target: 'develop'
      - ${TIDEPOOL_DOCKER_BLIP_DIR}:/app:cached
      - /app/node_modules
      - /app/dist
      # - ${TIDEPOOL_DOCKER_PLATFORM_CLIENT_DIR}:/tidepool-platform-client:cached
      # - /tidepool-platform-client/node_modules
      # - ${TIDEPOOL_DOCKER_TIDELINE_DIR}:/tideline:cached
      # - /tideline/node_modules
      # - ${TIDEPOOL_DOCKER_VIZ_DIR}:/@tidepool/viz:cached
      # - viz-dist:/@tidepool/viz/dist:ro

git clone <git-clone-url> <default-clone-directory>

For example, if you wanted to clone the shoreline repository:

git clone ~/Tidepool/development/shoreline/src/

Alternate Source Repository Directory

You can alternatively clone the source repository to any directory on your computer. To do so, clone the repository to the directory of your choosing and update the value of hostPath in your local Tilt config for that service.

For example, if you wanted the tide-whisperer source code to be cloned into the ~/development/tide-whisperer directory, then execute the command:

git clone ~/development/tide-whisperer

Then, update the local/Tiltconfig.yaml file as follows:

  hostPath: "~/development/tide-whisperer"
  # ...

NOTE: Ensure that any cloned Golang repositories end up in a valid GOPATH directory hierarchy.

Building Local Images

To build and run a Docker image from the source code you just cloned, you simply need to uncomment the deployment.image and hostPath values for the given service in your local/Tiltconfig.yaml file (See Tilt Config Overrides if you haven't set this up).

For instance, to have Tilt build a local image for shoreline:

### Change this:
  # deployment:
  #   image: tidepool-k8s-shoreline
  # hostPath: "~/go/src/"
  # ...

### To this:
    image: tidepool-k8s-shoreline
  hostPath: "~/go/src/"
  # ...

Automatic Service Rebuilding And Reloading

All service containers built locally with Tilt will automatically rebuild/reload whenever file changes are detected.

Most changes will leave the container itself deployed and simply restart the main container process (the Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT and/or CMD).

Changes to the Dockerfile for any Tilt-built image will trigger a new image build and a new service container will be deployed once it's ready.

Any changes to the Tilt config that warrant a new image build will also trigger a new image build and service container deployment.

Custom Service Rebuild Command

While automatic rebuilds are currently set up for all Tidepool services, it is possible to specify a custom rebuild command that will run

Custom Docker Build Parameters

Set Build Target Environment Variable

All of the Tidepool services uses a multi-target Dockerfile to build the Docker images. This means there is a development target, which includes all of the necessary development tools, and a production target, which contains only the final binaries. The default, if no target is specified, is development

To set a different build tarket, update the buildTarget value for the service config in your local/Tiltconfig.yaml file.

For example, if you wanted to build the production blip service image:

    image: tidepool-k8s-blip
  hostPath: ../blip
  buildTarget: production # <- Add this
  # ...

Use Custom Dockerfile

By default, Tilt will build using the Dockerfile at the root of the specified hostPath for a given service.

To use a different Dockerfile, set or update the dockerFile value for the service config in your local/Tiltconfig.yaml file.

For example, if you created a custom Dockerfile.myBlip file at the root of the blip repo, update the blip service config as follows:

    image: tidepool-k8s-blip
  hostPath: ../blip
  dockerFile: Dockerfile.myBlip # Add custom dockerfile here
  buildTarget: myBuildTarget # Set to false if not a multistage Dockerfile
  # ...

Linking And Un-Linking Tidepool Web NPM Packages

Making changes to our primary web application, Tidepool Web, which goes by the service name blip, is exactly the same process as all of the other services as long as all the changes required can be made within the blip repository.

If a feature requires changes to any of our supporting NPM packages (listed below), they need to be mounted into the blip service container and linked via NPM

First, you'll need to clone the GitHub repository you are interested in to your computer.

Here is a list of the Tidepool npm packages you may need to make changes to:

Package Name Service Name Description Git Clone URL (<git-clone-url>) Default Clone Directory (<default-clone-directory>)
@tidepool/viz viz Component Visualization and Data Pre-Processing ../viz
tideline tideline Legacy Component Visualization and Data Pre-Processing ../tideline
tidepool-platform-client platform-client Client-side library to interact with the Tidepool backend APIs ../platform-client

Choose one of the above repositories and clone locally using the following command. Replace <git-clone-url> with the appropriate Git Clone URL from the above table. Replace <default-clone-directory> with the appropriate Default Clone Directory from the above table.

git clone <git-clone-url> <default-clone-directory>

For example, if you wanted to clone the viz service repository:

git clone ../viz

Linking A Package With Tilt Config

Next, you need to set the linked package's active value to true in your local/Tiltconfig.yaml file.

You will also need to ensure that the blip.deployment.image and blip.hostPath values are uncommented

    image: tidepool-k8s-blip # Uncommented
  hostPath: ../blip # Uncommented and path matches the cloned blip repo location
  containerPath: "/app"
  apiHost: "http://localhost:3000"
  webpackDevTool: cheap-module-eval-source-map
  webpackPublicPath: "http://localhost:3000"
    - name: tideline
      packageName: tideline
      hostPath: ../tideline
      enabled: false

    - name: tidepool-platform-client
      packageName: tidepool-platform-client
      hostPath: ../platform-client
      enabled: false

    - name: viz
      packageName: "@tidepool/viz"
      hostPath: ../viz # Path matches where the cloned viz repo location
      enabled: true # Set from false to true
  restartContainer: false

When you save this, if the services are already running, or you start the services with tidepool start, Tilt will automatically build and deploy a new blip container image with the viz repo package mounted at /app/packageMounts/@tidepool/viz, and will have already installed the viz npm dependancies and npm link-ed the package to blip

Un-Linking A Package With Tilt Config

If you set enabled for the viz package back to false in your local/Tiltconfig.yaml file, Tilt will automatically build and deploy a new blip container image without the package link.

    image: tidepool-k8s-blip
  hostPath: ../blip
  containerPath: "/app"
  apiHost: "http://localhost:3000"
  webpackDevTool: cheap-module-eval-source-map
  webpackPublicPath: "http://localhost:3000"
    # ...
    - name: viz
      packageName: "@tidepool/viz"
      hostPath: ../viz
      enabled: false # Set from true back to false
  # ...

Troubleshooting Webpack Dev Server issues in blip or viz with Docker For Mac

From time to time, the Webpack Dev Server started by the blip or viz npm start scripts will stop detecting file changes, which will stop the live recompiling. It is unclear why this occurs, but the following steps seem to fix it:

Examples for blip. Simply replace with viz as needed.

# First, try a simple restart of the service
docker-compose restart blip

# This will often do it.  If not, try bringing down the full stack and restarting
docker-compose down
docker-compose up

# If this doesn't work, try restarting Docker For Mac and bring up the stack as per ussual.
# On very rare occasions, there is a corrupted volume mount.
# To fix this, remove the container and it's volumes, and restart the service
docker-compose rm -fsv blip
docker-compose up blip

Tidepool Helper Script

Included in the bin directory of this repo is a bash script named tidepool_docker.

Working With Yarn For NodeJS Services

Running your development environment in Docker is great for a number of reasons, but it does complicate package management when working with Node.js projects.

The main issue is that you can't manage your node packages in the container using your local installation of npm or yarn (which we use) because the node_modules folder does not get volume-mounted into the containers.

This is for performance reasons, but also because we want the packages to be compiled for and running in the same environment/operating system (linux in our case).

This results in us having to issue our yarn commands from within the containers, instead of from our native operating system.

The tidepool helper script (see Add Tidepool Helper Script) allows us to shell into a container and run commands.

# Shell into the container from your local terminal
tidepool exec blip sh

# You will now be 'inside' the container in the /app directory
yarn install
# The node_modules folder will now be updated with the latest packages, and the yarn.lock file updated

# Now we exit the container and return to our local terminal shell

This is overkill when just doing a simple command (streamlined alternative outlined below), but it's very hand when you need to perform multiple operations or simply poke around the container's file system.

Command Description
up [service] start and/or (re)build the entire tidepool stack or the specified service
down shut down and remove the entire tidepool stack
stop shut down the entire tidepool stack or the specified service
rm [service] stops and removes containers and volumes for the entire tidepool stack or the specified service
restart [service] restart the entire tidepool stack or the specified service
pull [service] pull the latest images for the entire tidepool stack or the specified service
logs [service] tail logs for the entire tidepool stack or the specified service
rebuild [service] rebuild and run image for all services in the tidepool stack or the specified service
exec service [...cmds] run arbitrary shell commands in the currently running service container
link node_service package yarn link a mounted package and restart the Node.js service (package must be mounted into a root directory that matches it's name)
unlink node_service package yarn unlink a mounted package, reinstall the remote package, and restart the Node.js service (package must be mounted into a root directory that matches it's name)
yarn node_service [...cmds] shortcut to run yarn commands against the specified Node.js service
help show more detailed usage text than what's listed here
# Examples (from your local terminal)

# Perform an install
tidepool yarn blip # Could specify install, but it's implied as the default command

# Run an npm script, such as a test-watch
tidepool yarn blip test-watch

# Run the linked @tidepool/viz storybook
tidepool yarn @tidepool/viz stories

# IMPORTANT STEP: in a separate tab, expose the storybook port
# in the blip service so you can access the storybook UI from your browser
tidepool port-forward blip 8083

Persisting Yarn Lockfile Updates

IMPORTANT: If you were to add a new NPM package directly (or otherwise update the yarn.lock or package.json) within the container using the above tidepool yarn helper, it would work within that container, but these changes would NOT propogate back to your host filesystem.

To persist updates to your yarn.lock (or package-lock.json in some repos) and package.json files, you should run the yarn or npm commands locally.

This will allow your changes to be tracked properly in version control, and Tilt is configured to recognize when a yarn.lock or package-lock.json file changes and will automatically run yarn install for you in the service container (so you don't have to do it in 2 places).

Service Standard Port(s)
blip N/A (see below)
export 9300
gatekeeper 9123
hakken 8000
highwater 9191
hydrophone 9157
jellyfish 9122
message-api 9119
platform-auth 9222
platform-blob 9225
platform-data 9220
platform-image 9226
platform-migrations N/A (see below)
platform-notification 9223
platform-task 9224
platform-tools N/A (see below)
platform-user 9221
seagull 9120
shoreline 9107
styx 8009, 8010 (see below)
tide-whisperer 9127

[back to top]


Tracing Internal Services

Sometimes, you'll want to capture some or all of the network traffic that flows into and between the various Tidepool services.

Unfortunately, due the version of the Gloo gateway (which handles internal networking between the Tidepool services) that we are currently using, we don't yet have an easy way to do this.

The good news is that we anticipate upgrading the Gloo version in the near future, and will support Envoy's tracing capabilities, as outlined in the Gloo Tracing Documentation.

Stay Tuned :)


Issue Things to try
kubectl errors when provisioning services Make sure you've set the KUBECONFIG environment variable. See Environment Setup (recommended) and Retrieve and store the Kubernetes server config
kubectl errors when starting k9s Make sure you've set the KUBECONFIG environment variable. See Environment Setup (recommended) and Retrieve and store the Kubernetes server config
Tidepool Web ('blip') not loading Check the service logs, either in the Tilt UI or with tidepool logs blip to make sure it's finished compiling successfully. If it has compiled, see Tidepool Web becomes inaccessible
tidepool start hangs at "Preparing mongodb service... NOTE: It's normal for this to take a few minutes the first time you run this. Otherwise, check to see if mongodb pods are still provisioning in k9s, and if so, wait, else cancel the tidepool start process and re-run it
tidepool start hangs at "Preparing gateway services... NOTE: It's normal for this to take a few minutes the first time you run this. Otherwise, check to see if gloo gateway pods are still provisioning in k9s, and if so, wait, else cancel the tidepool start process and re-run it

Known Issues

Tilt UI errors on service(s), but shows Running status

As long as your Tidepool services are working properly for you, you can likely ignore these errors.

When a container is started, there may be initial errors while it waits for other services to be ready. Kubernetes should get everything up and running eventually, but the Tilt UI will not remove the error messages that occured on the initial attempts.

This is where it's nice to run k9s alongside Tilt, as it reports the current service states accurately.

NOTE: You can highlight any service in the Tilt UI and hit 2 to see the build logs for the service, and 3 to view the runtime logs, which can be helpful in assessing the current state. The log pane in the UI is quite small by default, but hitting x will cycle through the various sizes available, up to full-height.

Tilt K8s event reporting can be unreliable

When Tilt is provisioning services, it polls the K8s server events to get the current state of a service, such as when a pod is pending, initializing, running, crashed, etc.

Usually, this works just fine, but every now and then it stops sycning the K8s events properly. This seems to occur most often on the first time starting the services where everything takes longer, and perhaps Tilt is timing out.

If your services are running properly, you can simply ignore the state reporting in Tilt. Otherwise, simply restarting the Tilt process (ctrl-c and then tidepool start again) should fix it.

Tidepool Web becomes inaccessible

Currently, there is a known issue where at times the gateway proxy service that handles incoming requests loses track of the local blip service.

This will present itself usually with the web app getting stuck in a loading state in the browser, or possibly resolving with an error message like: ‘No healthy upstream on blip (http://localhost:3000)

The solution is to restart the gateway-proxy service, which should instantly restore access:

tidepool restart gateway-proxy

# or use the built-in shortcut
tidepool restart-proxy

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