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395 lines (319 loc) · 11.6 KB

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395 lines (319 loc) · 11.6 KB
id elm

@import "css/litvis.less"

import VegaLite exposing (..)

30 Day Map Challenge, Day 7: Red

This document best viewed in litvis

Initial Thoughts

Would be an opportunity to examine place names. Perhaps density map of the letters 'R-E-D' in a gazetteer shown as large transparent circles to create a pseudo density map? Could also consider Welsh ('coch') and Scottish and Irish Gaelic ('dearg'). Should probably map proportion of red names not absolute numbers in order to avoid population problem. Perhaps three maps? Could use either OSM or, more conveniently, the Ordnance Survey OpenNames dataset.

Data Preparation

  1. OS OpenName dataset comes as a collection of separate CSV files, one for each 100km grid square. Combine these grid square name files, filtering out any entries of type 'other' (postcodes) and extract only the name, easting and northings from the combined file:

    cat *.csv >combined.csv
    grep -v "other" combined.csv >allNames.csv
    ruby -rcsv -e 'CSV.foreach(ARGV.shift) {|row| print row[2],"\t",row[8],"\t",row[9],"\n"}' allNames.csv >gbAllNames.tsv`
  2. Create filtered versions containing only names containing 'red', 'coch' and 'dearg':

    echo -e "name\teasting\tnorthing" >gbRedNames.tsv
    cat gbAllNames.tsv | grep  -i 'red' >>gbRedNames.tsv
    echo -e "name\teasting\tnorthing"  >gbCochNames.tsv
    cat gbAllNames.tsv | grep  -i 'coch' >>gbCochNames.tsv
    echo -e "name\teasting\tnorthing" >gbDeargNames.tsv
    cat gbAllNames.tsv | grep  -i 'dearg' >>gbDeargNames.tsv
  3. Create GB coastline using Ordnance Survey National Grid coordinate system:

    mapshaper gbRegions.json \
     -dissolve2 name=coastline \
     -proj EPSG:27700 \
     -o format=topojson gbCoastlineOSGB.json

Location of generated files:

path : String -> String
path file =
    "" ++ file

Map Design

Could create a dot density map of named red places, which would be simple. But this would be dominated by the overall density of named places (Cities etc.). Better to show normalised rates by comparing the density of 'red' places with that of all named places.

Vega-Lite doesn't have any built-in 2d density functions, so need to aggregate points into grid squares. Would like to compare numbers of red and all named places in each square and colour accordingly. However, I'm not sure how to combine two transformed datasets (lookup only appears to work with a secondary data source, not a secondary data source with transformation), so a visual alternative is to show the underlying name density and overlay the 'red' points on top. Those points that are over-represented with red should stand out more against the background.

Relative Density Test

To check the specification for 2d binning of point values into grid cells:

densityTest : Spec
densityTest =
        w =

        h =

        numRows =

        numCols =

        gSize =
            (w / numCols) * (w / numRows)

        allData =
            dataFromColumns []
                << dataColumn "easting" (nums [ 5, 15, 18, 25, 25, 25, 25, 35 ])
                << dataColumn "northing" (nums [ 22, 15, 12, 35, 32, 38, 25, 15 ])

        redData =
            dataFromColumns []
                << dataColumn "easting" (nums [ 15, 25, 35 ])
                << dataColumn "northing" (nums [ 15, 35, 15 ])

        trans =
                << calculateAs "floor(datum.easting / 10) * 10" "gCol"
                << calculateAs "floor(datum.northing / 10) * 10" "gRow"
                << calculateAs "datum.gCol+','+datum.gRow" "gLabel"
                << window [ ( [ wiAggregateOp opCount ], "numNames" ) ] [ wiGroupBy [ "gLabel" ] ]

        pointEnc =
                << position X [ pName "easting", pQuant, pScale [ scDomain (doNums [ 0, 40 ]) ] ]
                << position Y [ pName "northing", pQuant, pScale [ scDomain (doNums [ 0, 40 ]) ] ]

        pointSpec =
            asSpec [ redData [], pointEnc [], circle [ maColor "#600" ] ]

        gridEnc =
                << position X [ pName "gCol", pQuant, pScale [ scDomain (doNums [ 0, 40 ]) ] ]
                << position Y [ pName "gRow", pQuant, pScale [ scDomain (doNums [ 0, 40 ]) ] ]
                << color [ mName "numNames", mQuant, mScale [ scScheme "reds" [ 0, 1 ] ], mLegend [] ]

        gridSpec =
                [ allData []
                , trans []
                , gridEnc []
                , square [ maSize gSize, maOpacity 1, maXOffset (w / (2 * numCols)), maYOffset (-h / (2 * numRows)) ]
    toVegaLite [ autosize [ asContent ], width w, height h, layer [ gridSpec, pointSpec ] ]

Red Maps

It would appear that a list of 1.1 million names is too much for VegaLite to calculate in a reasonable length of time, so I've calculated the relative density externally in Java and saved the 10km grid square data as gbRedDensity.csv, gbCochDensity.csv and gbDeargDensity.csv.

Java Relative Density Calculation

Aggregate into 10km grid squares by rounding position coordinates. Implemented in Processing

import java.util.Map;

HashMap<String, Float>density;
float minEasting = 0;
float minNorthing = 0;
float maxEasting = 700000;
float maxNorthing = 1240000;
float maxDensity;
int roundFactor = 10000;

void setup()
  size(400, 650);
  HashMap<String,Float>densityAll = buildDensity("gbAllNames.tsv");
  HashMap<String,Float>densityRed = buildDensity("gbRedNames.tsv");
  //HashMap<String,Float>densityRed = buildDensity("gbCochNames.tsv");
  //HashMap<String,Float>densityRed = buildDensity("gbDeargNames.tsv");

  density = new HashMap();

  for (Map.Entry bin : densityRed.entrySet())
    String posHash = (String)bin.getKey();
    float fAll = (float)(densityAll.get(posHash));
    float fRed = (float)(bin.getValue());

  maxDensity = calcMaxDensity(density);


void draw()
  for (Map.Entry bin : density.entrySet())
    String[] pos = ((String)bin.getKey()).split(",");
    int easting = Integer.parseInt(pos[0]);
    int northing = Integer.parseInt(pos[1]);
    float f = (float)bin.getValue();

    float xPos = map(easting, minEasting, maxEasting, 50, width-50);
    float yPos = map(northing, maxNorthing, minNorthing, 50, height-50);
    fill(lerpColor(color(255, 255, 255), color(120, 0, 0), norm(f, 0, maxDensity)));
    rect(xPos, yPos, 5.5, 5.5);


ArrayList<GeoName>readGeoNames(String fileName)
  ArrayList<GeoName> names = new ArrayList();
  for (String line : loadStrings(fileName))
    String[] tokens = line.split("\t");
    names.add(new GeoName(Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]), Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]), tokens[0].trim()));
  return names;

float calcMaxDensity(HashMap<String, Float>den)
  float maxDen = 0;
  for (Float f : den.values())
    maxDen = max(maxDen,f);
  return maxDen;

HashMap<String, Float>buildDensity(String pointFilename)
  HashMap<String, Float> density = new HashMap();
  for (GeoName name : readGeoNames(pointFilename))
    int northing = floor(name.y / roundFactor) * roundFactor;
    int easting = floor(name.x / roundFactor) * roundFactor;
    String hash = easting+","+northing;
    Float f = density.get(hash);
    if (f == null)
      density.put(hash, 1.0);
      density.put(hash, (f+1));
  return density;

void writeDensityFile(HashMap<String,Float>den, String fName)
  PrintWriter out = createWriter(fName);
  for (Map.Entry bin : den.entrySet())

class GeoName
  float x,y;
  String name;

  GeoName(float x, float y, String name)
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y; = name;

Elm-Vegalite specification

redMap : Spec
redMap =
    rMap "Red" "red"

cochMap : Spec
cochMap =
    rMap "Coch" "coch"

deargMap : Spec
deargMap =
    rMap "Dearg" "dearg"
rMap : String -> String -> Spec
rMap colour tText =
        w =

        h =
            w * 2.104

        cfg =
                << configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])

        redData =
            dataFromUrl (path "gb" ++ colour ++ "Names.tsv") []

        redDensityData =
            dataFromUrl (path "gb" ++ colour ++ "Density.csv") []

        boundaryData =
            dataFromUrl (path "gbCoastlineOSGB.json") [ topojsonFeature "coastline" ]

        proj =
            projection [ prType identityProjection, prReflectY True ]

        encDensity =
                << position X
                    [ pName "easting"
                    , pQuant
                    , pAxis []
                    , pScale [ scZero False, scNice niFalse, scDomain (doNums [ 63820, 655620 ]) ]
                << position Y
                    [ pName "northing"
                    , pQuant
                    , pAxis []
                    , pScale [ scZero False, scNice niFalse, scDomain (doNums [ -5000, 1240000 ]) ]
                << color
                    [ mName "density"
                    , mQuant
                    , mScale [ scScheme "reds" [ 1.4, 0.6 ] ]
                    , mLegend []

        redDensitySpec =
                [ redDensityData
                , encDensity []
                , square [ maSize 49, maOpacity 1, maXOffset 3.5, maYOffset -3.5 ]

        coastSpec =
                [ boundaryData
                , proj
                , geoshape [ maFilled False, maStrokeWidth 0.4, maStroke "rgb(205,0,0)" ]

        pointEnc =
                << position X
                    [ pName "easting"
                    , pQuant
                    , pAxis []
                    , pScale [ scZero False, scNice niFalse, scDomain (doNums [ 63820, 655620 ]) ]
                << position Y
                    [ pName "northing"
                    , pQuant
                    , pAxis []
                    , pScale [ scZero False, scNice niFalse, scDomain (doNums [ -5000, 1240000 ]) ]

        pointSpec1 =
                [ redData
                , pointEnc []
                , circle [ maOpacity 1, maSize 9, maColor "#fee", maOpacity 0.01 ]

        pointSpec2 =
                [ redData
                , pointEnc []
                , circle [ maOpacity 0.7, maSize 0.2, maColor "#900" ]
        [ cfg []
        , title (String.toLower colour)
            [ tiColor "rgb(218,78,59)"
            , tiFont "Fjalla One"
            , tiFontSize 36
            , tiAnchor anStart
            , tiOffset -50
        , background "rgb(25,0,0)"
        , width w
        , height h
        , padding (paSize 20)
        , layer [ redDensitySpec, pointSpec1, pointSpec2, coastSpec ]

^^^elm {v=(rMap "Red" "red")}^^^ ^^^elm {v=(rMap "Coch" "coch")}^^^ ^^^elm {v=(rMap "Dearg" "dearg")}^^^

day 7