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223 lines (174 loc) · 8.09 KB

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223 lines (174 loc) · 8.09 KB
id elm

@import "css/litvis.less"

import VegaLite exposing (..)

30 Day Map Challenge, Day 20: Rural

This document best viewed in litvis

Initial Thoughts

Rural does not necessarily mean 'pastoral' or 'bucolic'. An opportunity to map upland mountain areas. Would like to explore 'peaks' as regions of interest rather than summit points.

Data Preparation

  1. Digital elevation model available from Ordnance Survey Terrain 50, subset from tiles NY and SD. Shaded relief values calculated in LandSerf and exported as point file. Peak contours derived from LandSerf see Wood 2009 and converted into topoJSON files in mapshaper.

  2. 'Wainwright' summits digitized manually and saved as wainwrights.csv

  3. Lake boundaries assembled from OS Vectormap District. Tiles NY and SD. Shapefiles SurfaceWater_Area loaded into mapshaper; merged into single layer; large lakes selected; simplified and saved as topoJSON:

    merge-layers target=NY_SurfaceWater_Area,SD_SurfaceWater_Area`
    filter 'ID=="1D6236E4-E422-4A31-9817-26BCB74E1D50" || \
    ID=="6C429FAB-C970-4036-8839-DF5DD615F723" || \
    ID=="F141751D-9A95-44E2-9962-FF48B8B8E35C" || \
    ID=="7E6C82DF-2D81-4BCF-B594-3FF7233E247B" || \
    ID=="D911366D-7EB7-43C0-8318-C4735EE64CAA" || \
    ID=="A97A4ABE-B6D5-42EB-AAD6-7382900AEFD2" || \
    ID=="0FE65B84-87FA-4C03-8767-25A8C996BE04" || \
    ID=="118B661E-F7FD-4730-9EBA-7AEC08C295C0" || \
    ID=="89BB4176-7223-472B-8B47-75E3938F5CAC" || \
    ID=="E3E23ED6-EC46-4061-9FA9-66A15F0C01A4" || \
    ID=="CE7413D1-8990-47BA-A1F3-431F0997699A" ||\
    simplify 2%
    o format=topojson lakes.json
  4. Coastline selected from OS Boundary-Line. high_water_polyline.shp loaded into mapshaper, clipped to Cumbria region, simplified and saved as topoJSON:

    clip bbox=293000,483075,359875,545325
    $ simplify 50%
    $ o format=topojson cumbriaCoast.json

Location of generated files:

path : String -> String
path file =
    "" ++ file

Map Design

The intention is to show the distribution of nested peak areas (smaller peaks sitting on top of larger ones) combined with a shaded relief map of the Cumbria region. Vega-Lite is not optimised for raster processing, but symbolising each raster cell with a square, coloured by relief shading value works well enough. Making the relief symbols transparent and placing them over the peak polygons provides a combined shaded polygon effect.

Lakes, fell names and coastline provide contextual information.

reliefMap : Spec
reliefMap =
        w =

        h =
            w * 313 / 346

        cfg =
                << configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])

        -- Data sources
        dataRelief =
            dataFromUrl (path "cumbriaRelief.csv") []

        peakData1 =
            dataFromUrl (path "peakContours1.json") [ topojsonFeature "peakContours" ]

        peakData2 =
            dataFromUrl (path "peakContours2.json") [ topojsonFeature "peakContours" ]

        peakData3 =
            dataFromUrl (path "peakContours3.json") [ topojsonFeature "peakContours" ]

        peakData4 =
            dataFromUrl (path "peakContours4.json") [ topojsonFeature "peakContours" ]

        lakesData =
            dataFromUrl (path "lakes.json") [ topojsonFeature "lakes" ]

        summitData =
            dataFromUrl (path "wainwrights.csv") [ parse [ ( "easting", foNum ), ( "northing", foNum ) ] ]

        coastData =
            dataFromUrl (path "cumbriaCoast.json") [ topojsonFeature "high_water_polyline" ]

        -- Transformations
        proj =
            projection [ prType identityProjection, prReflectY True ]

        labelTrans =
                << calculateAs "datum.easting - 25" "easting2"
                << calculateAs "datum.northing + 25" "northing2"

        -- layers
        encRelief =
                << position X [ pName "easting", pQuant, pScale [ scDomain (doNums [ 292800, 361000 ]), scZero False, scNice niFalse ], pAxis [] ]
                << position Y [ pName "northing", pQuant, pScale [ scZero False, scNice niFalse ], pAxis [] ]
                << color [ mName "relief", mQuant, mScale [ scRange (raStrs [ "black", "white" ]) ], mLegend [] ]

        specRelief =
            asSpec [ dataRelief, encRelief [], square [ maSize 4.4, maOpacity 0.6 ] ]

        peakSpec1 =
            asSpec [ peakData1, geoshape [ maFill "rgb(104,56,25)", maFillOpacity 1, maStroke "black" ] ]

        peakSpec2 =
            asSpec [ peakData2, geoshape [ maFill "rgb(235,107,59)", maFillOpacity 1, maStroke "black" ] ]

        peakSpec3 =
            asSpec [ peakData3, geoshape [ maFill "rgb(238,162,96)", maFillOpacity 1, maStroke "black" ] ]

        peakSpec4 =
            asSpec [ peakData4, geoshape [ maFill "rgb(246,227,216)", maFillOpacity 1, maStroke "black" ] ]

        peakSpec =
            asSpec [ proj, layer [ peakSpec1, peakSpec2, peakSpec3, peakSpec4 ] ]

        lakesSpec =
            asSpec [ lakesData, proj, geoshape [] ]

        coastSpec =
                [ coastData
                , proj
                , geoshape
                    [ maFilled False
                    , maStrokeWidth 12
                    , maStroke "rgb(198,198,198)"
                    , maStrokeJoin joRound
                    , maOpacity 1

        coastSpec2 =
                [ coastData
                , proj
                , geoshape
                    [ maFilled False
                    , maStrokeWidth 2
                    , maStroke "rgb(125,140,157)"
                    , maStrokeJoin joRound
                    , maOpacity 0.7

        encSummit =
                << position X [ pName "easting", pQuant, pScale [ scDomain (doNums [ 292800, 361000 ]), scZero False, scNice niFalse ], pAxis [] ]
                << position Y [ pName "northing", pQuant, pScale [ scZero False, scNice niFalse ], pAxis [] ]
                << text [ tName "name" ]

        specSummit1 =
                [ summitData
                , encSummit []
                , textMark [ maFont "Stint Ultra Condensed", maColor "black", maOpacity 0.7, maFontSize 8 ]

        encSummit2 =
                << position X [ pName "easting2", pQuant, pScale [ scDomain (doNums [ 292800, 361000 ]), scZero False, scNice niFalse ], pAxis [] ]
                << position Y [ pName "northing2", pQuant, pScale [ scZero False, scNice niFalse ], pAxis [] ]
                << text [ tName "name" ]

        specSummit2 =
                [ summitData
                , labelTrans []
                , encSummit2 []
                , textMark [ maFont "Stint Ultra Condensed", maColor "white", maOpacity 0.9, maFontSize 8 ]
        [ cfg []
        , width w
        , height h
        , title "Cumbrian Fells"
            [ tiFont "Fjalla One"
            , tiFontSize 52
            , tiOrient siBottom
            , tiAnchor anStart
            , tiOffset -100
            , tiSubtitle "Peak hierarchy of at least 50m relative drop\nAll 'Wainwright' summits named."
            , tiSubtitleFontSize 16
        , layer [ lakesSpec, peakSpec, specRelief, specSummit1, specSummit2, coastSpec, coastSpec2 ]

day 20 day 20 North day 20 South day 20 NorthWest