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SLIME Render

PHP abstraction functions to help more easily render views for Slim Framework (v4) with plain text, HTML, JSON, and Handlebars (using LightnCandy)

These functions aim to provide a simplified and standardized interface for rendering various types of data-driven responses as PSR-7 objects for use with Slim.

Included with the Slime boilerplate for Slim applications.


Easy install with composer:

composer require jyoungblood/slime-render
use Slime\render;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';



render::html($request, $response, $string, $status = 200)

Renders a string as HTML. Returns a standard Slim (PSR-7) response object with optional HTTP status code (200 by default).

$app->get('/', function ($req, $res, $args) {

  return render::html($req, $res, '<h2>Hey whats up</h2>');


Additionally, a path to an HTML file can be specified to load and render instead of a string:

$app->get('/', function ($req, $res, $args) {

  return render::html($req, $res, '/hey/whats-up.html');


render::text($request, $response, $string, $status = 200)

Renders a string as plain text. Returns a standard Slim (PSR-7) response object with optional HTTP status code (200 by default).

$app->get('/', function ($req, $res, $args) {

  return render::text($req, $res, 'Hey whats up');


render::hbs($request, $response, $parameters, $status = 200)

Renders a specific Handlebars template with an array of data, including any partials and global locals variables array. Returns a standard Slim (PSR-7) response object with optional HTTP status code (200 by default).

$app->get('/', function ($req, $res, $args) {

  return render::hbs($req, $res, [
    'template' => 'index',
    'layout' => '_layouts/base', // optional "wrapper" layout template
    'title' => 'Page title', // for HTML <title> tag
    'data' => [
      'name' => 'Ringo',
      'friends' => [
        'Paul', 'George', 'John'
  ], 200); // optional status code, 200 by default


The parser function expects templates to be in a templates directory with html file extension. This can be customized by defining these variables in a global settings array:

$GLOBALS['settings']['templates']['path'] = 'pages';
$GLOBALS['settings']['templates']['extension'] = 'hbs';

Additionally, an array of locals can be added to make variables available across all templates:

$GLOBALS['locals'] = [
  'year' => date('Y'),
  'site_title' => 'Web Site Title',
  'site_code' => 'WST',
  'site_domain' => '',
Welcome to {{locals.site_title}}, the year is {{locals.year}}!

Parameters from PHP $_GET and $_POST variables are automatically made available to templates rendered with this function, using the variables {{GET}} and {{POST}}:

<!-- assuming a url like /hello/?name=Delilah&location=New%20York%20City -->
Hey there, {{}}, what's it like in {{GET.location}}?

Check out the Handlebars Cookbook to see everything you can do with LightnCandy and Handlebars.

Additionally, we've included a couple of helper functions.

The date helper applies the PHP date() function to a given variable or string (or now keyword for the current time)

Date from unix timestamp: {{date unix_ts_var "d/m/Y"}}
Current date: {{date "now" "d/m/Y"}} <!-- use the "now" keyword instead of a variable to use the current time -->
Date from non-unix timestamp: {{date non_unix_ts_var "d/m/Y" "convert"}} <!-- add the "convert" parameter to convert the variable to unix time using strtotime() -->

The #is block helper allows for basic conditional logic:

Is it 1981? {{#is locals.year "==" "1981"}} Yes! {{else}} No! {{/is}}

Custom helpers are easy to create. Take a look at how these helpers are defined in initialize_handlebars_helpers(). The Handlebars cookbook also has a reference for creating custom helpers and custom block helpers.


Renders a specicific Handlebars template with data array the same as render::hbs(), but returns raw html instead of a PSR-7 response.

$app->get('/', function ($req, $res, $args) {

  echo render::handlebars([
    'template' => 'email/test',
    'data' => [
      'link' => '',

  return $res;

render::redirect($request, $response, $string, $status = 302)

Renders a redirect as standard Slim (PSR-7) response object with optional HTTP status code.

  return render::redirect($req, $res, '');

render::json($request, $response, $data, $status = 200)

Renders an array or data as standard Slim (PSR-7) response object with application/json content type and optional HTTP status code.

$app->get('/json/', function ($req, $res, $args) {

  $data = [
    'name' => 'Ringo',
    'friends' => [
      'Paul', 'George', 'John'

  return render::json($req, $res, $data);



Prepares and compiles a specific Handlebars template with an array of data, including any partials and global locals variables array.
This is automatically called by render::hbs() but can be used as a standalone function if desired.

$args = [
  'template' => 'index',
  'layout' => '_layouts/base',
  'title' => 'Page title',

$data = [
  'name' => 'Ringo',
  'friends' => [
    'Paul', 'George', 'John'

echo render::lightncandy_html($args)($data);


For internal use by lightncandy_html(). Defines a couple custom Handlebars helper functions to be used by the LightnCandy compiler.