This is the third weekly edition of this experiment to provide a weekly digest newsletter of activity in the OpenShift enhancements repository.
: (reviews this week / total reviews) summary
There were 4 Merged pull requests:
297: (4/14) Template: add specific guidance in upgrade/downgrade section
Capture some more specific guidance on upgrade/downgrade expectations
to help authors think through their scrnarios.
In we see an example of debate
around our expectations for handling downgrades and rollbacks. The
conclusions there are good examples of the kind of information that
is useful to add to the template.
399: (2/57) [machine-config-operator/baremetal] MCO declarative network configuration
Enhancement proposal to extend MCO for declaritive network
This is a very interesting enhancement that has had a long discussion. 399 is a continuation of 161, which was originally filed in December of 2019.
The enhancement addresses how we can provide a declarative configuration interface for the network configuration of RHCOS hosts in a way that is compatible with our existing OpenShift architecture. Configuring network interfaces on Linux is far from new, but how we model and expose it in OpenShift is not trivial. See the host network configuration document for a higher level discussion of this problem space in OpenShift.
The original proposal was to adopt kubernetes-nmstate and nmstate to present host network configuration through the Kubernetes API and apply changes as needed. This model seemed to be working well as a generally useful add-on for Kubernetes cluster.
The design review process helped highlight an important architectural conflict.
We desire to have host configuration owned by the Machine Config Operator
(MCO). Introducing kubernetes-nmstate
would leave us with another component
managing a subset of host configuration completely outside the view of the MCO,
resulting in potential conflicts that we have no way to resolve.
Over several months, engineers collaborated to explore different alternative approaches before settling on one that still provides the API features we desire, but also fits well with the MCO. While different approaches of deep integration were considered, the final approach has the components peacefully co-exist with known and defined interactions between them.
464: (0/1) use 'share' instead of 'projectedResourceName' in csi driver yaml examples 474: (0/0) Update OWNERS
There were 0 Closed pull requests.
: (reviews this week / total reviews) summary
There were 4 New pull requests:
470: (1/1) register the metrics port for the baremetal-operator 471: (2/2) Downstream Operator SDK 472: (0/0) host-port-registry: Use "control plane" term 473: (1/1) Enhancement: Enable IPsec support in OVNKubernetes
-- Russell Bryant Doug Hellmann