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markpayneatwork edited this page Nov 30, 2014 · 20 revisions


Developers without write access to the adcomp repository can contribute with code or documentation by forking the project and sending a pull request once the code has been changed.

For developers with write access to the adcomp repository:

  • The master branch should be stable and never get into a broken state. Therefore: Never push changes directly to the master branch. Development must be performed on a separate branch (named by e.g. developers name or the topic of change) which is pushed to the adcomp repository.
  • When code is ready, send request to review and merge into the master branch.
  • The following tests must be performed before changes can be merged (to ensure nothing is broken on any platforms):
    • cd tmb_examples;make clean;make must pass.
    • The file must be inspected for inaccuracies and performance regressions.
    • runExample(all=TRUE) must pass.
    • Above should be tested with both gcc and clang on linux.
    • Tests should also be run on Windows and OSX.


  • Text files should have Unix line endings. Check with file command from command line that output looks like e.g. sdv_multi.cpp: ASCII C program text without CR+LF.
  • Text files should not be executable.

Description of branches

Describe the branches you work on here...

Distributing coe

Probably the easiest way to distribute TMB code is to use R's package functionality. You can get a test package working following these steps:

  • package.skeleton("mypkg")
  • Copy model.cpp to mypkg/src
  • Add Depends: TMB LinkingTo: TMB

to file mypkg/DESCRIPTION to ensure that TMB is loaded when mypkg is loaded, and that the TMB source code is found when compiling mypkg.

  • Create a file mypkg/R/zzz.R with

.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg) { cat("Loading compiled code...\n") library.dynam("mypkg", pkg, lib) }

to ensure that the compiled code is loaded when you load the package.

  • Pass DLL="mypkg" to all 'MakeADFun' calls.
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