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Nassim edited this page Jun 10, 2020 · 13 revisions

Update notifications

Everytime there is an update, you will be notified on the serverstart as well as on your first join (per start) in the chat... That is if you haven't disabled update checks (which I really would not recommend).

I have a beautiful update cycle, which limits updates to only be published on the 17th of a month (because why not). That means, you won't have to await updates on other days of the month, but let's say there actually is an update outside of that day - then you should probably update quickly, as it's probably an important bug fix. 👀

Patches, minor/major updates

  • Patch updates (i.e. from 1.0 -> 1.0.1) usually simply bring some small fixes and changes.
  • Minor updates (i.e. 1.0 -> 1.1) mostly bring one or more new features as well as bug fixes and might also greatly change the behaviour of already existing features.
  • Major updates (i.e. 1.0 -> 2.0) bring drastic changes to already existing behaviour as well as lots of new elements and bug fixes.

You can theoratically ignore small patches that only include fixes that don't actually affect you. Regardless of that, I would always recommend updating to the newest version as soon as one is released, as I constantly try to improve the quality of the plugin by making just so small improvements, that everyone can profit of (even if I don't specifically state that in every single update note).

Both minor and major updates however should always be greatly considered to be updated.


If there is an update, you can choose to download the latest version from either one of these websites:

The other option is to use the /maintenance update (and subsequently /maintenance forceupdate) command ingame, to have the latest version automatically installed. This means however, that you have to restart your server more or less directly after updating, as it might throw up some issues (due to the plugin jar being replaced). If you restart the server afterwards, the newest version will be installed and you will be perfectly fine.


For any update, you can read up on the changes in the changelogs. Other than that, the Spigot plugin page will have all changelogs given in a detailled manner as well.

Updating config files

Updating from 3.x or higher

You're lucky, config, language file, and other formatting are all 100% automatically updated on server start! :)

Updating from 2.x

  • Rename the old bungee-config.yml/spigot-config.yml to config.yml
  • Put the message in pingmessage into a list: pingmessages: [pingmessage]
  • Rename the enable-maintenance-mode field to maintenance-enabled
  • Delete the SpigotServers.yml if present and put the list in the config under proxied-maintenance-servers, move the fallback field to the config as well
  • Move the maintenance-icon.png from the server's base directory into the plugin's directory
  • Delete your old language file, you will have to manually copy over text to the newly created file
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