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Deploy Lucida using Kubernetes

  1. Run sudo ./ to create a Kubernetes cluster on a single machine via Docker. It assumes that Docker is already installed, port 8080 is not in use, and you have at least 16 GB of disk space for the Docker image(s) and containers. If you want to create a cluster with more than one machines, please refer to the official documentation.

  2. Modify the hostPath fields of mongo-controller.yaml and qa-controller.yaml to point to the directories where you want to store the data for MongoDB and OpenEphyra. The default paths probably won't work on your machine. Make sure you have write access to the directories you specify. For example, modify the last section of qa-controller.yaml to be:

        - hostPath:
            path: /home/<your_username>/Documents/lucida_data_for_Kuebrnetes
          name: openephyra-persistent-storage

Also modify the number of replicas in *-controllers if the default parameter does not suffice.

  1. If you prefer to build the Docker image from the top level Dockerfile rather than pulling from our Dockerhub, you need to modify the image fields of all *-controllers and set up a local Kubernetes container registry.

  2. If you have SSL certificates and want to set up https, please modify the following files according to their inline comments:


, and then rename the following files:

mv asrworker-controller-https.yaml asrworker-controller.yaml
mv asrmaster-controller-https.yaml asrmaster-controller.yaml
mv web-controller-https.yaml web-controller.yaml
mv web-service-https.yaml web-service.yaml
  1. Run sudo ./ to launch all Kubernetes services and pods. It assumes that a local cluster is set up. To debug, you can run kubectl get service to check the services, kubectl get pod and kubectl describe pod to check the pods, docker ps | grep <controller_name> followed by docker exec -it <running_container_id> bash to check the running containers. For example, if you see "Internal Server Error", you should check the web container, and see the error logs in /usr/local/lucida/lucida/commandcenter/apache/logs/. Also, if MongoDB container is constantly being created without making progress, run sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 27017 and kill the currently running MongoDB instance which also uses the port 27017. This also applies to other containers, e.g. Memcached, qa, etc. whose ports are already used and thus cannot be started.

  2. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:30000 (or https://<YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME>:30000 if you set up https in step 4). It may take up to several minutes for the Apache server to start working, but if it seems to take forever for the index page to show up, please debug as described in step 5.

  3. To destroy the cluster, run docker ps, then stop and rm all the containers related to Kubernetes. The following function may be helpful if you want to stop and remove all Docker containers.

function docker-flush(){
  dockerlist=$(docker ps -a -q)
    if [ "${dockerlist}" != "" ]; then
      for d in ${dockerlist}; do
        echo "***** ${d}"
        docker stop ${d} 2>&1 > /dev/null
        docker rm ${d} 2>&1 > /dev/null