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Functions Part 1

Idris is a functional programming language. This means, that functions are its main form of abstraction (unlike for instance in an object oriented language like Java, where objects and classes are the main form of abstraction). It also means that we expect Idris to make it very easy for us to compose and combine functions to create new functions. In fact, in Idris functions are first class: Functions can take other functions as arguments and can return functions as their results.

We already learned about the basic shape of top level function declarations in Idris in the introduction, so we will continue from what we learned there.

module Tutorial.Functions1

Functions with more than one Argument

Let's implement a function, which checks if its three Integer arguments form a Pythagorean triple. We get to use a new operator for this: ==, the equality operator.

isTriple : Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Bool
isTriple x y z = x * x + y * y == z * z

Let's give this a spin at the REPL before we talk a bit about the types:

Tutorial.Functions1> isTriple 1 2 3
Tutorial.Functions1> isTriple 3 4 5

As can be seen from this example, the type of a function of several arguments consists just of a sequence of argument types (also called input types) chained by function arrows (->), which is terminated by an output type (Bool in this case).

The implementation looks a bit like a mathematical equation: We list the arguments on the left hand side of = and describe the computation(s) to perform with them on the right hand side. Function implementations in functional programming languages often have this more mathematical look compared to implementations in imperative languages, which often describe not what to compute, but how to compute it by describing an algorithm as a sequence of imperative statements. We will later see that this imperative style is also available in Idris, but whenever possible we prefer the declarative style.

As can be seen in the REPL example, functions can be invoked by passing the arguments separated by whitespace. No parentheses are necessary unless one of the expressions we pass as the function's arguments contains itself additional whitespace. This comes in very handy when we apply functions only partially (see later in this chapter).

Note that, unlike Integer or Bits8, Bool is not a primitive data type built into the Idris language but just a custom data type that you could have written yourself. We will learn more about declaring new data types in the next chapter.

Function Composition

Functions can be combined in several ways, the most direct probably being the dot operator:

square : Integer -> Integer
square n = n * n

times2 : Integer -> Integer
times2 n = 2 * n

squareTimes2 : Integer -> Integer
squareTimes2 = times2 . square

Give this a try at the REPL! Does it do what you'd expect?

We could have implemented squareTimes2 without using the dot operator as follows:

squareTimes2' : Integer -> Integer
squareTimes2' n = times2 (square n)

It is important to note, that functions chained by the dot operator are invoked from right to left: times2 . square is the same as \n => times2 (square n) and not \n => square (times2 n).

We can conveniently chain several functions using the dot operator to write more complex functions:

dotChain : Integer -> String
dotChain = reverse . show . square . square . times2 . times2

This will first multiply the argument by four, then square it twice before converting it to a string (show) and reversing the resulting String (functions show and reverse are part of the Idris Prelude and as such are available in every Idris program).

Higher-order Functions

Functions can take other functions as arguments. This is an incredibly powerful concept and we can go crazy with this very easily. But for sanity's sake, we'll start slowly:

isEven : Integer -> Bool
isEven n = mod n 2 == 0

testSquare : (Integer -> Bool) -> Integer -> Bool
testSquare fun n = fun (square n)

First isEven uses the mod function to check, whether an integer is divisible by two. But the interesting function is testSquare. It takes two arguments: The first argument is of type function from Integer to Bool, and the second of type Integer. This second argument is squared before being passed to the first argument. Again, give this a go at the REPL:

Tutorial.Functions1> testSquare isEven 12

Take your time to understand what's going on here. We pass function isEven as an argument to testSquare. The second argument is an integer, which will first be squared and then passed to isEven. While this is not very interesting, we will see lots of use cases for passing functions as arguments to other functions.

I said above, we could go crazy pretty easily. Consider for instance the following example:

twice : (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer
twice f n = f (f n)

And at the REPL:

Tutorial.Functions1> twice square 2
Tutorial.Functions1> (twice . twice) square 2
Tutorial.Functions1> (twice . twice . twice . twice) square 2
*** huge number ***

You might be surprised about this behavior, so we'll try and break it down. The following two expressions are identical in their behavior:

expr1 : Integer -> Integer
expr1 = (twice . twice . twice . twice) square

expr2 : Integer -> Integer
expr2 = twice (twice (twice (twice square)))

So, square raises its argument to the 2nd power, twice square raises it to its 4th power (by invoking square twice in succession), twice (twice square) raises it to its 16th power (by invoking twice square twice in succession), and so on, until twice (twice (twice (twice square))) raises it to its 65536th power resulting in an impressively huge result.


Once we start using higher-order functions, the concept of partial function application (also called currying after mathematician and logician Haskell Curry) becomes very important.

Load this file in a REPL session and try the following:

Tutorial.Functions1> :t testSquare isEven
testSquare isEven : Integer -> Bool
Tutorial.Functions1> :t isTriple 1
isTriple 1 : Integer -> Integer -> Bool
Tutorial.Functions1> :t isTriple 1 2
isTriple 1 2 : Integer -> Bool

Note, how in Idris we can partially apply a function with more than one argument and as a result get a new function back. For instance, isTriple 1 applies argument 1 to function isTriple and as a result returns a new function of type Integer -> Integer -> Bool. We can even use the result of such a partially applied function in a new top level definition:

partialExample : Integer -> Bool
partialExample = isTriple 3 4

And at the REPL:

Tutorial.Functions1> partialExample 5

We already used partial function application in our twice examples above to get some impressive results with very little code.

Anonymous Functions

Sometimes we'd like to pass a small custom function to a higher-order function without bothering to write a top level definition. For instance, in the following example, function someTest is very specific and probably not very useful in general, but we'd still like to pass it to higher-order function testSquare:

someTest : Integer -> Bool
someTest n = n >= 3 || n <= 10

Here's, how to pass it to testSquare:

Tutorial.Functions1> testSquare someTest 100

Instead of defining and using someTest, we can use an anonymous function:

Tutorial.Functions1> testSquare (\n => n >= 3 || n <= 10) 100

Anonymous functions are sometimes also called lambdas (from lambda calculus), and the backslash is chosen since it resembles the Greek letter lambda. The \n => syntax introduces a new anonymous function of one argument called n, the implementation of which is on the right hand side of the function arrow. Like other top level functions, lambdas can have more than one arguments, separated by commas: \x,y => x * x + y. When we pass lambdas as arguments to higher-order functions, they typically need to be wrapped in parentheses or separated by the dollar operator ($) (see the next section about this).

Note that, in a lambda, arguments are not annotated with types, so Idris has to be able to infer them from the current context.


In Idris, infix operators like ., * or + are not built into the language, but are just regular Idris function with some special support for using them in infix notation. When we don't use operators in infix notation, we have to wrap them in parentheses.

As an example, let us define a custom operator for sequencing functions of type Bits8 -> Bits8:

infixr 4 >>>

(>>>) : (Bits8 -> Bits8) -> (Bits8 -> Bits8) -> Bits8 -> Bits8
f1 >>> f2 = f2 . f1

foo : Bits8 -> Bits8
foo n = 2 * n + 3

test : Bits8 -> Bits8
test = foo >>> foo >>> foo >>> foo

In addition to declaring and defining the operator itself, we also have to specify its fixity: infixr 4 >>> means, that (>>>) associates to the right (meaning, that f >>> g >>> h is to be interpreted as f >>> (g >>> h)) with a priority of 4. You can also have a look at the fixity of operators exported by the Prelude in the REPL:

Tutorial.Functions1> :doc (.)
Prelude.. : (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
  Function composition.
  Totality: total
  Fixity Declaration: infixr operator, level 9

When you mix infix operators in an expression, those with a higher priority bind more tightly. For instance, (+) is left associated with a priority of 8, while (*) is left associated with a priority of 9. Hence, a * b + c is the same as (a * b) + c instead of a * (b + c).

Operator Sections

Operators can be partially applied just like regular functions. In this case, the whole expression has to be wrapped in parentheses and is called an operator section. Here are two examples:

Tutorial.Functions1> testSquare (< 10) 5
Tutorial.Functions1> testSquare (10 <) 5

As you can see, there is a difference between (< 10) and (10 <). The first tests, whether its argument is less than 10, the second, whether 10 is less than its argument.

One exception where operator sections will not work is with the minus operator (-). Here is an example to demonstrate this:

applyToTen : (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer
applyToTen f = f 10

This is just a higher-order function applying the number ten to its function argument. This works very well in the following example:

Tutorial.Functions1> applyToTen (* 2)

However, if we want to subtract five from ten, the following will fail:

Tutorial.Functions1> applyToTen (- 5)
Error: Can't find an implementation for Num (Integer -> Integer).

 1 | applyToTen (- 5)

The problem here is, that Idris treats - 5 as an integer literal instead of an operator section. In this special case, we therefore have to use an anonymous function instead:

Tutorial.Functions1> applyToTen (\x => x - 5)

Infix Notation for Non-Operators

In Idris, it is possible to use infix notation for regular binary functions, by wrapping them in backticks. It is even possible to define a precedence (fixity) for these and use them in operator sections, just like regular operators:

infixl 8 `plus`

infixl 9 `mult`

plus : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
plus = (+)

mult : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
mult = (*)

arithTest : Integer
arithTest = 5 `plus` 10 `mult` 12

arithTest' : Integer
arithTest' = 5 + 10 * 12

Operators exported by the Prelude

Here is a list of important operators exported by the Prelude. Most of these are constrained, that is they work only for types implementing a certain interface. Don't worry about this right now. We will learn about interfaces in due time, and the operators behave as they intuitively should. For instance, addition and multiplication work for all numeric types, comparison operators work for almost all types in the Prelude with the exception of functions.

  • (.): Function composition
  • (+): Addition
  • (*): Multiplication
  • (-): Subtraction
  • (/): Division
  • (==) : True, if two values are equal
  • (/=) : True, if two values are not equal
  • (<=), (>=), (<), and (>) : Comparison operators
  • ($): Function application

The most special of the above is the last one. It has a priority of 0, so all other operators bind more tightly. In addition, function application binds more tightly, so this can be used to reduce the number of parentheses required. For instance, instead of writing isTriple 3 4 (2 + 3 * 1) we can write isTriple 3 4 $ 2 + 3 * 1, which is exactly the same. Sometimes, this helps readability, sometimes, it doesn't. The important thing to remember is that fun $ x y is just the same as fun (x y).


  1. Reimplement functions testSquare and twice by using the dot operator and dropping the second arguments (have a look at the implementation of squareTimes2 to get an idea where this should lead you). This highly concise way of writing function implementations is sometimes called point-free style and is often the preferred way of writing small utility functions.

  2. Declare and implement function isOdd by combining functions isEven from above and not (from the Idris Prelude). Use point-free style.

  3. Declare and implement function isSquareOf, which checks whether its first Integer argument is the square of the second argument.

  4. Declare and implement function isSmall, which checks whether its Integer argument is less than or equal to 100. Use one of the comparison operators <= or >= in your implementation.

  5. Declare and implement function absIsSmall, which checks whether the absolute value of its Integer argument is less than or equal to 100. Use functions isSmall and abs (from the Idris Prelude) in your implementation, which should be in point-free style.

  6. In this slightly extended exercise we are going to implement some utilities for working with Integer predicates (functions from Integer to Bool). Implement the following higher-order functions (use boolean operators &&, ||, and function not in your implementations):

    -- return true, if and only if both predicates hold
    and : (Integer -> Bool) -> (Integer -> Bool) -> Integer -> Bool
    -- return true, if and only if at least one predicate holds
    or : (Integer -> Bool) -> (Integer -> Bool) -> Integer -> Bool
    -- return true, if the predicate does not hold
    negate : (Integer -> Bool) -> Integer -> Bool

    After solving this exercise, give it a go in the REPL. In the example below, we use binary function and in infix notation by wrapping it in backticks. This is just a syntactic convenience to make certain function applications more readable:

    Tutorial.Functions1> negate (isSmall `and` isOdd) 73
  7. As explained above, Idris allows us to define our own infix operators. Even better, Idris supports overloading of function names, that is, two functions or operators can have the same name, but different types and implementations. Idris will make use of the types to distinguish between equally named operators and functions.

    This allows us, to reimplement functions and, or, and negate from Exercise 6 by using the existing operator and function names from boolean algebra:

    -- return true, if and only if both predicates hold
    (&&) : (Integer -> Bool) -> (Integer -> Bool) -> Integer -> Bool
    x && y = and x y
    -- return true, if and only if at least one predicate holds
    (||) : (Integer -> Bool) -> (Integer -> Bool) -> Integer -> Bool
    -- return true, if the predicate does not hold
    not : (Integer -> Bool) -> Integer -> Bool

    Implement the other two functions and test them at the REPL:

    Tutorial.Functions1> not (isSmall && isOdd) 73


What we learned in this chapter:

  • A function in Idris can take an arbitrary number of arguments, separated by -> in the function's type.

  • Functions can be combined sequentially using the dot operator, which leads to highly concise code.

  • Functions can be partially applied by passing them fewer arguments than they expect. The result is a new function expecting the remaining arguments. This technique is called currying.

  • Functions can be passed as arguments to other functions, which allows us to easily combine small coding units to create more complex behavior.

  • We can pass anonymous functions (lambdas) to higher-order functions, if writing a corresponding top level function would be too cumbersome.

  • Idris allows us to define our own infix operators. These have to be written in parentheses unless they are being used in infix notation.

  • Infix operators can also be partially applied. These operator sections have to be wrapped in parentheses, and the position of the argument determines, whether it is used as the operator's first or second argument.

  • Idris supports name overloading: Functions can have the same names but different implementations. Idris will decide, which function to used based to the types involved.

Please note, that function and operator names in a module must be unique. In order to define two functions with the same name, they have to be declared in distinct modules. If Idris is not able to decide, which of the two functions to use, we can help name resolution by prefixing a function with (a part of) its namespace:

Tutorial.Functions1> :t Prelude.not
Prelude.not : Bool -> Bool
Tutorial.Functions1> :t Functions1.not
Tutorial.Functions1.not : (Integer -> Bool) -> (Integer -> Bool) -> Integer -> Bool

What's next

In the next section, we will learn how to define our own data types and how to construct and deconstruct values of these new types. We will also learn about generic types and functions.