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How to run the Bulk Data Import module

The Bulk Data Import module syncs existing commercetools data into Klaviyo. It queries data held in commercetools via it's APIs and sync the data to Klaviyo. A set of API endpoints are provided to trigger the bulk import of customers, orders and product information.

Infrastructure requirements

The Bulk Data Import module can be deployed in different ways, however due to it's potentially long-running nature it is less suited to serverless environments (see Timeout problems and CPU allocation).

Management APIs are provided that allow an ongoing import to be terminated. To avoid multiple imports of the same type (e.g. orders) running concurrently, the module creates a lock in commercetools using custom objects.

A sample Dockerfile is available in this repository that can be used to create a docker image that can be deployed for example on CloudRun. Note that horizontally scaling the Bulk Data Import module should be avoided. If Bulk Data Import is only expected to be run as a one-off or ad-hoc process, it can even be run on a local machine.

Serverless Limitations

Timeout problems

Serverless technologies are typically limited on the maximum execution time. If the amount of data to import is very large it might take longer than the timeout.
Possible solutions are:

  • Run the module from a local machine if the bulk data import needs to be done one off.
  • Use a non-serverless deployment service, for example VMs that have CPU always allocated.
  • Check the logs of the latest imported item ID before the process timed out and restart the import from that ID by using the partial import APIs.

CPU allocation

Some serverless technologies (e.g. Cloud Run) by default allocate CPU only during request processing. The bulk import APIs once called, accepts the request and returns immediately the HTTP response 202, the import process then runs in background. In this case the service CPU needs to be allocated all the time to prevent the background import process from being killed.

Environment variables

The bulk data import module requires all the following environment variables to start:

NAME VALUE Required Example
CT_API_URL commercetools API url Yes
CT_AUTH_URL commercetools AUTH url Yes
CT_PROJECT_ID commercetools project ID Yes my-project-prod
CT_SCOPE commercetools API client scopes. The following scopes are required for the realtime event plugin:
view_orders view_published_products view_products manage_key_value_documents view_customers view_payments
Yes view_orders:project-key view_published_products:project-key view_products:project-key manage_key_value_documents:project-key view_customers:project-key view_payments:project-key
KLAVIYO_AUTH_KEY Klaviyo private api KEY Yes pk_1234567890
CT_API_CLIENT Commercetools API client id and secret Yes {"clientId":"the-ct-client-id","secret":"the-ct-client-secret"}
APP_TYPE BULK_IMPORT No Prevents the real-time sync module from being started
PUB_SUB_PORT 6779 No To change the default (6779) bulk import API server port
PRODUCT_URL_TEMPLATE{{productSlug}} No Set the template used for product URLs in Klaviyo, references frontend URLs (productSlug will be replaced by the product slug set in commercetools)
PREFERRED_LOCALE your preferred locale for certain localized strings No Set your (optional) preferred locale to be used when getting string from LocalizedString properties, like product/category names for the Klaviyo catalogue
PREFERRED_CURRENCY your preferred currency for certain price object arrays No Set your (optional) preferred currency to be used when getting prices from products, for Klaviyo catalogue items and custom_metadata

Available endpoints

Endpoint Purpose Notes
/sync/customers Imports all existing customers into Klaviyo
/sync/orders Imports all applicable orders as Klaviyo events for each customer Has a very high rate-limit, unlikely to cause issues
/sync/categories Imports all categories into Klaviyo Catalog Uses basic catalog endpoints from Klaviyo, might rate limit with high category counts
/sync/products Imports all published products into Klaviyo Catalog Uses job-based catalog endpoints from Klaviyo, should hold with large datasets

For /sync/categories and /sync/products there's an option to send the "deleteAll": true and "confirmDeletetion": "products" (or "categories"), to trigger a complete deletion of these resources from the Klaviyo Catalog. Keep in mind this DOES NOT differentiate between data that came from the plugin and data that might have been imported/created from another source. This is why both properties are required in body to start the process.

Additionally, all endpoints shown above support adding /stop to the URL to cancel the process. This only stops the process, any modifications will not be reverted and any import tasks still running on Klaviyo servers will still complete.

Running in a local machine

Setting up bulk import to run in a local machine is very straightforward. Just follow these steps:

  1. Head to the plugin directory and run yarn install to install all dependencies.
  2. Copy the .env.test file to .env and set the required environment variables. Remove/change any other variables as needed.
    • .env.test may have variables which are not needed for your use case or may be missing some variables. Double check the environment variables above to avoid issues.
  3. Run yarn run start-ts to start the plugin. The port used for any of the components will be shown in your console.
  4. Open Postman or similar, prepare a POST request with the right URL. For example: http://localhost:6779/sync/customers.
  5. Send the request. If all went well, you should get a 2XX status code right away.
  6. Monitor progress in your console, you'll get a summary of imported/errored items at the end.
    • Errors will be logged along the way, a decently sized console buffer is recommended.
    • Errors similar to Product with ID <id> does not exist in Klaviyo are expected, checks are performed before creating/updating items in Klaviyo.

Also, do keep in mind there are sequences/rules that should be followed when importing data:

  • Customers and Orders don't have a strict dependency on each other, but importing Customers first is strongly recommended.
  • Categories must be imported before Products, since there's a dependency between them.
  • Products must have at least one (1) image. Prices are optional, but recommended.
    • Undefined prices will send a price of 0 (zero) to Klaviyo, regardless of currency.
    • If you set PREFERRED_CURRENCY you need at least a price to match said currency, otherwise the resulting price will be 0. If not set, the first price found will be picked.
    • Expiration dates which are still within range are preferred over basic prices.
    • Prices with past expiration dates will be ignored. For future dates, the closest one will be used and the rest will be ignored.
  • For products, in cases where more than one locale/currency/inventory channel is defined, only one will be chosen and imported based on configuration and priorities.

Running bulk import on a schedule

The bulk import component is intended to be a one-and-done, despite the fact it can be reused periodically as needed. It doesn't ship with any options to run import jobs on a schedule by default.

Code changes would be needed if this needed to be implemented in code. As a workaround, any tool or combination of tools capable of performing requests on a schedule (e.g.: a combination of cron and curl) would allow the user to schedule import jobs of any given type.

Regardless of the method use, it's important to keep in mind logs need to be checked manually and certain operations depend on existing data from other operations (see previous section).