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How to run the real-time events module

The real-time data sync uses commercetools subscription that shares data with the plugin via events on a message queue.

Infrastructure requirements

Message queue

A message queue with the right permissions to communicate with the real-time module should be created and configured in the commercetools subscription as a destination.
Check the commercetools documentation for the supported queue technologies.
The plugin supports out-of-the-box Google Cloud Pub/Sub, if another message queue is used then view the Adapt plugin to different message queues section. It is recommended to configure also a Dead-letter queue (DLQ) and set alerts when a message is moved to the DLQ to handle error scenarios.

Module deployment

The real-time module plugin can be deployed in different ways:

  • Serverless function (AWS Lambda, GCP functions...)
  • Container application (Kubernetes, Cloud Run, Fargate...)
  • VM (EC2, Compute Engine)
  • and more

The realtime module has no state and can scale horizontally to handle increased events from commercetools, serverless technologies are a good option for this scope.
In the repository is available a sample Dockerfile that can be used to create a docker image that can be deployed for example on CloudRun.

Environment variables

The real-time module requires all the following environment variables to start:

NAME VALUE Required Example
CT_API_URL commercetools API url Yes
CT_AUTH_URL commercetools AUTH url Yes
CT_PROJECT_ID commercetools project ID Yes my-project-prod
CT_SCOPE commercetools API client scopes. The following scopes are required for the realtime event plugin:
view_orders view_published_products view_products view_customers view_payments
Yes view_orders:project-key view_published_products:project-key view_products:project-key view_customers:project-key view_payments:project-key
KLAVIYO_AUTH_KEY Klaviyo private api KEY Yes pk_1234567890
CT_API_CLIENT commercetools API client id and secret Yes {"clientId":"the-ct-client-id","secret":"the-ct-client-secret"}
APP_TYPE EVENT No Used to NOT start the bulk import API server
PUB_SUB_PORT 8080 No To change the default (8080) server port for the Pub/Sub push endpoint
SKIP_BASE64_ENCODING any truthy value No Used to skip base64 decode and JSON parsing for realtime sync messages (allows passing PlatformFormat message directly in body)
[//]: # ( KLAVIYO_COMPANY_ID Klaviyo public api KEY C4VV2d

commercetools project requirements

The following commercetools resources are required for the real-time module to operate with the default configuration:

commercetools resource type details Description
subscription resourceTypeId: "customer"
types: ["CustomerCreated"]
syncs customer created
subscription resourceTypeId: "order"
types: ["OrderCreated", "OrderStateChanged", "OrderImported", "OrderCustomerSet"]
syncs orders
subscription resourceTypeId: "payment"
types: ["PaymentTransactionAdded", "PaymentTransactionStateChanged"]
syncs order refunded
subscription resourceTypeId: "category"
types: ["CategoryCreated"]
syncs categories
subscription resourceTypeId: "product"
types: ["ProductPublished", "ProductUnpublished"]
syncs products

To create a subscription in commercetools check the documentation, below is available a sample json request body to create a new subscription.

Sample create subscription request for commercetools
  "key": "klaviyo-customer-created",
  "destination": {
    "type": "GoogleCloudPubSub",
    "projectId": "my-commercetools-project-id",
    "topic": "prod-commercetools-topic"
  "messages": [
      "resourceTypeId": "customer",
      "types": [
  "changes": [
      "resourceTypeId": "customer"

The subscription destination should reference the message queue, see the Message queue section.
If the synchronization of one or more events is not required then the corresponding subscription should not be created.
It is also possible to create subscriptions in commercetools using Terraform, an example can be found in the /infrastructure directory.

NOTE: The customer updated and category updated events use the commercetools ResourceUpdated notification type, to disable these events all customer and category subscription should not be enabled or the plugin source code should to be updated.

Sending messages to real-time sync manually (for local testing)

This component expects messages to be received as a commercetools PlatformFormat payload. For some examples, check the plugin/src/test/testData directory.

At the same time, additional transformations might be needed depending on which adapter is used. For example, the GCP Pub/Sub adapter would receive the following body:

  "message": {
    "data": "encoded PlatformFormat payload"

Where encoded PlatformFormat payload is the previously mentioned payload, passed through JSON.stringify() (or equivalent) and then base64 encoded. For example:

  "message": {
    "data": "eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjo2LCJwcm9qZWN0S2V5Ijoia2xhdml5by1kZXYiLCJyZX(...)"

NOTE: after using JSON.stringify() or similar, make sure to remove any single quotes (') at the beginning/end of the output, before doing base64 encoding. Curly braces ({ }) should be the first/last characters of the string.

Additionally, for convenience when testing with the GCP Pub/Sub adapter, a PlatformFormat payload can be sent directly as the request body when testing locally, by setting any value for the SKIP_BASE64_ENCODING environment variable.