SciPy 2015 Kelsey Jordahl (Enthought)
Data in used in this tutorial is subject to its original license, as summarized below. All should be acceptable for noncommercial use, but please comply with the original license for redistribution and commercial use.
Data in the austin-osm
directory was downloaded from Mapzen metro exrtacts and licenced under the ODbL.
The file landsat.tif
was derived from Landsat 8 data downloaded through Libra and served by AWS. The original file is LC80420272015130LGN00 from 10 May 2015 and was processed with landsat-util to reduce the number of bands. The Landsat 8 files are in the public domain, and I hereby release my changes in the file landsat.tif
to the public domain under CC0.
The file manhattan.tif
is a Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle (DOQ) from the USGS and in the public domain (direct link). They request the following attribution statement when using thir data: "Data available from the U.S. Geological Survey."
The file latest.gif
contains a radar image from the National Weather Service downloaded from [] and is in the public domain.
Some examples (data not included) are from the New York Department of City Planning. They have a disclaimer, though not an explicit license, these seem to be free to use.
Data in the idaho-lakes
directory is from the Idaho Department of Water Resources and available with the following statement on distribution:
"The Idaho Department of Water Resources is making this data available as a public service. The Idaho Department of Water Resources strives to ensure that all technical data and other information made available to the public is accurate, complete and in conformance with the Idaho Public Records Act. Neither the Department of Water Resources nor the State of Idaho, however, assumes any legal responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained on this site. Persons using information from this site for official purposes, or other purposes, for which accuracy and completeness are required, are hereby notified that they should first verify the information with the public records or other primary sources from which the information was obtained."