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Getting started with Services APIs


Installing CRDs


This project provides a collection of Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)that can +be installed into any Kubernetes (>= 1.16) cluster.


To install the CRDs, please execute:

kubectl kustomize "github.com/kubernetes-sigs/service-apis/config/crd?ref=master" \
+| kubectl apply -f -
+ +

Install an implementation


Multiple projects implement the APIs defined by this project. +You will need to either install an implementation or verify if one is already +setup for your cluster.


Sample Gateway


Once you have the CRDs and an implementation installed, you are ready to +use Service APIs.


In this example, we are installing three resources:

  • An acme-lb GatewayClass which is being managed by a acme.io/gateway-controller + controller running in the cluster.
  • +
  • +

    A Gateway which is of type acme-lb:

    • This gateway has a single HTTP listener on port 80 which selects HTTPRoutes + from all namespaces which have the label app: foo on them.
    • +
  • +
  • +

    Finally, we have an HTTPRoute resource which is attached to the above Gateway + and has two rules:

    • All requests with path beginning with /bar are forwarded to my-service1 + Kubernetes Service.
    • +
    • All requests with path beginning with /some/thing AND have an HTTP header + magic: foo are forwarded to my-service2 Kubernetes Service.
    • +
  • +

With this configuration, you now have a Gateway reource which is forwarding +traffic to two Kubernetes Services based on HTTP request metadata.

kind: GatewayClass
+apiVersion: networking.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
+  name: acme-lb
+  controller: acme.io/gateway-controller
+  parametersRef:
+    name: acme-lb
+    group: acme.io
+    kind: Parameters
+kind: Gateway
+apiVersion: networking.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
+  name: my-gateway
+  namespace: default
+  gatewayClassName: acme-lb
+  listeners:  # Use GatewayClass defaults for listener definition.
+  - protocol: HTTP
+    port: 80
+    routes:
+      kind: HTTPRoute
+      selector:
+        matchLabels:
+          app: foo
+      namespaces:
+        from: "All"
+kind: HTTPRoute
+apiVersion: networking.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
+  name: http-app-1
+  labels:
+    app: foo
+  hostnames:
+  - "foo.com"
+  rules:
+  - matches:
+    - path:
+        type: Prefix
+        value: /bar
+    forwardTo:
+    - serviceName: my-service1
+      port: 8080
+  - matches:
+    - headers:
+        type: Exact
+        values:
+          magic: foo
+      path:
+        type: Prefix
+        value: /some/thing
+    forwardTo:
+    - serviceName: my-service2
+      port: 8080
+ +

For more advanced examples, please checkout other guides.


Uninstalling the CRDs

kubectl kustomize "github.com/kubernetes-sigs/service-apis/config/crd?ref=master" \
+| kubectl delete -f -
+ + + + + + + + + + +