Docker Image : DockerHub jclab/ultravnc_repeater
Default: 5901
Default: 5500
Default: 8080
Default: 10000 (ms)
Allows for connection to multiple servers (in listen mode), using only one port. All connection data flows through the repeater, allowing connection to multiple servers through a single port forward or tunnel.
┌------------┐ ┌----------┐ ┌------------┐
| VNC Viewer | ==Connect==> portA | REPEATER | ==Connect==> | VNC Server |
└------------┘ └----------┘ └------------┘
Allows both a Viewer and Server to connect together using the repeater as a PROXY. All connection data flows through the repeater, allowing both the server and viewer to be behind firewalls or routers.
┌------------┐ ┌----------┐ ┌------------┐
| VNC Viewer | ==Connect==> portA | REPEATER | portB <==Connect== | VNC Server |
└------------┘ └----------┘ └------------┘
npm install --save ultravnc_repeater
(See entry.ts)
import {
} from 'ultravnc_repeater';
import * as bunyan from 'bunyan';
import express from 'express';
const repeater = new UltraVNCRepeater();
const settings = repeater.getSettings();
const httpServer = express();
httpServer.use('/', repeater.createHttpRouter());
const serverA = repeater.createServerA();
if (settings.mode2) {
const serverB = repeater.createServerB();