This file is a listing of all files considered to be part of this package.
It is automatically generated with texlua build.lua manifest
The following groups list the files included in the development repository of the package. Files listed with a ‘†’ marker are included in the TDS but not CTAN files, and files listed with ‘‡’ are included in both.
These are source files for a number of purposes, including the unpack
process which
generates the installation files of the package. Additional files included here will also
be installed for processing such as testing.
File | Flag | Description |
um-code-alphabets.dtx | ‡ | Definitions for setting up the "math symbol alphabets". |
um-code-amsmath.dtx | ‡ | Compatibility with amsmath. |
um-code-api.dtx | ‡ | The (underdeveloped) API to interface with the package internals. |
um-code-compat.dtx | ‡ | Compatibility with 3rd party packages. |
um-code-epilogue.dtx | ‡ | Assorted definitions to close up. |
um-code-fontopt.dtx | ‡ | Keyval for \setmathfont |
um-code-fontparam.dtx | ‡ | Cross-platform interface for font parameters |
um-code-main.dtx | ‡ | Definition of \setmainfont . |
um-code-mathmap.dtx | ‡ | Setup of symbol alphabets. |
um-code-mathtext.dtx | ‡ | The "math text" commands such as \mathbf and co. |
um-code-msg.dtx | ‡ | Definitions of error, warning, and log messages. |
um-code-opening.dtx | ‡ | Assorted initialisation tasks, including some low-level function definitions. |
um-code-pkgopt.dtx | ‡ | Package options. |
um-code-primes.dtx | ‡ | The definitions needed for the input of primes. |
um-code-setchar.dtx | ‡ | General assignment of maths symbols. |
um-code-sscript.dtx | ‡ | Setup for active chars needed to process subscript/superscript input chars. |
um-code-sym-commands.dtx | ‡ | Definition of "math symbol alphabet" commands such as \symbf and co. |
um-code-ui.dtx | ‡ | The xparse user interface top-level definitions. |
um-code-usv.dtx | ‡ | Mapping of mathematical unicode slots for alphabets. |
um-code-variables.dtx | ‡ | Declaration of all code-level variables used in the package. |
unicode-math.dtx | ‡ | Metadata for the package code, including files and versioning |
unicode-math.ins | ‡ | Docstrip installer. |
unicode-math-table.tex | ‡ | Source file of the math symbols. |
These files are typeset using LaTeX to produce the PDF documentation for the package.
File | Flag | Description |
unicode-math-code.ltx | ‡ | Typeset code. |
unicode-math.ltx | ‡ | User documentation. |
unimath-example.ltx | ‡ | A minimal example file to demonstrate the package. |
unimath-symbols.ltx | ‡ | Listing of Unicode mathematics symbols using a variety of fonts. |
These files form part of the documentation but are not typeset. Generally they will be additional input files for the typeset documentation files listed above.
- um-doc-legacyfontdimen.tex ‡
- um-doc-main.tex ‡
- um-doc-mathfontdimen.tex ‡
- um-doc-nfsssummary.tex ‡
- um-doc-stixextract.tex ‡
- um-doc-style.tex ‡
Plain text files included as documentation or metadata.
- ‡
- ‡
- ‡
- ‡
The files created by ‘unpacking’ the package sources. This typically includes
and .cls
files created from DocStrip .dtx
- unicode-math-luatex.sty †
- unicode-math-xetex.sty †
- unicode-math.sty †
The output files (PDF, essentially) from typesetting the various source, demo, etc., package files.
- unicode-math-code.pdf ‡
- unicode-math.pdf ‡
- unimath-example.pdf ‡
- unimath-symbols.pdf ‡
Support files for checking the test suite.
- umtest-preamble.tex
These files form the test suite for the package. .lvt
or .lte
files are the individual
unit tests, and .tlg
are the stored output for ensuring changes to the package produce
the same output. These output files are sometimes shared and sometime specific for
different engines (pdfTeX, XeTeX, LuaTeX, etc.).
- aaa-loading.lvt
- aaa-sym.lvt
- active-frac.lvt
- active-sscripts-amsmath.lvt
- active-sscripts.lvt
- alph-range-calscr.lvt
- alph-range-fallback.lvt
- alph-range-mapping.lvt
- alph-range-sym-alph.lvt
- alph-range-sym-range.lvt
- alph-sym.lvt
- ascii-catcodes.lvt
- boldstyle-french.lvt
- boldstyle-iso.lvt
- boldstyle-literal.lvt
- boldstyle-tex.lvt
- boldstyle-upright.lvt
- cramped-style.lvt
- fontname-log.lvt
- hyphen.lvt
- input-fullwidth.lvt
- lmdefault-mathrm-it-bf.lvt
- mathit-symit-var.lvt
- mathit-symit.lvt
- mathoperator-mathbf.lvt
- mathrm-mathcal-nest.lvt
- mathrm-nobraces.lvt
- mathsizes.lvt
- mathstyle-french.lvt
- mathstyle-iso.lvt
- mathstyle-literal.lvt
- mathstyle-tex.lvt
- mathstyle-upright.lvt
- nabla.lvt
- nesting.lvt
- not.lvt
- operatorname.lvt
- partial.lvt
- radical-cuberoot-output.lvt
- range-char-cmd.lvt
- range-class.lvt
- range-nabla-partial.lvt
- range-up-num.lvt
- setmathfontface.lvt
- setmathsf.lvt
- sqrt-amsmath-output.lvt
- style-Bbbit.lvt
- url.lvt
- aaa-loading.luatex.tlg
- aaa-loading.xetex.tlg
- aaa-sym.luatex.tlg
- aaa-sym.xetex.tlg
- active-frac.luatex.tlg
- active-frac.xetex.tlg
- active-sscripts-amsmath.luatex.tlg
- active-sscripts-amsmath.xetex.tlg
- active-sscripts.luatex.tlg
- active-sscripts.xetex.tlg
- alph-range-calscr.luatex.tlg
- alph-range-calscr.xetex.tlg
- alph-range-fallback.luatex.tlg
- alph-range-fallback.xetex.tlg
- alph-range-mapping.luatex.tlg
- alph-range-mapping.xetex.tlg
- alph-range-sym-alph.luatex.tlg
- alph-range-sym-alph.xetex.tlg
- alph-range-sym-range.luatex.tlg
- alph-range-sym-range.xetex.tlg
- alph-sym.luatex.tlg
- alph-sym.xetex.tlg
- ascii-catcodes.luatex.tlg
- ascii-catcodes.xetex.tlg
- boldstyle-french.luatex.tlg
- boldstyle-french.xetex.tlg
- boldstyle-iso.luatex.tlg
- boldstyle-iso.xetex.tlg
- boldstyle-literal.luatex.tlg
- boldstyle-literal.xetex.tlg
- boldstyle-tex.luatex.tlg
- boldstyle-tex.xetex.tlg
- boldstyle-upright.luatex.tlg
- boldstyle-upright.xetex.tlg
- cramped-style.luatex.tlg
- cramped-style.xetex.tlg
- fontname-log.luatex.tlg
- fontname-log.xetex.tlg
- hyphen.luatex.tlg
- hyphen.xetex.tlg
- input-fullwidth.luatex.tlg
- input-fullwidth.xetex.tlg
- lmdefault-mathrm-it-bf.luatex.tlg
- lmdefault-mathrm-it-bf.xetex.tlg
- mathit-symit-var.luatex.tlg
- mathit-symit-var.xetex.tlg
- mathit-symit.luatex.tlg
- mathit-symit.xetex.tlg
- mathoperator-mathbf.luatex.tlg
- mathoperator-mathbf.xetex.tlg
- mathrm-mathcal-nest.luatex.tlg
- mathrm-mathcal-nest.xetex.tlg
- mathrm-nobraces.luatex.tlg
- mathrm-nobraces.xetex.tlg
- mathsizes.luatex.tlg
- mathsizes.xetex.tlg
- mathstyle-french.luatex.tlg
- mathstyle-french.xetex.tlg
- mathstyle-iso.luatex.tlg
- mathstyle-iso.xetex.tlg
- mathstyle-literal.luatex.tlg
- mathstyle-literal.xetex.tlg
- mathstyle-tex.luatex.tlg
- mathstyle-tex.xetex.tlg
- mathstyle-upright.luatex.tlg
- mathstyle-upright.xetex.tlg
- nabla.luatex.tlg
- nabla.xetex.tlg
- nesting.luatex.tlg
- nesting.xetex.tlg
- not.luatex.tlg
- not.xetex.tlg
- operatorname.luatex.tlg
- operatorname.xetex.tlg
- partial.luatex.tlg
- partial.xetex.tlg
- radical-cuberoot-output.luatex.tlg
- radical-cuberoot-output.xetex.tlg
- range-char-cmd.luatex.tlg
- range-char-cmd.xetex.tlg
- range-class.luatex.tlg
- range-class.xetex.tlg
- range-nabla-partial.luatex.tlg
- range-nabla-partial.xetex.tlg
- range-up-num.luatex.tlg
- range-up-num.xetex.tlg
- setmathfontface.luatex.tlg
- setmathfontface.xetex.tlg
- setmathsf.luatex.tlg
- setmathsf.xetex.tlg
- sqrt-amsmath-output.luatex.tlg
- sqrt-amsmath-output.xetex.tlg
- style-Bbbit.luatex.tlg
- style-Bbbit.xetex.tlg
- url.luatex.tlg
- url.xetex.tlg
The following groups list the files included in the TeX Directory Structure used to install the package into a TeX distribution.
All files included in the unicode-math/source
- um-code-alphabets.dtx
- um-code-amsmath.dtx
- um-code-api.dtx
- um-code-compat.dtx
- um-code-epilogue.dtx
- um-code-fontopt.dtx
- um-code-fontparam.dtx
- um-code-main.dtx
- um-code-mathmap.dtx
- um-code-mathtext.dtx
- um-code-msg.dtx
- um-code-opening.dtx
- um-code-pkgopt.dtx
- um-code-primes.dtx
- um-code-setchar.dtx
- um-code-sscript.dtx
- um-code-sym-commands.dtx
- um-code-ui.dtx
- um-code-usv.dtx
- um-code-variables.dtx
- unicode-math.dtx
- unicode-math.ins
All files included in the unicode-math/tex
- unicode-math-luatex.sty
- unicode-math-table.tex
- unicode-math-xetex.sty
- unicode-math.sty
All files included in the unicode-math/doc
- um-doc-legacyfontdimen.tex
- um-doc-main.tex
- um-doc-mathfontdimen.tex
- um-doc-nfsssummary.tex
- um-doc-stixextract.tex
- um-doc-style.tex
- unicode-math-code.ltx
- unicode-math-code.pdf
- unicode-math.ltx
- unicode-math.pdf
- unimath-example.ltx
- unimath-example.pdf
- unimath-symbols.ltx
- unimath-symbols.pdf
The following group lists the files included in the CTAN package.
- um-code-alphabets.dtx
- um-code-amsmath.dtx
- um-code-api.dtx
- um-code-compat.dtx
- um-code-epilogue.dtx
- um-code-fontopt.dtx
- um-code-fontparam.dtx
- um-code-main.dtx
- um-code-mathmap.dtx
- um-code-mathtext.dtx
- um-code-msg.dtx
- um-code-opening.dtx
- um-code-pkgopt.dtx
- um-code-primes.dtx
- um-code-setchar.dtx
- um-code-sscript.dtx
- um-code-sym-commands.dtx
- um-code-ui.dtx
- um-code-usv.dtx
- um-code-variables.dtx
- um-doc-legacyfontdimen.tex
- um-doc-main.tex
- um-doc-mathfontdimen.tex
- um-doc-nfsssummary.tex
- um-doc-stixextract.tex
- um-doc-style.tex
- unicode-math-code.ltx
- unicode-math-code.pdf
- unicode-math-table.tex
- unicode-math.dtx
- unicode-math.ins
- unicode-math.ltx
- unicode-math.pdf
- unimath-example.ltx
- unimath-example.pdf
- unimath-symbols.ltx
- unimath-symbols.pdf