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From Zero to Hero


In this tutorial, we will enter the world of, and build our own smart contract using the Gno programming language. Gno is an interpreted version of Golang that shares 99% of the functionality with Go, allowing us to write blockchain-specific code in a secure, battle-tested language that many developers already have in their skillset.

We will go over what is, and how you can use the full potential of Gno to build secure blockchain applications in a familiar blockchain language.

Why is a layer 1 blockchain network based on Tendermint2 technology. It aims to offer security, scalability, and high-quality smart contract libraries to developers while also being interconnected with existing Cosmos chains via IBC1. comes with GnoVM, a VM which allows us to run interpreted Gno code. Currently, has a development testnet out, with the mainnet release expected in 2024. You can read more about here.

Tutorial overview

Note: Familiarity with Golang, although not a strict necessity, is recommended to follow this tutorial.

This tutorial will review the tools and procedures required to develop in These are:

  1. Environment setup
  2. Generating a keypair with Gnokey
  3. Writing & testing a smart contract in Gno
  4. Hands-on coding
  5. Using Gnoweb to browse on-chain state
  6. Deploying our code to a local testnet
  7. Deploying code to a remote testnet using the Gno Playground

Environment setup

Make sure you have set up your environment correctly:

  • Go 1.19+
  • Make (for using Makefiles)
  • Git
  • Make sure $GOPATH is well-defined, and $GOPATH/bin is added to your $PATH variable.

To get started with development, we need to clone the Gno monorepo:

git clone [email protected]:gnolang/gno.git

Next, install all the necessary binaries:

  1. gno - binary for running & testing the Gno language, found in gnovm/
cd gnovm
make build && make install
  1. gnoland - binary containing the node which opens up an RPC API, found in
make build && make install

This completes the environment setup.

To follow this tutorial, having the Official Documentation handy is recommended. You can view the official documentation here.

Generating a keypair with Gnokey

To interact with the blockchain, we must generate a keypair. This is done using the gnokey CLI tool.

In order to avoid having to use a faucet, we will generate a keypair which already has a premined balance. To do this, run the following command:

gnokey add Dev --recover

gnokey will ask you for a password to encrypt the keypair and save it under the name Dev. After confirming the password, gnokey will ask you for a BIP39 mnemonic phrase. Input the following:

source bonus chronic canvas draft south burst lottery vacant surface solve popular case indicate oppose farm nothing bullet exhibit title speed wink action roast

This will generate a keypair which will be displayed after successful execution.

You can also see currently saved keypairs by running gnokey list.

Other than generating keypairs, gnokey is used to interact with the blockchain via the CLI. gnokey can fetch information about an address, call functions on smart contracts and send state changes (transactions) to the network. This will be covered later.

Writing & testing in Gno

In, smart contracts are called Realms. Here are three concepts we need to cover before diving into the actual development of Realms:

  1. Packages vs. Realms
  2. Render functions
  3. Paths

Packages vs. Realms code can be divided into two main groups: packages & realms. Put simply, packages represent stateless code intended to be reused - libraries. Realms, on the other hand, represent smart contracts that can hold arbitrary state and functionality. Both packages and realms can be uploaded on-chain.

Render functions

Each realm can implement a Render function which allows the developer of the realm to display the state the way they intend to. A render function should return a valid markdown string. Similar to Solidity, Gno also has the concept of view functions, allowing the state of the realm to be displayed in an arbitrary UI.

Paths saves its packages and realms in a tree-like structure - similar to a classic file system. You can find packages under the "" path, while you can find realms under the "" path. When developing an app in Gno, you can access and import packages through their deployed paths.

A developer must provide a path upon deployment of packages and realms. Developers may choose a namespace to deploy their code under. Specifically, packages must be deployed under "<package_name>", while realms can be deployed under "<your_username>/<realm_name>".

Let's get started with the code. We will build an app allowing users to sign up for whitelists before a specific deadline.

Hands-on coding

We will write a simple package and realm combination to act as a whitelisting service.

Any user will be able to create their own whitelist with a specific sign up deadline and max user sign-up number. Any user will be able to sign up exactly once for each whitelist that has not exceeded the deadline or the max amount of sign-ups.

If you're using VSCode to edit your files, you can install the Gno extension, which will handle syntax highlighting and code formatting.

Whitelist package

To start, create a new separate folder which will store your Gno code. In this folder, create two subfolders, p/ and r/

mkdir p && mkdir r

In p/, initialize a gno.mod file, used to keep track of the package path and dependencies:

## Our whitelist package will live under the `p/demo/` namespace
gno mod init

Now, you can create the file which will store your Gno code:

touch whitelist.gno

In whitelist.gno, we will place our Whitelist struct and all of its functionality:

package whitelist

import (

type Whitelist struct {
	name     string         // Name of whitelist
	owner    std.Address    // Owner of whitelist
	deadline int            // Whitelist deadline in block height
	maxUsers int            // Max number of users in whitelist
	userList []std.Address  // Currently signed-up users

We will use the standard library provided by Gno to handle blockchain-specific data types and functionality. In the code above, we are defining a struct that will hold all information we need about a specific whitelist. We use std.Address as the address type provided in Gno.

Next, we can write functions that we will need to act upon this struct:

// Create a new Whitelist instance from arguments
func NewWhitelist(name string, deadline int, maxUsers int, owner std.Address) *Whitelist {
	return &Whitelist{
		name:     name,
		owner:    owner,
		deadline: deadline,
		maxUsers: maxUsers,
		userList: make([]std.Address, 0),

func (w *Whitelist) GetWhitelistName() string {

func (w *Whitelist) GetWhitelistOwner() std.Address {
	return w.owner

func (w *Whitelist) GetWhitelistDeadline() int {
	return w.deadline

func (w *Whitelist) GetMaxUsers() int {
	return w.maxUsers

func (w *Whitelist) GetWhitelistedUsers() []std.Address {
	return w.userList

func (w *Whitelist) AddUserToList(userToAdd std.Address) bool {
	w.userList = append(w.userList, userToAdd)
	return true

// Check if userToCheck is on whitelist w
func (w *Whitelist) IsOnWhitelist(userToCheck std.Address) bool {
	for _, user := range w.GetWhitelistedUsers() {
		if user.String() == userToCheck.String() {
			return true
	return false

// Check if txSender is owner of w
func (w *Whitelist) IsOwnerOfWhitelist(txSender std.Address) bool {
	return txSender == w.GetWhitelistOwner()

Testing the package

To test the package we just wrote, we can create a new file in the same directory called whitelist_test.gno.

touch whitelist_test.gno

In whitelist_test.gno, we are able to do classic Go testing upon the functionality of our package. Every function name that starts with Test will automatically be run as a test case.

We use the testutils package to provide blockchain-specific test functionality, such as setting an arbitrary caller to a transaction or generating a new address from within the test. This package is actually found on-chain - in the's file system. The GnoVM resolves the path to the testutils package and imports the needed tools from on-chain storage. You will see this pattern further down this tutorial as well.

package whitelist

import (


func TestWhitelist_Setup(t *testing.T) {
	var (
		name     = "First whitelist!"
		deadline = std.GetHeight() + 100 // get future height
		maxUsers = 100

	// generate mock address
	alice := testutils.TestAddress("alice") 
	// use mock address to execute test transaction

	w := NewWhitelist(name, int(deadline), maxUsers, alice)

	if w.GetWhitelistOwner() != alice {
		t.Fatal("invalid whitelist owner")

	if w.GetMaxUsers() != maxUsers {
		t.Fatal("invalid max user number")

	if w.GetWhitelistDeadline() != deadline {
		t.Fatal("invalid deadline")

	if len(w.GetWhitelistedUsers()) != 0 {
		t.Fatal("invalid whitelisted user list")

To compile the package and run the tests, we can run the following command from the same directory:

gno test . -v

Finally, to make sure all dependencies are correctly imported, run gno mod tidy. This will add the testutils package as a dependency in gno.mod.

WhitelistFactory Realm

This is where the bulk of our functionality will be. The main thing differentiating packages from realms is that realms hold state and have an initializer function. In our r/ directory, just like before, initialize a gno.mod file with the following command:

gno mod init<YOUR_USERNAME>/whitelistfactory

Then, create a new file, whitelistfactory.gno:

touch whitelistfactory.gno

In the file, we can start writing our realm. Since the realm will also handle whitelist creation, we are calling it whitelistfactory:

package whitelistfactory

import (

	whitelist "<your_whitelist_package_path>" // *Import your whitelist package

// State variables
var (
	whitelistTree *avl.Tree

// Constructor
func init() {
	whitelistTree = avl.NewTree()

*The import path for your whitelist is what you defined in the gno.mod file.

Here, we have two particular Gno-specific things: the AVL Tree and the init() function.

Since all actions on the blockchain must be deterministic, we are unable to use the native Go map functionality to store our data. This is why we are using custom-built AVL trees, which expose a classic get/set API to the developer.

We also have an init() function which will run upon deployment of the realm. At deployment, we simply instantiate the AVL tree that will store all of our Whitelist instances.

Moving on:

func NewWhitelist(name string, deadline int, maxUsers int) string {
	// Check if deadline is in the past
	if deadline <= int(std.GetHeight()) {
		panic("deadline cannot be in the past")

	// Get user who sent the transaction
	txSender := std.GetOrigCaller()

	// We will use the current size of the tree for the ID
	id := strconv.Itoa(whitelistTree.Size())

	if maxUsers <= 0 {
		panic("maximum number of users cannot be less than 1")

	// Create new whitelist instance
	w := whitelist.NewWhitelist(name, deadline, maxUsers, txSender)

	// Update AVL tree with new state
	whitelistTree.Set(id, w)
	return "Created new whitelist with id #" + id

The function above creates an instance of a whitelist with arguments provided to it. This is a public function as indicated by the uppercase first letter in its name - meaning anyone can call it.

Similar to Solidity's msg.sender functionality, we can use std.GetOrigCaller() to get the address of the transaction sender.

Next, we need to write the function that users will use to sign up to specific whitelists.

To sign up for a whitelist, four conditions must be met:

  1. The whitelist with the specified ID must exist
  2. The sign-up deadline must be in the future
  3. The user cannot already be on the whitelist
  4. The whitelist must have enough room for the user to sign up

If all conditions are met, we will update the whitelist instance in the AVL tree to its new state.

func SignUpToWhitelist(whitelistID int) string {
	// Get ID and convert to string
	id := strconv.Itoa(whitelistID)

	// Get txSender
	txSender := std.GetOrigCaller()

	// Try to get specific whitelist from AVL tree
	// Note: AVL tree keys are of the string type
	whiteListRaw, exists := whitelistTree.Get(id)

	if !exists {
		panic("whitelist does not exist")

	// Cast raw Tree data into "Whitelist" type
	w, _ := whiteListRaw.(*whitelist.Whitelist)

	ddl := w.GetWhitelistDeadline()

	// error handling
	if w.IsOnWhitelist(txSender) {
		panic("user already in whitelist")

	// If deadline has passed
	if ddl <= int(std.GetHeight()) {
		panic("whitelist already closed")

	// If whitelist is full
	if w.GetMaxUsers() <= len(w.GetWhitelistedUsers()) {
		panic("whitelist full")

	// Add txSender to user list

	// Update the AVL tree with new state
	whitelistTree.Set(id, w)
	return "successfully signed up to " + w.GetWhitelistName() + "!"

Finally, we will write a Render function to display the state of our realm. The Render function will display all whitelists that currently exist in the state of the realm, along with their details.

func Render(path string) string {
	if path == "" {
		return renderHomepage()

	return "unknown page"

We need to handle possible additional arguments to our realm path, so we will write a helper render function to handle the main logic.

We will generate valid markdown text based on the state of the realm into a Buffer, which we will finally convert into a string that will be displayed later.

func renderHomepage() string {
	// Define empty buffer
	var b bytes.Buffer

	b.WriteString("# Sign up to a Whitelist\n\n")

	// If no whitelists have been created
	if whitelistTree.Size() == 0 {
		b.WriteString("### No whitelists available currently!")
		return b.String()

	// Iterate through AVL tree
	whitelistTree.Iterate("", "", func(key string, value interface{}) bool {

		// cast raw data from tree into Whitelist struct
		w := value.(*whitelist.Whitelist)
		ddl := w.GetWhitelistDeadline()

		// Add whitelist name
				"## Whitelist #%s: %s\n",
				key, // whitelist ID

		// Check if whitelist deadline is past due
		if ddl > int(std.GetHeight()) {
					"Whitelist sign-ups close at block %d\n\n",
		} else {
					"Whitelist sign-ups closed!\n\n",

		// List max number of users in waitlist
				"Maximum number of users in whitelist: %d\n\n",

		// List all users that are currently whitelisted
		if users := w.GetWhitelistedUsers(); len(users) > 0 {
				ufmt.Sprintf("Currently whitelisted users: %d\n\n", len(users)),

			for index, user := range users {
					ufmt.Sprintf("#%d - %s  \n", index, user),
		} else {
			b.WriteString("No addresses are whitelisted currently\n")

		return false

	return b.String()

That completes our realm code, and we can go onto deploying it along with the whitelist package from before.

Using Gnoweb to view on-chain state

For this section of the tutorial, we will use the gnoweb CLI tool - it will allow us to access the aforementioned on-chain file system. gnoweb will spin up a local front end where we will find all the currently deployed packages and realms.

Before using gnoweb, we first need to spin up our local node. We will also need this node to be running to see other tools in action, as well as deploy Gno code to the local testnet. Start the node with gnoland start.

If the node has started successfully, you should see blocks being produced.

Then, run the gnoweb command from within the subfolder. A local front end will start on

Check address balance

To deploy Gno code to the chain, we need testnet GNOTs. In a previous step, we have generated a keypair that has a premined balance. Let's check the balance of our address with the gnokey query command:

$ gnokey query bank/balances/g1jg8mtutu9khhfwc4nxmuhcpftf0pajdhfvsqf5

height: 0
data: "10000000000000ugnot"

Deployment to a local testnet

First, we need to deploy our whitelist package. Make sure that the local node is running, and navigate to the the root of the repo, and run the following command:

gnokey maketx addpkg \
--pkgpath "<whitelist_path_from_gno.mod>" \
--pkgdir "./p" \
--gas-fee 10000000ugnot \
--gas-wanted 800000 \
--broadcast \
--chainid dev \
--remote localhost:26657 \

As mentioned earlier, gnokey is used to interact with Let's analyze the subcommands and flags in detail:

  1. maketx - signs and broadcasts a transaction
  2. addpkg - indicates that the transaction will upload a new package or realm
  3. --pkgpath - path where the package/realm will be placed on-chain
  4. --pkgdir - local path where the package/realm is located
  5. --gas-wanted - the upper limit for units of gas for the execution of the transaction - similar to Solidity's gas limit
  6. --gas-fee - similar to Solidity's gas-price
  7. --broadcast - broadcast the transaction on-chain
  8. --chain-id - id of the chain to connect to, in our case the local node, dev
  9. --remote - specify node endpoint, in our case it's our local node
  10. Dev - the keypair to use for the transaction

After running the command, if successful, we should get the following output:

GAS WANTED: 800000
GAS USED:   775097

Now our package can be seen on-chain. We can take a look at the code with gnoweb, by visiting the path we uploaded it to:<username>/whitelist.

With the whitelist package deployed, you can properly import it into your realm and continue with deployment:

gnokey maketx addpkg \
--pkgpath "<whitelistfactory_path_from_gno.mod>" \
--pkgdir "./r" \
--gas-fee 10000000ugnot \
--gas-wanted 800000 \
--broadcast \
--chainid dev \
--remote localhost:26657 \


If all went well, you've just written and uploaded your first package and realm. You can visit the realm path to see the Render function in action:<YOUR_USERNAME>/whitelistfactory. It should look something like this:

Default view

Finally, let's interact with our realm. Again, we are using gnokey, but this time around, instead of addpkg, we will use the call subcommand, which will call a specific public function on a realm:

gnokey maketx call \
--pkgpath "" \
--func "NewWhitelist" \
--args "First whitelist!" \
--args 500 \
--args 10 \
--gas-fee 10000000ugnot \
--gas-wanted 800000 \
--broadcast  \
--remote localhost:26657 \

The above command calls the NewWhitelist function in our realm, passing it the name, deadline, and maxUser arguments. Make sure to use a deadline that is in the future. You can use a tool like UnixTimestamp to get a Unix seconds representation of a specific date and time.

If the command was successful, we can see the state update on the realm through gnoweb.

Whitelist created view

Finally, we can try to sign up to the whitelist:

gnokey maketx call \
--pkgpath "" \
--func "SignUpToWhitelist" \
--args 0 \
--gas-fee 10000000ugnot \
--gas-wanted 800000 \
--broadcast  \
--remote localhost:26657 \

We call the SignUpToWhitelist with the whitelistID argument being 0. After the transaction goes through, we can see the state update:

User signup view

Finally, if you'd wish to restart and wipe the node data, shut the gnoland node down, and run the following from within the folder:

make fclean && make build && make install

Then, to start the node again, run:

gnoland start

Deploying to a remote testnet

In this section, you will learn how to deploy the whitelist package and realm to the Portal Loop testnet through's online editor, Gno Playground.

To follow along, you will need to install a web browser wallet, such as Adena, and create a keypair. This will allow you to interact with the Playground.

Next, visit the Playground. You will be greeted with a simple package.gno file.


First we should test and deploy the whitelist package. To do this, delete package.gno, and create files like before: whitelist.gno & whitelist_test.gno. Then, paste in the respective code, or just visit this link with the pre-written code.

Gno Playground allows you to test, deploy, and share code in your browser. Clicking on "Test" will open a terminal and after a few seconds you should see the following output:


After we've verified our code works, we are ready to deploy the package code to the Portal loop testnet. Clicking on the "Deploy" button will prompt a wallet connection, and then you will see the following:


Keep in mind that this is the path you will use to later import the package and use it for the WhitelistFactory realm.

Choose Portal Loop for the network and click Deploy.

Gno Playground has a built-in faucet, which means that even if you do not have any testnet GNOTs, the deployment should result in a success.

After successfully deploying the package, we can continue with the realm code.

Delete the old files, and create a new one - whitelistfactory.gno. Paste in the code, or simply find it on this link.


After you've confirmed the code, you can choose a path to deploy your realm to. When the realm has been deployed to the Portal loop testnet, you will be able to look it up simply by inputting the realm path in your browser.

This concludes our tutorial. Once again, congratulations on writing your first realm in Gno. You've become a real hero!

Written August 10th 2023, last updated March 31st 2024