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438 lines (425 loc) · 15.5 KB

File metadata and controls

438 lines (425 loc) · 15.5 KB

const fs = require("fs"); const HTMLParser = require("node-html-parser"); const path = require("path");


  • Find and get the path of all files under the dirPath.
  • @param {string} dirPath Target directory.
  • @param {array} pathList A list of initial results if necessary.
  • @returns A list of initial results and calculated path of all files under the dirPath. */ const getAllFilesAbsolutePath = (dirPath, pathList = []) => { let filesList = fs.readdirSync(dirPath); for (let i = 0; i < filesList.length; i++) { // concat current file path: ${parent_path}/${current_file_name} let filePath = path.join(dirPath, filesList[i]); // get file info by filePath, return a fs.Stats object let stats = fs.statSync(filePath); if (stats.isDirectory()) { // recursion call getAllFilesAbsolutePath(filePath, pathList); } else { pathList.push(filePath); } } return pathList; };

const getFileRelativePath = (from, to) => { return path.relative(from, to); };

const ensureDirectoryExistence = (filePath) => { const dirname = path.dirname(filePath); if (fs.existsSync(dirname)) { return true; } ensureDirectoryExistence(dirname); fs.mkdirSync(dirname); };

const handleApiFiles = (doc2html, { from, version, category }) => { const filesList = getAllFilesAbsolutePath(from); const htmlFiles = filesList.filter((i) => i.endsWith(".html")); console.log("htmlFiles", htmlFiles); const extraData = {}; for (let i = 0; i < htmlFiles.length; i++) { let filePath = htmlFiles[i]; let doc = HTMLParser.parse(fs.readFileSync(filePath)); const { docHTML, title: docTitle, order: docOrder, parentMenu = {}, } = doc2html(doc); const relativePath = getFileRelativePath(from, filePath); const newPath = API_Reference/${category}/${version}/${relativePath}; ensureDirectoryExistence(newPath); if ( typeof docTitle !== "undefined" || typeof docOrder !== "undefined" || Object.keys(parentMenu).length ) { extraData[relativePath] = { title: docTitle, order: docOrder, parentMenu, }; } console.log("newPath", newPath); console.log("docHTML", docHTML); fs.writeFileSync(newPath, docHTML); } if (Object.keys(extraData).length) { fs.writeFileSync( API_Reference/${category}/${version}/api_reference_meta.json, JSON.stringify(extraData) ); } };


  • Handle html pages under ${parentPath}/${version} and fromat them.
  • Different from handlePyFiles, pymilvus only has one page but orm has a few.
  • Data: pymilvus: articleBody > div
  • Data: pymilvus-orm: articleBody > section
  • @param {string} parentPath api category dir path, such as "src/pages/APIReference/pymilvus"
  • @param {string} version api version, such as "v1.0.1"
  • @param {array} apiFiles pages under ${parentPath}/${version} will be formatted and pushed to apiFiles / const handlePyFilesWithOrm = (from, version) => { /*
    • Get current item index as order in TOC tree/subtree.
    • Will update parentMenu if it has a parent menu.
    • @param {document} element DOM element.
    • @param {string} className Class name to be found.
    • @param {object} parentMenu Get current item's parent name and order.
    • @returns {number} Order. The index in TOC sub tree or root tree. */ const calculateOrder = (element, className, parentMenu = {}) => { let order = -1; const toctree = element?.querySelectorAll(className); for (let i = 0; i < toctree.length; i++) { const isCurrent = toctree[i]?.getAttribute("class")?.includes("current"); if (!isCurrent) continue; if (className === ".toctree-l2") return i; const result = calculateOrder(toctree[i], ".toctree-l2"); if (result !== -1) { const eleName = toctree[i]?.querySelector("a")?.textContent; = eleName; parentMenu.order = i; return result; } return i; } return order; }; const doc2html = (doc) => { // const leftNav = doc.querySelectorAll('.toctree-l1'); const title = doc?.querySelector("h1")?.textContent?.slice(0, -1); const parentMenu = {}; const order = calculateOrder( doc.querySelector(".wy-menu ul"), ".toctree-l1", parentMenu ); // remove useless link [...doc.querySelectorAll(".reference.internal .viewcode-link")].forEach( (node) => { node.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(node.parentNode); } ); // Add for
      [...doc.querySelectorAll("pre")].forEach((node) => {
      const preNode = HTMLParser.parse(node.innerHTML);
      // Remove all unescaped HTML, here's , which cause highlight warning.
      // highlightjs/highlight.js#2886
      [...preNode.querySelectorAll("span")].forEach((span) => {
      const spanText = span.textContent;
      node.innerHTML = <code>${preNode.outerHTML}</code>;
      // only need article body html
      // <=rc7 use "section", >=rc8 use ".section"
      const docContent =
      doc.querySelector("[itemprop=articleBody] > section") ||
      doc.querySelector("[itemprop=articleBody] > .section");
      doc = docContent?.innerHTML;
      return { docHTML: doc, title, order, parentMenu };
      handleApiFiles(doc2html, {
      category: "pymilvus",


  • Handle html pages under ${parentPath}/${version} and fromat them.
  • Go docs are generated by godoc.
  • @param {string} parentPath api category dir path, such as "src/pages/APIReference/milvus-sdk-go"
  • @param {string} version api version, such as "v1.0.1"
  • @param {array} apiFiles pages under ${parentPath}/${version} will be formatted and pushed to apiFiles */ const handleGoFiles = (from, version) => { const doc2html = (doc) => { // get content doc = doc.querySelector("#page"); // remove useless content doc.querySelector("#nav")?.remove(); [...doc.querySelectorAll("script")].forEach((node) => node.parentNode.removeChild(node) ); doc.querySelector("#short-nav")?.remove(); [...doc.querySelectorAll(".collapsed")].forEach((node) => node.parentNode.removeChild(node) ); doc.querySelector("#pkg-subdirectories")?.remove(); doc.querySelector(".pkg-dir")?.remove(); doc.querySelector("#footer")?.remove(); // Add for
    [...doc.querySelectorAll("pre")].forEach((node) => {
    const preNode = HTMLParser.parse(node.innerHTML);
    // replace  tag with text
    [...preNode.querySelectorAll("a")].forEach((e) => {
    const textContent = e.textContent;
    textContent && e.replaceWith(textContent);
    [...preNode.querySelectorAll("span")].forEach((span) => {
    const spanText = span.textContent;
    node.innerHTML = <code>${preNode.outerHTML}</code>;
    const removableAhrefs = [
    removableAhrefs.forEach((node) => {
    const ele = node.querySelector("a");
    const textContent = ele?.textContent;
    textContent && ele.replaceWith(textContent);
    doc.querySelector("#pkg-index h3")?.remove();
    doc.querySelector("#pkg-index p")?.remove();
    [...doc.querySelectorAll("h2[title]")].forEach((node) => {
    const textContent = node.textContent?.slice(0, -2);
    textContent && node.replaceWith(<h2>${textContent}</h2>);
    doc = doc.querySelector("div.container").innerHTML;
    return { docHTML: doc };
    handleApiFiles(doc2html, {
    category: "milvus-sdk-go",


  • Handle html pages under ${parentPath}/${version} and fromat them.
  • Java docs are generated by javadoc(IntelliJ IDEA).
  • @param {string} parentPath api category dir path, such as "src/pages/APIReference/milvus-sdk-java"
  • @param {string} version api version, such as "v1.0.1"
  • @param {array} apiFiles pages under ${parentPath}/${version} will be formatted and pushed to apiFiles */ const handleJavaFiles = (from, version) => { const doc2html = (doc) => { // remove see also doc.querySelector(".contentContainer .description dl:last-child")?.remove(); [...doc.querySelectorAll("table")].forEach((element) => { element.querySelector("caption")?.remove(); }); // Add for
    [...doc.querySelectorAll("pre")].forEach((node) => {
    const preNode = HTMLParser.parse(node.innerHTML);
    // replace  tag with text
    [...preNode.querySelectorAll("a")].forEach((e) => {
    const textContent = e.textContent;
    textContent && e.replaceWith(textContent);
    [...preNode.querySelectorAll("span")].forEach((span) => {
    const spanText = span.textContent;
    node.innerHTML = <code>${preNode.outerHTML}</code>;
    [...doc.querySelectorAll("a")].forEach((node) => {
    !node.textContent.split("\n").join("") && node?.remove();
    const title = doc.querySelector(".header .title");
    title &&
    ?.replaceWith(<h1 class="title">${title.textContent}</h1>);
    const packageHierarchyLabel = doc.querySelector(
    ".header .packageHierarchyLabel"
    // remove packageHierarchyLabel and it's description if exists
    if (packageHierarchyLabel) {
    doc.querySelector(".header span")?.remove();
    doc.querySelector(".header ul")?.remove();
    // only need article body html
    doc = doc.querySelector("body > main").innerHTML;
    return { docHTML: doc };
    handleApiFiles(doc2html, {
    category: "milvus-sdk-java",


  • Handle html pages under ${parentPath}/${version} and fromat them.
  • Node docs are generated by typedoc.
  • @param {string} parentPath api category dir path, such as "src/pages/APIReference/milvus-sdk-node"
  • @param {string} version api version, such as "v1.0.1"
  • @param {array} apiFiles pages under ${parentPath}/${version} will be formatted and pushed to apiFiles */ const handleNodeFiles = (from, version) => { const doc2html = (doc) => { // Format
     content for highlight.js
    [...doc.querySelectorAll("pre")].forEach((node) => {
    const preNode = HTMLParser.parse(node.innerHTML);
    [...preNode.querySelectorAll("a")].forEach((e) => {
    const textContent = e.textContent;
    textContent && e.replaceWith(textContent);
    [...preNode.querySelectorAll("span")].forEach((span) => {
    const spanText = span.textContent;
    node.innerHTML = preNode.outerHTML;
    // Remove hierarchy
    // Remove useless sections
    const sections = doc.querySelectorAll(".col-content > section");
    [...sections].forEach((node, index) => {
    const isIndex = node?.getAttribute("class")?.includes("tsd-index");
    const isLastChild = sections?.length === index + 1;
    const isValid = isIndex || isLastChild;
    if (!isValid) node?.remove();
    if (isIndex) {
    // Remove toc title "index"
    if (isLastChild) {
    // Remove source code link and desc elements
    const lastChild = HTMLParser.parse(node.innerHTML);
    [...lastChild.querySelectorAll("ul.tsd-signatures")].forEach((i) =>
    [...lastChild.querySelectorAll("aside.tsd-sources")].forEach((i) =>
    node.innerHTML = lastChild.outerHTML;
    [...doc.querySelectorAll(".tsd-index-section")].forEach((node) => {
    const sectionNode = HTMLParser.parse(node.innerHTML);
    const title = sectionNode.querySelector("h3");
    if (title?.textContent === "Methods") {
    [...sectionNode.querySelectorAll("a")].forEach((aNode) => {
    const ahref = aNode?.getAttribute("href")?.split("#")?.pop();
    const newHref = #${ahref};
    aNode.setAttribute("href", newHref);
    } else {
    node.innerHTML = sectionNode.outerHTML;
    // only need article title & body html
    doc.querySelector(".tsd-panel.tsd-typography p")?.remove();
    const isDupTitle = doc.querySelectorAll("h1")?.length > 1;
    const docTitleHTML = isDupTitle ? "" : doc.querySelector("h1").outerHTML;
    doc =
    docTitleHTML +
    doc.querySelector(".container-main .col-content").innerHTML;
    return { docHTML: doc };
    handleApiFiles(doc2html, {
    category: "milvus-sdk-node",

// handlePyFiles only support docs v1.x // /** // * handle html pages under ${parentPath}/${version} and fromat them // * @param {string} parentPath api category dir path, such as "src/pages/APIReference/pymilvus" // * @param {string} version api version, such as "v1.0.1" // * @param {array} apiFiles pages under ${parentPath}/${version} will be formatted and pushed to apiFiles // / // const handlePyFiles = (parentPath, version, apiFiles) => { // /* // * Get the TOC item index as menu item order. // * @param {array} toctree TOC tree. // * @returns {number} Current TOC item index, default is the length. // */ // const calculateOrder = toctree => { // for (let i = 0; i < toctree.length; i++) { // const isCurrent = toctree[i]?.getAttribute("class")?.includes("current"); // if (isCurrent) return i; // } // return toctree.length; // }; // const doc2html = doc => { // // remove useless link // [...doc.querySelectorAll(".reference.internal .viewcode-link")].forEach( // node => { // node.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(node.parentNode); // } // ); // const leftNav = doc.querySelectorAll(".toctree-l1"); // const title = doc?.querySelector("h1")?.textContent?.slice(0, -1); // const order = calculateOrder([...leftNav]); // // Add for

//     [...doc.querySelectorAll("pre")].forEach(node => {
//       const preNode = HTMLParser.parse(node.innerHTML);
//       // Remove all unescaped HTML, here's , which cause highlight warning.
//       // highlightjs/highlight.js#2886
//       [...preNode.querySelectorAll("span")].forEach(span => {
//         const spanText = span.textContent;
//         span.replaceWith(spanText);
//       });
//       node.innerHTML = <code>${preNode.outerHTML}</code>;
//     });
//     // only need article body html
//     doc = doc.querySelector("[itemprop=articleBody] > div").innerHTML;
//     return { docHTML: doc, title, order };
//   };
//   handleApiFiles(doc2html, apiFiles, {
//     parentPath,
//     version,
//     category: "pymilvus",
//   });
// };

const args = process.argv.slice(2);

const main = (args) => { // console.log(args); if (args.length !== 3) throw new Error("args should be category, version, srcPath"); const [category, version, from] = args; const dirs = [ "pymilvus", "milvus-sdk-go", "milvus-sdk-java", "milvus-sdk-node", ];

switch (category) { case "pymilvus": handlePyFilesWithOrm(from, version); break; case "milvus-sdk-go": handleGoFiles(from, version); break; case "milvus-sdk-java": handleJavaFiles(from, version); break; case "milvus-sdk-node": handleNodeFiles(from, version); break; default: throw new Error(Category should only be one of ${dirs}); } };
