id |
socketio |
WebSocket wrapper for Fiber with events support and inspired by
Note: Requires Go 1.20 and above
go get -u
go get -u
// Initialize new socketio in the callback this will
// execute a callback that expects kws *Websocket Object
// and optional config websocket.Config
func New(callback func(kws *Websocket), config ...websocket.Config) func(*fiber.Ctx) error
// Add listener callback for an event into the listeners list
func On(event string, callback func(payload *EventPayload))
// Emit the message to a specific socket uuids list
// Ignores all errors
func EmitToList(uuids []string, message []byte)
// Emit to a specific socket connection
func EmitTo(uuid string, message []byte) error
// Broadcast to all the active connections
// except avoid broadcasting the message to itself
func Broadcast(message []byte)
// Fire custom event on all connections
func Fire(event string, data []byte)
package main
import (
// MessageObject Basic chat message object
type MessageObject struct {
Data string `json:"data"`
From string `json:"from"`
Event string `json:"event"`
To string `json:"to"`
func main() {
// The key for the map is
clients := make(map[string]string)
// Start a new Fiber application
app := fiber.New()
// Setup the middleware to retrieve the data sent in first GET request
app.Use(func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
// IsWebSocketUpgrade returns true if the client
// requested upgrade to the WebSocket protocol.
if websocket.IsWebSocketUpgrade(c) {
c.Locals("allowed", true)
return c.Next()
return fiber.ErrUpgradeRequired
// Multiple event handling supported
socketio.On(socketio.EventConnect, func(ep *socketio.EventPayload) {
fmt.Printf("Connection event 1 - User: %s", ep.Kws.GetStringAttribute("user_id"))
// Custom event handling supported
socketio.On("CUSTOM_EVENT", func(ep *socketio.EventPayload) {
fmt.Printf("Custom event - User: %s", ep.Kws.GetStringAttribute("user_id"))
// --->
// --->
// On message event
socketio.On(socketio.EventMessage, func(ep *socketio.EventPayload) {
fmt.Printf("Message event - User: %s - Message: %s", ep.Kws.GetStringAttribute("user_id"), string(ep.Data))
message := MessageObject{}
// Unmarshal the json message
// {
// "from": "<user-id>",
// "to": "<recipient-user-id>",
// "event": "CUSTOM_EVENT",
// "data": "hello"
err := json.Unmarshal(ep.Data, &message)
if err != nil {
// Fire custom event based on some
// business logic
if message.Event != "" {
ep.Kws.Fire(message.Event, []byte(message.Data))
// Emit the message directly to specified user
err = ep.Kws.EmitTo(clients[message.To], ep.Data, socketio.TextMessage)
if err != nil {
// On disconnect event
socketio.On(socketio.EventDisconnect, func(ep *socketio.EventPayload) {
// Remove the user from the local clients
delete(clients, ep.Kws.GetStringAttribute("user_id"))
fmt.Printf("Disconnection event - User: %s", ep.Kws.GetStringAttribute("user_id"))
// On close event
// This event is called when the server disconnects the user actively with .Close() method
socketio.On(socketio.EventClose, func(ep *socketio.EventPayload) {
// Remove the user from the local clients
delete(clients, ep.Kws.GetStringAttribute("user_id"))
fmt.Printf("Close event - User: %s", ep.Kws.GetStringAttribute("user_id"))
// On error event
socketio.On(socketio.EventError, func(ep *socketio.EventPayload) {
fmt.Printf("Error event - User: %s", ep.Kws.GetStringAttribute("user_id"))
app.Get("/ws/:id", socketio.New(func(kws *socketio.Websocket) {
// Retrieve the user id from endpoint
userId := kws.Params("id")
// Add the connection to the list of the connected clients
// The UUID is generated randomly and is the key that allow
// socketio to manage Emit/EmitTo/Broadcast
clients[userId] = kws.UUID
// Every websocket connection has an optional session key => value storage
kws.SetAttribute("user_id", userId)
//Broadcast to all the connected users the newcomer
kws.Broadcast([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("New user connected: %s and UUID: %s", userId, kws.UUID)), true, socketio.TextMessage)
//Write welcome message
kws.Emit([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Hello user: %s with UUID: %s", userId, kws.UUID)), socketio.TextMessage)
Const | Event | Description |
EventMessage | message |
Fired when a Text/Binary message is received |
EventPing | ping |
More details here |
EventPong | pong |
Refer to ping description |
EventDisconnect | disconnect |
Fired on disconnection. The error provided in disconnection event as defined in RFC 6455, section 11.7. |
EventConnect | connect |
Fired on first connection |
EventClose | close |
Fired when the connection is actively closed from the server. Different from client disconnection |
EventError | error |
Fired when some error appears useful also for debugging websockets |
Variable | Type | Description |
Kws | *Websocket |
The connection object |
Name | string |
The name of the event |
SocketUUID | string |
Unique connection UUID |
SocketAttributes | map[string]string |
Optional websocket attributes |
Error | error |
(optional) Fired from disconnection or error events |
Data | []byte |
Data used on Message and on Error event, contains the payload for custom events |
Name | Type | Description |
SetAttribute | void |
Set a specific attribute for the specific socket connection |
GetUUID | string |
Get socket connection UUID |
SetUUID | error |
Set socket connection UUID |
GetAttribute | string |
Get a specific attribute from the socket attributes |
EmitToList | void |
Emit the message to a specific socket uuids list |
EmitTo | error |
Emit to a specific socket connection |
Broadcast | void |
Broadcast to all the active connections except broadcasting the message to itself |
Fire | void |
Fire custom event |
Emit | void |
Emit/Write the message into the given connection |
Close | void |
Actively close the connection from the server |
Note: the FastHTTP connection can be accessed directly from the instance