Setup helm repo
helm repo add evryfs-oss https://evryfs.github.io/helm-charts/ helm repo update
Create a file with below contents - values.yaml
ingress: enabled: true tls: enabled: false secretName: "" annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx ## allow large bom.xml uploads: nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: 10m host: minikube.local
Install Dependendency Track helm chart with custom values.yaml
kubectl create ns dependency-track helm upgrade dependency-track evryfs-oss/dependency-track --namespace dependency-track -f ./values.yaml
Run command
minikube ip
$ minikube ip $
Add a entry for in /etc/hosts file for the ip and ingress host name
sudo vi /etc/hosts #Add the below line minikube.local
Note: Replace the ip with the actual minikube ip from above step.
Access Dependency track with below name.
open http://minikube.local
Note: The default password for dependency track is admin/admin