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296 lines (201 loc) · 10.3 KB

File metadata and controls

296 lines (201 loc) · 10.3 KB

This file documents the activities required before we release version 3.0.0 of the library.

Very little testing has been done in 16 bit images.

Perhaps the most pressing issue is to create a good set of tests for

each of the tools. So far we only have tests for PTmender (and only 2).

Input formats

Create tests for various input formats, particularly stereographic and equisolid.


  • equisolid and Albert Equal Area are the same.
  • We need to correctly implement

What we need:

PTmender. We need to test each of the projections, and each of the

different types of input projections.

All others: they desperately need a test.

Issues with creating the tests:

tiffcmp is good for comparing just the data in tiffs. But once one

starts using the non-deterministic parts of panotools (such as colour correction and feathering) it is impossible to use them. What we need is some type of program that reads the data inside an image and compares it to be “similar” within certain threshold.

we also need the equivalent of tiffcmp for PSDs, where we can

specify we want to compare the data, not the metadata. The small parser I have written might be exactly what we need: ignore all metadata. It might be necessary to compare the “layer and masks block”, but not the ColorModedDataBlock or the Metadata block. It might not be as easy as it sounds, because offset might have shifted.

====================================================================== KNOWN BUGS:

All tools:

  • Update make file to include resource files for version info.
  • perspective.c, and remap.c are all using transForm instead of the new transformEx. This is needed to take advantage of the new AntiAliasing functions. Requires creating inverse stack.
  • Command line processing. All tools should have similar command line processing. This needs to be checked, and updated, if necessary.
    • I have updated most of them to be consistent, but I might have missed something. Needs to be checked.
  • PTcrop tries to read the entire image at once. With a huge image I got a segfault from inside libtiff. It needs to be rewritten to read only one line at a time (not critical for 3.0.0, but it would be nice).
  • PTroller runs extremely slow. I need to find out why. (not critical for 3.0.0)
  • PTtiff2psd. I fixed a major bug in the implementation of writing the metadata. I suspect that there are still some “issues” regarding this. I have also written a small top-down parser to verify the data written.



  • The Albers projection is ignoring the field-of-view and it is computing a 360 degrees in all cases.


  • PTmender is not properly calculating ROI for some images. In particular (at least) circular fisheyes that cover the zenit or the nadir. Currently these types of images require full size processing (as opposed to cropped processing).



Create PSDs of one layer 8 and 16 bit images


After 3.0.0:


  • Output a text file with the names of the files processed and extra information, such as size
  • If somebody wants full compatibility with PTstitcher, a new program can be added that does all the work. It will be a “superset” of many of the current pano tools.



  • Feature: Create photoshop curves and maps for HSV colour corrections. Probably not for 3.0.0



  • PTroller: Add the ability to stack and add composing images (PTtiff2psd is able to do stacking and compositing)




  • It needs to be able to crop images as a “set” (that is, compute the bounding rectangle of a group of images) not only as a single one.
  • Compute the inner rectangle with the largest area (not a priority)



Create PSDs of one layer 8 and 16 bit images


Ready for 3.0.0


  • Allow tools to read their parameters from the PTstitcher script.
  • Add support to all the tools for 16 bit, and 32 bit images (it is kind of mixed at this point)


  • Pre-compute which images could actually overlap from their TIFF offsets, adding only these to a linked list of pairs. Might as well support cropped TIFFs where possible. This will really help people who do >20 image multi-row sphericals (since the current algorithm loops over all pixels in the image N^2 times). For such panos, it may even be worth calling PTcrop (when it exists) first on the uncropped images.
  • Replace the two inner nested loops in ReadHistogram with one loop over the linked list of “possible match” images, and invert the order of the loops:

    for (each row) { read_row_from_images(row,&row_buffer); // careful with crop for (each match in matching_images_list) { if (row intersects both image boundaries) { for (each pix in row) { if pixel_include(row,pix,im1,im2,trim) add_to_histogram(pix,match); } } } }

  • Factor out the code which decides whether to use a given pixel in the histogram into a separate function (pixel_include() above), and pass it an options structure which gives it what it needs to know (the optional trim factors, etc., called ‘trim’ above). This is also where separate mask data could be used, but the “graymask” method currently employed may obviate that.
  • Simplify the actual histogram remapping and subsequent color correction code:
    1. Always match all three histograms, RGB. Impose “brightness only” or other constraints on the mapping functions at the very end (see below). No HSV computations are ever performed.
    2. Use a single routine to compute a mapping function (table) from histogram 1 (source) to histogram 2 (target). This routine will simply:

    a. Form cumulative totals of the both histograms. b. Create the 256 element floating point mapping function z which maps between them (one for each of RGB).

    This function will be called many times, so needs to be short and sweet.

    1. Build a ragged array of length n_images, with each element holding a linked list of all other images to which it matches, keeping track of pixel overlap count, and omitting matches without enough pixels in overlap.
    2. Compute the floating point mapping functions z for all pairs in the ragged array.. There is one z per pair for each of RBG.
    3. “Anneal” the (potentially long list of) mapping functions z over the entire image:

    a. For each image, compute a master mapping function m for the image, from the overlapping pixel count-weighted average of all the modified sub-functions to all neighbors.

    b. The modified sub-function z’ to a neighbor will depend on i) the mapping function between the two, z, and ii) the master function m of the neighbor, as:

    z’=m^-1 z

    The inverse of a mapping function m is that function which, when m is run through it, produces the unit vector (0..255). In the first round, all master functions are set to the unit vector (0..255), and z’=z.

    c. Repeatedly iterate over all images in this way until all master mapping functions converge. Convergence can progress non-uniformly (image by image); each image is marked as converged once its master function converges.

    Note that a reference image is no longer needed… the average best mapping to make all images compatible is automatically developed (e.g. for a range of brightnesses, the “average” brightness will be targeted). If a reference image is desired, it is marked “converged” before the first round of annealing, and everything proceeds in the same manner.

    1. Normalize each image’s annealed master mapping function, subject to the (optional) user constraints:

    -t 1 (brightness only): m(r) = m(g) = m(b) (one average table). -t 2 (color only): m(r) + m(g) + m(b) = I (unit vector)

    1. Convert all normalized, annealed master mapping tables to byte, by rounding, perhaps with some care taken to avoid banding caused by large gaps.
    2. Run each image’s data through its master mapping table and write out to output image.
  • No flattening (separate tool).
  • Add an optional debug switch to enable all that Debug.txt output (just to stdout).


Hello I used ptmender to play with the projections. I use the SVN-source from SF. I converted a equirectangular panorama to lambertazimuthal projection. I had the problem that the resulting image-file often displays not the whole projection. The reason for this problem seems to be the x_jump in the getROI-function:

Depending on the image size and because of the x_jumping getROI calculates sometimes wrong left/right values.

I could solve my problems by changing the line 504 in PTcommon.c from x_jump = (y==0 || y==TrPtr->src->height) ? 1 : TrPtr->src->width/2; into x_jump = (y==0 || y==TrPtr->src->height || abs(y - TrPtr->src->height/2)<=5) ? 1 : TrPtr->src->width/2;