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This Helm chart installs Argus. A LogicMonitor account is required.

Install Argus:

Get the configuration file downloaded from the LogicMonitor UI or you can create from the template here.

Update configuration parameters in configuration file.

# Export the configuration file path & use it in the helm command.
$ export ARGUS_CONF_FILE=<argus-configuration-file-path>

$ helm upgrade \
  --install \
  --debug \
  --wait \
  --namespace="$NAMESPACE" \
  argus logicmonitor/argus

Required Values:

  • accessID (default: ""): The LogicMonitor API key ID.
  • accessKey (default: ""): The LogicMonitor API key.
  • account (default: ""): The LogicMonitor account name.
  • clusterName (default: ""): A unique name given to the cluster's resource group.
  • debug (default: false): To enable verbose logging at debug level.
  • deleteDevices (default: true): On a delete event, either delete from LogicMonitor or move the resource to the _deleted resource group.
  • disableAlerting (default: false): Disables LogicMonitor alerting for all the cluster resources.
  • collector.replicas (default: 1): The number of collectors to create and use with Argus.
  • collector.size (default: ""): The collector size to install. Can be nano, small, medium, or large.
  • collector.imageRepository (default: logicmonitor/collector): The image repository of the Collector container.
  • collector.imageTag: The image tag of the Collector container.
  • collector.imagePullPolicy (default: Always): The image pull policy of the Collector container.
  • collector.secretName (default: "collector"): The Secret resource name of the collectors.

Optional Values:

  • enableRBAC (default: true): Enable RBAC. If your cluster does not have RBAC enabled, this value should be set to false.
  • clusterGroupID (default: 0): A parent group id of the cluster's resource group.
  • etcdDiscoveryToken (default: ""): The public etcd discovery token used to add etcd hosts to the cluster resource group.
  • imagePullPolicy (default: "Always"): The image pull policy of the Argus container.
  • imageRepository (default: "logicmonitor/argus"): The image respository of the Argus container.
  • imageTag: The image tag of the Argus container.
  • proxyURL (default: ""): The Http/s proxy url.
  • proxyUser (default: ""): The Http/s proxy username.
  • proxyPass (default: ""): The Http/s proxy password.
  • nodeSelector (default: {}): It provides the simplest way to run Pod on particular Node(s) based on labels on the node.
  • affinity (default: {}): It allows you to constrain which nodes your pod is eligible to be scheduled on.
  • priorityClassName (default: ""): The priority class name for Pod priority. If this parameter is set then user must have PriorityClass resource created otherwise Pod will be rejected.
  • tolerations (default: []): Tolerations are applied to pods, and allow the pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints.
  • filters.pod (default: ""): The filtered expression for Pod resource type. Based on this parameter, Pods would be added/deleted for discovery on LM.
  • filters.service (default: ""): The filtered expression for Service resource type. Based on this parameter, Services would be added/deleted for discovery on LM.
  • filters.node (default: ""): The filtered expression for Node resource type. Based on this parameter, Nodes would be added/deleted for discovery on LM.
  • filters.deployment (default: ""): The filtered expression for Deployment resource type. Based on this parameter, Deployments would be added/deleted for discovery on LM.
  • collector.groupID (default: 0): The ID of the group of the collectors.
  • collector.escalationChainID (default: 0): The ID of the escalation chain of the collectors.
  • collector.collectorVersion (default: 0): The version of the collectors.
  • collector.useEA (default: false): On a collector downloading event, either download the latest EA version or the latest GD version.
  • collector.proxyURL (default: ""): The Http/s proxy url of the collectors.
  • collector.proxyUser (default: ""): The Http/s proxy username of the collectors.
  • collector.proxyPass (default: ""): The Http/s proxy password of the collectors.
  • collector.statefulsetspec: Holds the Collector pod's Statefulfulset specification as per the Kubernetes statefulset object's spec format. Refer statefulset basics for more info

Tolerations Example:

$ helm upgrade --reuse-values \
  --set tolerations[0].key="key1" \
  --set tolerations[0].operator="Equal" \
  --set tolerations[0].value="value1" \
  --set tolerations[0].effect="NoSchedule" \
  argus logicmonitor/argus

Discovery Filter Example:

helm upgrade --reuse-values \
  --set filters.deployment="app =~ 'QA' || app =~ 'Dev'"
  --set filters.pod="app =~ 'node-app'" \
  --set filters.service=\"*\"
  argus logicmonitor/argus

Discovery Filter Example:

helm upgrade --reuse-values \
  --set filters.deployment="app =~ 'QA' || app =~ 'Dev'"
  --set filters.pod="app =~ 'node-app'" \
  --set filters.service=\"*\"
  argus logicmonitor/argus